blob: 9981acc7b349ba345df43fb225204184db7cdf48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Ben VanBerkum)
// Author: (Shawn Ligocki)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/statistics_logger.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/abstract_mutex.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/escaping.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/file_writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/file_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_keywords.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
// Note that some of the statistics named below are really
// UpDownCounters. For now, we don't segregate them, but we just
// figure out at initialization time which is which.
// Variables used in /pagespeed_console. These will all be logged and
// are the default set of variables sent back in JSON requests.
const char* const kConsoleVars[] = {
"serf_fetch_failure_count", "serf_fetch_request_count",
"resource_url_domain_rejections", "resource_url_domain_acceptances",
"cache_backend_misses", "cache_backend_hits", "cache_expirations",
"css_filter_parse_failures", "css_filter_blocks_rewritten",
"javascript_minification_failures", "javascript_blocks_minified",
"image_rewrites", "image_rewrites_dropped_nosaving_resize",
"css_combine_opportunities", "css_file_count_reduction",
// Other variables we want to log.
const char* const kOtherLoggedVars[] = {
// Variables used by /mod_pagespeed_temp_statistics_graphs
// Note: It's fine that there are duplicates here.
// TODO(sligocki): Remove this in favor of the /pagespeed_console vars.
// Should we also add other stats for future/other use?
"num_flushes", "cache_hits", "cache_misses",
"num_fallback_responses_served", "slurp_404_count", "page_load_count",
"total_page_load_ms", "num_rewrites_executed", "num_rewrites_dropped",
"resource_404_count", "serf_fetch_request_count",
"serf_fetch_bytes_count", "image_ongoing_rewrites",
"javascript_total_bytes_saved", "css_filter_total_bytes_saved",
"image_rewrite_total_bytes_saved", "image_norewrites_high_resolution",
"image_rewrites_dropped_due_to_load", "image_rewrites_dropped_intentionally",
"flatten_imports_charset_mismatch", "flatten_imports_invalid_url",
"flatten_imports_limit_exceeded", "flatten_imports_minify_failed",
"flatten_imports_recursion", "css_filter_parse_failures",
"converted_meta_tags", "javascript_minification_failures",
const char* const kGraphsVars[] = {
// Variables used in /pagespeed_admin/graphs.
// Note: It's fine that some variables here are already listed above.
"pcache-cohorts-dom_deletes", "pcache-cohorts-beacon_cohort_misses",
"pcache-cohorts-dom_inserts", "pcache-cohorts-dom_misses",
"pcache-cohorts-beacon_cohort_deletes", "pcache-cohorts-beacon_cohort_hits",
"pcache-cohorts-beacon_cohort_inserts", "pcache-cohorts-dom_hits",
"rewrite_cached_output_missed_deadline", "rewrite_cached_output_hits",
"rewrite_cached_output_misses", "url_input_resource_hit",
"url_input_resource_recent_fetch_failure", "serf_fetch_bytes_count",
"url_input_resource_miss", "serf_fetch_request_count", "lru_cache_hits",
"serf_fetch_time_duration_ms", "serf_fetch_cancel_count",
"serf_fetch_timeout_count", "serf_fetch_failure_count", "http_bytes_fetched",
"serf_fetch_active_count", "lru_cache_deletes", "serf_fetch_cert_errors",
"lru_cache_inserts", "lru_cache_misses", "file_cache_bytes_freed_in_cleanup",
"file_cache_cleanups", "file_cache_disk_checks", "file_cache_evictions",
"file_cache_write_errors", "file_cache_deletes", "file_cache_hits",
"file_cache_inserts", "file_cache_misses", "http_fetches",
"http_approx_header_bytes_fetched", "image_rewrite_total_bytes_saved",
"image_rewrite_total_original_bytes", "image_rewrite_uses",
"image_rewrite_latency_total_ms", "image_rewrites_dropped_intentionally",
"image_rewrites_dropped_decode_failure", "cache_misses", "ipro_not_in_cache",
"image_rewrites_dropped_mime_type_unknown", "cache_fallbacks",
