blob: 8b3c0dd7fdf95fa446b7f36976c1b9586165d0d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: (Huibao Lin)
* Creates a context for color analysis.
* @constructor
mob.Color = function() {};
* Machine epsilon (EPSILON) used in this file. This is the minimum value to be
* considered non-zero.
* @private @const
mob.Color.prototype.EPSILON_ = 1e-10;
* Minimum contrast of theme colors. For 2 colors, contrast is defined as the
* ratio between the larger brightness and the smaller brightness.
* @private @const
mob.Color.prototype.MIN_CONTRAST_ = 3;
* Creates a theme color object.
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} background
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} foreground
* @struct
* @constructor
* @private
mob.Color.ThemeColors_ = function(background, foreground) {
/** @type {!goog.color.Rgb} */
this.background = background;
/** @type {!goog.color.Rgb} */
this.foreground = foreground;
* Distance between two RGB colors.
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} rgb1
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} rgb2
* @private
* @return {number}
mob.Color.prototype.distance_ = function(rgb1, rgb2) {
if (rgb1.length != 3 || rgb2.length != 3) {
return Infinity;
var dif0 = (rgb1[0] - rgb2[0]);
var dif1 = (rgb1[1] - rgb2[1]);
var dif2 = (rgb1[2] - rgb2[2]);
return Math.sqrt(dif0 * dif0 + dif1 * dif1 + dif2 * dif2);
* Convert a value from sRGB to RGB.
* Input range [0, 255], output range [0, 1];
* @param {number} v255
* @private
* @return {number}
mob.Color.prototype.srgbToRgb_ = function(v255) {
var v = v255 / 255;
if (v <= 0.03928) {
v = v / 12.92;
} else {
v = Math.pow(((v + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
return v;
* Extract luminance from RGB.
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} sRgb
* @private
* @return {number}
mob.Color.prototype.rgbToGray_ = function(sRgb) {
var v = 0.2126 * this.srgbToRgb_(sRgb[0]) +
0.7152 * this.srgbToRgb_(sRgb[1]) + 0.0722 * this.srgbToRgb_(sRgb[2]);
return v;
* Enhance colors if they don't have enough contrast. To enhance the contrast,
* we increase the difference of luminance, but keep their colors.
* @param {!mob.Color.ThemeColors_} themeColors
* @private
* @return {!mob.Color.ThemeColors_}
mob.Color.prototype.enhanceColors_ = function(themeColors) {
var bk = themeColors.background;
var fr = themeColors.foreground;
var bkGray = this.rgbToGray_(bk);
var frGray = this.rgbToGray_(fr);
// If both background and foreground are black, we can't enhance the colors.
if (bkGray < this.EPSILON_ && frGray < this.EPSILON_) {
return themeColors;
// If the colors already have enough contrast, we're all set.
var contrast = frGray / bkGray;
if (contrast < 1) {
contrast = 1 / contrast;
if (contrast > this.MIN_CONTRAST_) {
return themeColors;
// To enhance contrast, we convert the colors from RGB to HSV. We keep the
// hue (H) and saturation (S) components, so the color will not be changed.
// We increase the contrast by only modifying the luminance (V) component.
var bkHsv = goog.color.rgbArrayToHsv(bk);
var frHsv = goog.color.rgbArrayToHsv(fr);
var minV = null;
var maxV = null;
if (bkHsv[2] < frHsv[2]) {
minV = bkHsv[2];
maxV = frHsv[2];
} else {
minV = frHsv[2];
maxV = bkHsv[2];
var delta = ((this.MIN_CONTRAST_ * minV) - maxV) / (this.MIN_CONTRAST_ + 1);
if (minV > delta) {
minV = minV - delta;
} else {
minV = 0;
if (maxV < 1 - 2 * delta) {
maxV += 2 * delta;
} else {
maxV = 255;
if (bkHsv[2] < frHsv[2]) {
bkHsv[2] = minV;
frHsv[2] = maxV;
} else {
frHsv[2] = minV;
bkHsv[2] = maxV;
bk = goog.color.hsvArrayToRgb(bkHsv);
fr = goog.color.hsvArrayToRgb(frHsv);
return (new mob.Color.ThemeColors_(bk, fr));
* Compute the theme colors of an image. The theme colors have two components:
* - background: this is the color of the image border if it is not very
* transparent (average alpha is greater than 0.5); or the background color
* otherwise.
