blob: e5b8554afc21b4c7ecfdaf5ac624d8d774a1c2f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Naomi Forman)
// Functionality and constants for handling experiments and measurement.
// The experiment framework uses cookies and Google Analytics to track page
// speed statistics and correlate them with different sets of rewriters.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class RequestHeaders;
class ResponseHeaders;
class RewriteOptions;
class UserAgentMatcher;
namespace experiment {
enum ExperimentState {
// You can force enrollment in any experiment setting including
// kExperimentNotSet and kNoExperiment, which means we need a value to
// indicate "don't force enrollment in any experiment". This is the default,
// and shouldn't appear outside of enroll_experiment_id in the options.
// Someone with enroll_experiment_id=<ForceNoExperiment> will still be
// enrolled in an experiment if appropriate, but one will be randomly assigned
// instead of explicitly specified.
kForceNoExperiment = -2,
// No experiment cookie was set, or if one was (by EnrollExperiment) then
// assign them to an experiment category as if they had no cookie.
kExperimentNotSet = -1,
// There is a cookie set, but the cookie says: don't run experiments
// on this user. E.g. if you're running an A/B experiment on 40% of the
// traffic, 20% is in A, 20% is in B, and 60% is in NoExperiment.
kNoExperiment = 0,
// Name of the cookie we set when running experiments.
const char kExperimentCookie[] = "PageSpeedExperiment";
const char kExperimentCookiePrefix[] = "PageSpeedExperiment=";
// Populates value with the state indicated by the experiment cookie, if found.
// Returns true if a cookie was found, false if it was not.
bool GetExperimentCookieState(const RequestHeaders& headers, int* value);
// Removes the experiment cookie from the request headers so we don't
// send it to the origin.
void RemoveExperimentCookie(RequestHeaders *headers);
// Add a Set-Cookie header for the experiment on the domain of url, expiring at
// expiration_time_ms (specified as ms since the epoch), putting it on the side
// of the experiment indicated by state.
void SetExperimentCookie(ResponseHeaders* headers, int state,
const StringPiece& url, int64 expiration_time_ms);
// Determines which side of the experiment this request should end up on.
int DetermineExperimentState(const RewriteOptions* options,
const RequestHeaders& headers,
const UserAgentMatcher& matcher);
// Are there any experiments defined with percent > 0?
bool AnyActiveExperiments(const RewriteOptions* options);
// The string value of a Experiment State. We don't want to use "ToString"
// in case we change how we want the cookies to look.
GoogleString ExperimentStateToCookieString(int state);
// Converts a Experiment Cookie string, e.g. "2", into a ExperimentState.
int CookieStringToState(const StringPiece& cookie_str);
} // namespace experiment
} // namespace net_instaweb