"image_rewrites_dropped_server_write_fail", "cache_inserts",
"image_rewrites_dropped_nosaving_resize", "cache_flush_timestamp_ms",
"image_rewrites_dropped_nosaving_noresize", "ipro_served",
"ipro_not_rewritable", "ipro_recorder_resources", "cache_deletes",
"ipro_recorder_inserted_into_cache", "ipro_recorder_not_cacheable",
"ipro_recorder_failed", "ipro_recorder_dropped_due_to_load",
"ipro_recorder_dropped_due_to_size", "shm_cache_deletes", "shm_cache_hits",
"shm_cache_inserts", "shm_cache_misses", "memcached_async_deletes",
"memcached_async_hits", "memcached_async_inserts", "memcached_async_misses",
"memcached_blocking_deletes", "memcached_blocking_hits", "cache_expirations",
"memcached_blocking_inserts", "memcached_blocking_misses", "cache_time_us",
"cache_hits", "cache_backend_hits", "cache_backend_misses",
"cache_extensions", "cache_batcher_dropped_gets", "cache_flush_count",
} // namespace
int64 update_interval_ms, int64 max_logfile_size_kb,
const StringPiece& logfile_name, MutexedScalar* last_dump_timestamp,
MessageHandler* message_handler, Statistics* stats,
FileSystem* file_system, Timer* timer)
: last_dump_timestamp_(last_dump_timestamp),
max_logfile_size_kb_(max_logfile_size_kb) {
StatisticsLogger::~StatisticsLogger() {
void StatisticsLogger::Init() {
// List of statistics to log.
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kConsoleVars); i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kOtherLoggedVars); i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kGraphsVars); i < n; ++i) {
void StatisticsLogger::InitStatsForTest() {
// List of statistics to log.
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kConsoleVars); i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kOtherLoggedVars); i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kGraphsVars); i < n; ++i) {
void StatisticsLogger::AddVariable(StringPiece var_name) {
VariableOrCounter var_or_counter;
var_or_counter.first = statistics_->FindVariable(var_name);
if (var_or_counter.first == NULL) {
var_or_counter.second = statistics_->GetUpDownCounter(var_name);
variables_to_log_[var_name] = var_or_counter;
void StatisticsLogger::UpdateAndDumpIfRequired() {
int64 current_time_ms = timer_->NowMs();
AbstractMutex* mutex = last_dump_timestamp_->mutex();
if (mutex == NULL) {
// Avoid blocking if the dump is already happening in another thread/process.
if (mutex->TryLock()) {
if (current_time_ms >=
(last_dump_timestamp_->GetLockHeld() + update_interval_ms_)) {
// It's possible we'll need to do some of the following here for
// cross-process consistency:
// - flush the logfile before unlock to force out buffered data
FileSystem::OutputFile* statistics_log_file =
logfile_name_.c_str(), message_handler_);
if (statistics_log_file != NULL) {
FileWriter statistics_writer(statistics_log_file);
DumpConsoleVarsToWriter(current_time_ms, &statistics_writer);
file_system_->Close(statistics_log_file, message_handler_);
// Trim logfile if it's over max size.
} else {
"Error opening statistics log file %s.",
// Update timestamp regardless of file write so we don't hit the same
// error many times in a row.
void StatisticsLogger::DumpConsoleVarsToWriter(
int64 current_time_ms, Writer* writer) {
writer->Write(StringPrintf("timestamp: %s\n",
Integer64ToString(current_time_ms).c_str()), message_handler_);
for (VariableMap::const_iterator iter = variables_to_log_.begin();
iter != variables_to_log_.end(); ++iter) {
StringPiece var_name = iter->first;
VariableOrCounter var_or_counter = iter->second;
int64 val = (var_or_counter.first != NULL) ? var_or_counter.first->Get()
: var_or_counter.second->Get();
writer->Write(StrCat(var_name, ": ", Integer64ToString(val), "\n"),
void StatisticsLogger::TrimLogfileIfNeeded() {
int64 size_bytes;
if (file_system_->Size(logfile_name_, &size_bytes, message_handler_) &&
size_bytes > max_logfile_size_kb_ * 1024) {
// TODO(sligocki): Rotate a set of logfiles and just delete the
// oldest one each time instead of deleting the entire log.
