blob: b8793e2bf5254b7f09337bc539405582ecfcc5a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Bryan McQuade)
// (Shawn Ligocki)
// (Joshua Marantz)
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
// TODO(jmarantz): This class is temporarily in net_instaweb so that
// it can conveniently reference GoogleString etc. We will move
// all the files in pagespeed/... to be in namespace pagespeed in a
// future change.
// Class to embody computing caching info for Resources.
// This class has two advantages over static functions in resource_util:
// 1) It allows computation to be run once, lazily and saved rather than
// multiple times and thrown away.
// 2) It supplies virtual methods for details of caching policy so that users
// (including Page Speed Automatic) can tweak parts of the policy by
// subclassing and overriding these methods.
class CachingHeaders {
// All StringPieces must outlive the CachingHeaders class.
explicit CachingHeaders(int status_code);
virtual ~CachingHeaders();
// Implementors supply this method to provide HTTP response header values.
virtual bool Lookup(const StringPiece& key, StringPieceVector* values) = 0;
// To obtain correct heuristics on URLs with query-parameters, supply the URL.
void set_url(StringPiece x) { url_ = x; }
// Is the resource privately cacheable, either by explicit caching
// headers or using common caching heuristics? If you want to know
// if the resource is explicitly marked as cacheable, use
// GetFreshnessLifetimeMillis() and test to see that the output
// parameter it positive.
// TODO(sligocki): Rename to IsBrowserCacheable().
bool IsCacheable();
// Is the resource likely to be cached by proxies?
bool IsProxyCacheable();
// Is this resource explicitly marked cacheable?
bool IsExplicitlyCacheable();
// Get the freshness lifetime of hte given resource, using the
// algorithm described in the HTTP/1.1 RFC. Returns true if the
// resource has an explicit freshness lifetime, false otherwise.
// The out parameter is only valid when this function returns true.
bool GetFreshnessLifetimeMillis(int64* out_freshness_lifetime_millis);
// Does the resource have an explicit freshness lifetime? This is just
// a wrapper around GetFreshnessLifetimeMillis().
bool HasExplicitFreshnessLifetime();
// Does the resource have an explicit HTTP header directive that
// indicates it's not cacheable? For instance, Cache-Control: no-cache or
// Pragma: no-cache.
bool HasExplicitNoCacheDirective();
// Determines whether the caching headers have a must-revalidate directive.
bool MustRevalidate();
// Determines whether the caching headers have a proxy-revalidate directive.
bool ProxyRevalidate();
// Tweakable methods
// These methods are virtual so that derived calsses can change the policy
// decisions regarding what constitutes a static resource type and/or what
// constitutes a cacheable resource status code.
// Is the given resource type usually associated wiht static resources?
virtual bool IsLikelyStaticResourceType() const = 0;
// Is the given status code known to be associated with
// static/cacheable resources?
virtual bool IsCacheableResourceStatusCode() const = 0;
bool IsRedirectStatusCode() const;
int status_code() const { return status_code_; }
// Generates a cache-control string for disabling caching, that is strictly
// more conservative than the existing cache-control string.
GoogleString GenerateDisabledCacheControl();
void ParseCacheControlIfNecessary();
// Uses heuristics to test cacheability. Can only be called if no explicit
// cache headers have been set for resource!
bool IsHeuristicallyCacheable();
// Compute values w/o memory. Helper functions to the ones above which lazily
// compute the result and memoize the result.
bool ComputeIsCacheable();
bool ComputeIsProxyCacheable();
bool ComputeIsHeuristicallyCacheable();
bool ComputeFreshnessLifetimeMillis(int64* out_freshness_lifetime_millis);
bool ComputeHasExplicitNoCacheDirective();
// A variable with added bool for whether or not it's been set.
template<class T> class Optional {
Optional() : has_value_(false) {}
~Optional() {}
bool has_value() const { return has_value_; }
T value() const {
// Not meaningful unless has_value() == true.
return value_;
void set_value(T value) {
value_ = value;
has_value_ = true;
T value_;
bool has_value_;
int status_code_;
StringPiece url_;
bool parsed_cache_control_;
// Cache-control settings, read directly from the HTTP header. The bools
// all default to false & can be set true. The max_age is left in !was_set
// state until successfully parsed.
bool public_;
bool private_;
bool no_transform_;
bool must_revalidate_;
bool proxy_revalidate_;
bool no_cache_;
bool no_store_;
bool cache_control_parse_error_;
bool expires_invalid_;
Optional<int> max_age_seconds_;
Optional<int64> expires_ms_;
// Computed caching properties, taking into account response-code, type,
// vary-headers, pragma, etc.
Optional<int64> freshness_lifetime_millis_;
Optional<bool> is_cacheable_;
Optional<bool> is_proxy_cacheable_;
Optional<bool> is_explicitly_cacheable_;
Optional<bool> is_heuristically_cacheable_;
Optional<bool> has_explicit_no_cache_directive_;
} // namespace net_instaweb