* - foreground: this is computed from the image center, by excluding colors
* which is close to the background.
* @param {!Uint8ClampedArray} pixels Pixels in RGBA format
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} bkColor Background color in RGB format
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @private
* @return {!mob.Color.ThemeColors_}
mob.Color.prototype.computeColors_ = function(pixels, bkColor, width, height) {
// Blend the background color into pixels.
var rgb = [];
var x, y, idx;
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
var idxIn = 4 * (y * width + x);
var idxOut = 3 * (y * width + x);
var rf = pixels[idxIn + 3] / 255;
var rb = 1 - rf;
rgb[idxOut] = rf * pixels[idxIn] + rb * bkColor[0];
rgb[idxOut + 1] = rf * pixels[idxIn + 1] + rb * bkColor[1];
rgb[idxOut + 2] = rf * pixels[idxIn + 2] + rb * bkColor[2];
var bk = [0, 0, 0];
var numBk = 0;
var alpha = 0;
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
var idxPixel = ((height - 1) * width + x);
idx = 3 * idxPixel;
bk[0] += rgb[idx];
bk[1] += rgb[idx + 1];
bk[2] += rgb[idx + 2];
alpha += pixels[4 * idxPixel + 3];
// If the border is at least half transparent, we just use the background
// color without considering the logo image.
if (alpha > 0.5 * 255 * numBk) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
bk[i] = Math.floor(bk[i] / numBk);
} else {
bk = bkColor;
// Compute the color difference between pixels at image center and the
// background.
var xStart = Math.floor(0.25 * width);
var xEnd = Math.floor(0.75 * width);
var yStart = Math.floor(0.25 * height);
var yEnd = Math.floor(0.75 * height);
var j = 0;
var disList = [];
for (y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) {
for (x = xStart; x <= xEnd; ++x) {
idx = 3 * (y * width + x);
disList[j] = this.distance_(rgb.slice(idx, idx + 3), bk);
// Find out the pixels whose color is most different from the background
// (top 25%), and average their colors.
var disSorted = disList.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; });
var threshold = Math.max(1, disSorted[Math.floor(j * 0.75)]);
var numFr = 0;
var fr = [0, 0, 0];
for (y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) {
for (x = xStart; x <= xEnd; ++x) {
idx = 3 * (y * width + x);
var d = this.distance_(rgb.slice(idx, idx + 3), bk);
if (d >= threshold) {
fr[0] += rgb[idx];
fr[1] += rgb[idx + 1];
fr[2] += rgb[idx + 2];
if (numFr > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
fr[i] = Math.floor(fr[i] / numFr);
// Ehance the colors, if they don't have enough contrast.
return this.enhanceColors_(new mob.Color.ThemeColors_(bk, fr));
* Compute theme color from the logo image and background color.
* @param {!Element} imageElement
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} backgroundColor
* @private
* @return {!mob.Color.ThemeColors_}
mob.Color.prototype.computeThemeColor_ = function(imageElement,
backgroundColor) {
var width = imageElement.naturalWidth;
var height = imageElement.naturalHeight;
var canvas =
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(imageElement, 0, 0);
var foregroundData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
var colors = this.computeColors_(
/** @type {!Uint8ClampedArray} */ (, backgroundColor,
width, height);
return colors;
* Compute theme color or return the default color.
* @param {?Element} imageElement
* @param {?goog.color.Rgb} backgroundColor
* @return {!mob.Color.ThemeColors_}
*/ = function(imageElement, backgroundColor) {
if (imageElement) {
if (!mob.util.isCrossOrigin(imageElement.src)) {
mob.util.consoleLog('Found logo. Theme color will be computed ' +
'from logo.');
return this.computeThemeColor_(imageElement,
backgroundColor || [255, 255, 255]);
} else {
mob.util.consoleLog('Found logo but its origin is different ' +
'from that of HTML. Using default color.');
} else {
mob.util.consoleLog('Did not find logo. Using default color.');
var foregroundColor = [0, 0, 0];
if (backgroundColor) {
// Use white foreground if the background is dark; or black foreground
// otherwise.
var hsv = goog.color.rgbArrayToHsv(backgroundColor);
if (hsv[2] <= 0.7 * 255) {
foregroundColor = [255, 255, 255];
} else {
backgroundColor = [255, 255, 255];
return (new mob.Color.ThemeColors_(backgroundColor, foregroundColor));