// NOTE: Update SharedMemStatisticsTestBase.TestLogfileTrimming when we
// make this change so that it correctly tests the total log size.
file_system_->RemoveFile(logfile_name_.c_str(), message_handler_);
void StatisticsLogger::DumpJSON(
bool dump_for_graphs, const StringSet& var_titles,
int64 start_time, int64 end_time, int64 granularity_ms,
Writer* writer, MessageHandler* message_handler) const {
FileSystem::InputFile* log_file =
file_system_->OpenInputFile(logfile_name_.c_str(), message_handler);
if (log_file == NULL) {
// If logfile_name_ represents a file that doesn't exist, OpenInputFile
// logged an error and log_file will be null. Return an empty json object.
writer->Write("{}", message_handler);
VarMap parsed_var_data;
std::vector<int64> list_of_timestamps;
StatisticsLogfileReader reader(log_file, start_time, end_time,
granularity_ms, message_handler);
if (dump_for_graphs) {
ParseDataForGraphs(&reader, &list_of_timestamps, &parsed_var_data);
} else {
ParseDataFromReader(var_titles, &reader, &list_of_timestamps,
PrintJSON(list_of_timestamps, parsed_var_data, writer, message_handler);
file_system_->Close(log_file, message_handler);
void StatisticsLogger::ParseDataFromReader(
const StringSet& var_titles,
StatisticsLogfileReader* reader,
std::vector<int64>* timestamps, VarMap* var_values) const {
// curr_timestamp starts as 0 because we need to compare it to the first
// timestamp pulled from the file. The current timestamp should always be
// less than the timestamp after it due to the fact that the logfile dumps
// data periodically. This makes sure that all timestamps are >= 0.
int64 curr_timestamp = 0;
// Stores data associated with current timestamp.
GoogleString data;
while (reader->ReadNextDataBlock(&curr_timestamp, &data)) {
// Parse variable data.
std::map<StringPiece, StringPiece> parsed_var_data;
ParseVarDataIntoMap(data, &parsed_var_data);
// Push all variable values. Note: We only save the variables listed in
// var_titles, the rest are disregarded.
for (StringSet::const_iterator iter = var_titles.begin();
iter != var_titles.end(); ++iter) {
const GoogleString& var_title = *iter;
std::map<StringPiece, StringPiece>::const_iterator value_iter =
if (value_iter != parsed_var_data.end()) {
} else {
// If data is not available in this segment, we just push 0 as a place
// holder. We must push something or else it will be ambiguous which
// timestamp corresponds to which variable values.
void StatisticsLogger::ParseDataForGraphs(StatisticsLogfileReader* reader,
std::vector<int64>* timestamps,
VarMap* var_values) const {
int64 curr_timestamp = 0;
GoogleString data;
while (reader->ReadNextDataBlock(&curr_timestamp, &data)) {
std::map<StringPiece, StringPiece> parsed_var_data;
ParseVarDataIntoMap(data, &parsed_var_data);
for (int i = 0, n = arraysize(kGraphsVars); i < n; ++i) {
const GoogleString& var_title = kGraphsVars[i];
std::map<StringPiece, StringPiece>::const_iterator value_iter =
if (value_iter != parsed_var_data.end()) {
} else {
void StatisticsLogger::ParseVarDataIntoMap(
StringPiece logfile_var_data,
std::map<StringPiece, StringPiece>* parsed_var_data) const {
std::vector<StringPiece> lines;
SplitStringPieceToVector(logfile_var_data, "\n", &lines, true);
for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
size_t end_index_of_name = lines[i].find_first_of(":");
StringPiece var_name = lines[i].substr(0, end_index_of_name);
StringPiece var_value_string = lines[i].substr(end_index_of_name + 2);
(*parsed_var_data)[var_name] = var_value_string;
void StatisticsLogger::PrintJSON(
const std::vector<int64>& list_of_timestamps,
const VarMap& parsed_var_data,
Writer* writer, MessageHandler* message_handler) const {
writer->Write("{", message_handler);
writer->Write("\"timestamps\": [", message_handler);
PrintTimestampListAsJSON(list_of_timestamps, writer, message_handler);
writer->Write("],", message_handler);
writer->Write("\"variables\": {", message_handler);
PrintVarDataAsJSON(parsed_var_data, writer, message_handler);
writer->Write("}", message_handler);
writer->Write("}", message_handler);
void StatisticsLogger::PrintTimestampListAsJSON(
const std::vector<int64>& list_of_timestamps, Writer* writer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_of_timestamps.size(); ++i) {
writer->Write(Integer64ToString(list_of_timestamps[i]), message_handler);
if (i != list_of_timestamps.size() - 1) {
writer->Write(", ", message_handler);
void StatisticsLogger::PrintVarDataAsJSON(
const VarMap& parsed_var_data, Writer* writer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) const {
for (VarMap::const_iterator iterator =
parsed_var_data.begin(); iterator != parsed_var_data.end();
++iterator) {
StringPiece var_name = iterator->first;
VariableInfo info = iterator->second;
// If we are at the last entry in the map, we do not
// want the trailing comma as per JSON format.
