blob: 4e2c9fe090b26e1b25459b276b1021c4d35b3dc8 [file] [log] [blame]
start_test Query params and headers are recognized in resource flow.
echo "Image gets rewritten by default."
# TODO(sligocki): Replace this fetch_until with single blocking fetch once
# the blocking rewrite header below works correctly.
fetch_until $URL 'fgrep -c BikeCrashIcn.png.pagespeed.ic' 1
echo "Image doesn't get rewritten when we turn it off with headers."
# The space after '-convert_png_to_jpeg,' is to test that we do strip spaces.
OUT=$($WGET_DUMP --header="X-PSA-Blocking-Rewrite:psatest" \
--header="PageSpeedFilters:-convert_png_to_jpeg, -recompress_png" $URL)
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -q "BikeCrashIcn.png.pagespeed.ic"
# TODO(vchudnov): This test is not doing quite what it advertises. It
# seems to be getting the cached rewritten resource from the previous
# test case and not going into itself. Removing the previous
# test case causes this one to go into We should test with a
# different resource.
echo "Image doesn't get rewritten when we turn it off with query params."
OUT=$($WGET_DUMP --header="X-PSA-Blocking-Rewrite:psatest" \
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -q "BikeCrashIcn.png.pagespeed.ic"