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Windows Setup

To set up ctxword module under Windows, you would need to repeat steps from src/main/python/ctxword/bin/ script:

  1. Before starting, make sure you have the following installed:
    • python3
    • pip3 (included with the latest versions of python3)
    • git
  2. Download pre-trained FastText model.
  3. Extract GZIP model into data folder (i.e. /nlpcraft/src/main/python/ctxword/data).
  4. Git clone FastText into some temporary folder.
  5. Ensure that you have Microsoft Windows 10 SDK installed. Step 6. will fail unless this SDK is installed.
  6. Run pip3 install fastText (where fastText is root of the cloned git repository from the previous step).
  7. Install PyTorch depending on whether you have NVIDIA CUDA support:
    • Without CUDA support: pip3 install torch==1.6.0+cpu -f
    • With CUDA support: pip3 install torch==1.6.0 -f
  8. Install the rest of required python packages from bin/py_requirements by running pip3 install -r bin/py_requirements
  9. You can remove the local clone of FastText git repository after its setup is finished.


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