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Alarm Example

This example provides a simple “alarm clock” interface where you can ask to set the timer for a specific duration from now expressed in hours, minutes and/or seconds. You can say ping me in 3 minutes, buzz me in an hour and 15 minutes, or set my alarm for 30 secs. When the timer is up it will simply print out “BEEP BEEP BEEP” in the probe console.


You can run necessary JVMs for this example the same way from either the command line or IDE. Note that you don't need to start Data Probe standalone if you are only running the unit test as it uses the embedded probe and starts it automatically:

  • Run REST server:
    • Main class: org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart
    • Program arguments: -server
  • Test using built-in model auto-validator:
    • Main class:
    • VM arguments: -DNLPCRAFT_TEST_MODELS=org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.alarm.AlarmModel

If not using built-in test framework (i.e. not using embedded probe) you need to start data probe manually:

  • Run probe standalone and use your own REST client:
    • Main class: org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart
    • VM arguments: -Dconfig.override_with_env_vars=true
    • Environment variables: CONFIG_FORCE_nlpcraft_probe_models="org.apache.nlpcraft.examples.alarm.AlarmModel"
    • Program arguments: -probe


See Getting Started guide for more instructions on how to run these examples.

For any questions, feedback or suggestions:


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