blob: 220606c2a5921312d03e810379c0c01b77b8eb9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_stats.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_config.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/system_server_context.h"
struct request_rec;
struct server_rec;
namespace net_instaweb {
class ApacheRewriteDriverFactory;
class ApacheRequestContext;
class ProxyFetchFactory;
class RewriteDriverPool;
class RewriteDriver;
class Statistics;
class Variable;
// Creates an Apache-specific ServerContext. This differs from base class
// that it incorporates by adding per-VirtualHost configuration, including:
// - file-cache path & limits
// - default RewriteOptions.
// Additionally, there are startup semantics for apache's prefork model
// that require a phased initialization.
class ApacheServerContext : public SystemServerContext {
ApacheServerContext(ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory,
server_rec* server,
const StringPiece& version);
virtual ~ApacheServerContext();
// This must be called for every statistics object in use before using this.
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* apache_factory() { return apache_factory_; }
ApacheConfig* global_config();
bool InitPath(const GoogleString& path);
// These return configuration objects that hold settings from
// <ModPagespeedIf spdy> and <ModPagespeedIf !spdy> sections of configuration.
// They initialize lazily, so are not thread-safe; however they are only
// meant to be used during configuration parsing. These methods should be
// called only if there is actually a need to put something in them, since
// otherwise we may end up constructing separate SPDY vs. non-SPDY
// configurations needlessly.
ApacheConfig* SpdyConfigOverlay();
ApacheConfig* NonSpdyConfigOverlay();
// These return true if the given overlays were constructed (in response
// to having something in config files to put in them).
bool has_spdy_config_overlay() const {
return spdy_config_overlay_.get() != NULL;
bool has_non_spdy_config_overlay() const {
return non_spdy_config_overlay_.get() != NULL;
// These two take ownership of their parameters.
void set_spdy_config_overlay(ApacheConfig* x) {
void set_non_spdy_config_overlay(ApacheConfig* x) {
// Returns special configuration that should be used for SPDY sessions
// instead of global_config(). Returns NULL if global_config() should be
// used instead.
virtual const ApacheConfig* SpdyGlobalConfig() const {
return spdy_specific_config_.get();
// Pool to pass to NewRewriteDriverFromPool to get a RewriteDriver configured
// with SPDY-specific options. May be NULL in case there is no spdy-specific
// configuration.
RewriteDriverPool* spdy_driver_pool() { return spdy_driver_pool_; }
// This should be called after all configuration parsing is done to collapse
// configuration inside the config overlays into actual ApacheConfig objects.
// It will also compute signatures when done.
virtual void CollapseConfigOverlaysAndComputeSignatures();
// Called on notification from Apache on child exit. Returns true
// if this is the last ServerContext that exists.
bool PoolDestroyed();
const server_rec* server() const { return server_rec_; }
virtual RewriteDriverPool* SelectDriverPool(bool using_spdy);
// Hook for implementations to support fetching directly from the spdy module.
virtual void MaybeApplySpdySessionFetcher(const RequestContextPtr& request,
RewriteDriver* driver);
ProxyFetchFactory* proxy_fetch_factory() {
return proxy_fetch_factory_.get();
void InitProxyFetchFactory();
// We do not proxy external HTML from mod_pagespeed in Apache using the
// ProxyFetch flow. Currently we must rely on a separate module to
// let mod_pagespeed behave as an origin fetcher.
virtual bool ProxiesHtml() const { return false; }
// Creates a request context which is suitable for resolving
// options, but is not yet suitable for establishing a context from
// which to do fetches. Establishing that context is slightly
// expensive so we want to only do that in request-paths that can
// lead to spdy fetches.
// To enable a rewrite context for fetching, call
// apache_request_context->SetupSpdyConnectionIfNeeded(request);
// after the object is context is constructed.
ApacheRequestContext* NewApacheRequestContext(request_rec* request);
// Reports an error status to the HTTP resource request, and logs
// the error as a Warning to the log file, and bumps a stat as
// needed.
void ReportResourceNotFound(StringPiece message, request_rec* request) {
ReportNotFoundHelper(kWarning, message, request,
// Reports an error status to the HTTP statistics request, and logs
// the error as a Warning to the log file, and bumps a stat as
// needed.
void ReportStatisticsNotFound(StringPiece message, request_rec* request) {
ReportNotFoundHelper(kWarning, message, request, statistics_404_count());
// Reports an error status to the HTTP slurp request, and logs
// the error as a Warning to the log file, and bumps a stat as
// needed.
void ReportSlurpNotFound(StringPiece message, request_rec* request) {
ReportNotFoundHelper(kInfo, message, request,
virtual GoogleString FormatOption(StringPiece option_name, StringPiece args);
virtual bool UpdateCacheFlushTimestampMs(int64 timestamp_ms);
void ReportNotFoundHelper(MessageType message_type,
StringPiece url,
request_rec* request,
Variable* error_count);
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* apache_factory_;
server_rec* server_rec_;
GoogleString version_;
// May be NULL. Constructed once we see things in config files that should
// be stored in these.
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> spdy_config_overlay_;
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> non_spdy_config_overlay_;
// May be NULL if we don't have any special settings for when using SPDY.
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> spdy_specific_config_;
// Owned by ServerContext via a call to ManageRewriteDriverPool.
// May be NULL if we don't have a spdy-specific configuration.
RewriteDriverPool* spdy_driver_pool_;
scoped_ptr<ProxyFetchFactory> proxy_fetch_factory_;
} // namespace net_instaweb