blob: 9a10d33b12bd2526eb20e193da0b0c7ebafd9ea4 [file] [log] [blame]
test_filter inline_css converts 3 out of 5 link tags to style tags.
fetch_until $URL 'grep -c <style' 3
# In some test environments these tests can't be run because of
# restrictions on external connections
if [ -z ${DISABLE_FONT_API_TESTS:-} ]; then
test_filter inline_google_font_css Can inline Google Font API loader CSS
# Use a more recent version of Chrome UA than our default, which will get
# a very large (which hit our previous default size limits) CSS using woff2
export WGETRC=$TESTTMP/wgetrc-chrome
cat > $WGETRC <<EOF
user_agent =Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.36 Safari/537.36
fetch_until $URL 'grep -c @font-face' 7
check_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi "format('woff2')"
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi "format('truetype')"
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi "format('embedded-opentype')"
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi ".ttf"
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi ".eot"
# Now try with IE6 user-agent. We do this with setting WGETRC due to
# quoting madness
export WGETRC=$TESTTMP/wgetrc-ie
cat > $WGETRC <<EOF
user_agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.01; Windows NT 6.0)
fetch_until $URL 'grep -c @font-face' 1
# This should get an eot font. (It might also ship a woff, so we don't
# check_not_from for that)
check_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi ".eot"
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi ".ttf"
# And now IE11.
export WGETRC=$TESTTMP/wgetrc-ie11
cat > $WGETRC <<EOF
user_agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
# This should get a woff font. (We used to confuse things so that it would
# produce ttf).
fetch_until $URL 'grep -c @font-face' 1
check_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi ".woff"
check_not_from "$OUT" fgrep -qi ".ttf"
test_filter inline_javascript inlines a small JS file.
fetch_until $URL 'grep -c document.write' 1
start_test inlining gzip-encoded resources
# If a resource is double-gzipped, or gzipped once but missing the headers,
# we need to not inline the compressed (binary) version.
# compressed.css and compressed.js are gzipped on disk, but small enough that
# PageSpeed would inline them if it were allowed to. So fetch the page until we
# see two .pagespeed. resources, then verify that we see the debug comments we
# expect to see.
fetch_until -save $URL 'fgrep -c .pagespeed.' 2
# First verify that the inliners are actually enabled.
check_from "$OUT" fgrep "Inline Javascript"
check_from "$OUT" fgrep "Inline Css"
# Then check for the debug comments.
check_from "$OUT" fgrep "JS not inlined because it appears to be gzip-encoded"
check_from "$OUT" fgrep "CSS not inlined because it appears to be gzip-encoded"