if (iterator != parsed_var_data.begin()) {
writer->Write(",", message_handler);
GoogleString html_name, json_name;
HtmlKeywords::Escape(var_name, &html_name);
EscapeToJsStringLiteral(html_name, true /* add_quotes*/, &json_name);
writer->Write(json_name, message_handler);
writer->Write(": [", message_handler);
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) {
writer->Write(info[i], message_handler);
// If we are at the last recorded variable, we do not want the
// trailing comma as per JSON format.
if (i != info.size() - 1) {
writer->Write(", ", message_handler);
writer->Write("]", message_handler);
FileSystem::InputFile* file, int64 start_time, int64 end_time,
int64 granularity_ms, MessageHandler* message_handler)
: file_(file),
message_handler_(message_handler) {
StatisticsLogfileReader::~StatisticsLogfileReader() {
bool StatisticsLogfileReader::ReadNextDataBlock(int64* timestamp,
GoogleString* data) {
if (buffer_.size() < 1) {
size_t offset = 0;
// The first line should always be "timestamp: xxx".
// If it's not, we're done; otherwise, we grab the timestamp value.
while (StringPiece(buffer_).substr(offset).starts_with("timestamp: ")) {
int64 old_timestamp = *timestamp;
// If the timestamp was cut off in the middle of the buffer, we need to
// read more into the buffer.
size_t newline_pos = BufferFind("\n", offset);
// Separate the current timestamp from the rest of the data in the buffer.
size_t timestamp_size = STATIC_STRLEN("timestamp: ");
StringPiece timestamp_str = StringPiece(buffer_).substr(
offset + timestamp_size, newline_pos - timestamp_size);
StringToInt64(timestamp_str, timestamp);
// Before ReadNextDataBlock returns, it finds the next occurrence of the
// full string "timestamp: " so that it knows it contains the full data
// block. It then separates the data block from the rest of the data,
// meaning that "timestamp: " should always be the first thing in the
// buffer.
size_t next_timestamp_pos = BufferFind("timestamp: ",
offset + newline_pos + 1);
// Check to make sure that this timestamp fits the criteria. If it doesn't,
// the loop restarts.
if (*timestamp >= start_time_ && *timestamp <= end_time_ &&
*timestamp >= old_timestamp + granularity_ms_) {
*data = buffer_.substr(newline_pos + 1,
next_timestamp_pos - (newline_pos + 1));
buffer_.erase(0, next_timestamp_pos);
return true;
} else {
*timestamp = old_timestamp;
offset = next_timestamp_pos;
return false;
// Finds the string constant search_for in the buffer, continually reading more
// into the buffer if search_for is not found and trying again. Returns the
// position of first occurrence of search_for. If search_for is not found,
// npos is returned.
size_t StatisticsLogfileReader::BufferFind(const char* search_for,
size_t start_at) {
size_t position = buffer_.find(search_for, start_at);
while (position == buffer_.npos) {
int read = FeedBuffer();
if (read == 0) {
return buffer_.npos;
position = buffer_.find(search_for,
buffer_.size() - read - strlen(search_for));
return position;
int StatisticsLogfileReader::FeedBuffer() {
const int kChunkSize = 3000;
char buf[kChunkSize];
int num_read = file_->Read(buf, kChunkSize, message_handler_);
StrAppend(&buffer_, StringPiece(buf, num_read));
return num_read;
} // namespace net_instaweb