| /* |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.cmdline |
| |
| import java.io._ |
| import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect |
| import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory |
| import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets |
| import java.nio.file.Paths |
| import java.text.DateFormat |
| import java.{lang, util} |
| import java.util.Date |
| import java.util.regex.Pattern |
| import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream |
| import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat |
| |
| import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion |
| import javax.net.ssl.SSLException |
| import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils |
| import org.apache.commons.io.input.{ReversedLinesFileReader, Tailer, TailerListenerAdapter} |
| import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils |
| import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils |
| import org.apache.http.HttpResponse |
| import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler |
| import org.apache.http.client.methods.{HttpGet, HttpPost} |
| import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder |
| import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity |
| import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients |
| import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.common._ |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ansi.NCAnsi._ |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ansi.{NCAnsi, NCAnsiProgressBar, NCAnsiSpinner} |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.ascii.NCAsciiTable |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.module.NCModule |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.version.NCVersion |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.sqlgen.impl.NCSqlModelGeneratorImpl |
| import org.jline.reader._ |
| import org.jline.reader.impl.DefaultParser |
| import org.jline.reader.impl.DefaultParser.Bracket |
| import org.jline.reader.impl.history.DefaultHistory |
| import org.jline.terminal.{Terminal, TerminalBuilder} |
| import org.jline.utils.AttributedString |
| import org.jline.utils.InfoCmp.Capability |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.cmdline.NCCliRestSpec._ |
| import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.cmdline.NCCliCommands._ |
| import resource.managed |
| |
| import scala.annotation.tailrec |
| import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ |
| import scala.collection.mutable |
| import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime |
| import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._ |
| import scala.util.Try |
| import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} |
| import scala.util.control.Exception.ignoring |
| |
| /** |
| * NLPCraft CLI. |
| */ |
| object NCCli extends App { |
| private final val NAME = "NLPCraft CLI" |
| |
| /* |
| * Disable warnings from Ignite on JDK 11. |
| */ |
| final val JVM_OPTS_RT_WARNS = Seq ( |
| "--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.management/com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=jdk.internal.jvmstat/sun.jvmstat.monitor=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=java.base/sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED", |
| "--illegal-access=permit" |
| ) |
| |
| //noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape |
| private final val TAILER_PTRN = Pattern.compile("^.*NC[a-zA-Z0-9]+ started \\[[\\d]+ms\\]$") |
| private final val CMD_NAME = Pattern.compile("(^\\s*[\\w-]+)(\\s)") |
| private final val CMD_PARAM = Pattern.compile("(\\s)(--?[\\w-]+)") |
| |
| // Number of server and probe services that need to be started + 1 progress start. |
| // Used for progress bar functionality. |
| // +==================================================================+ |
| // +==================================================================+ |
| private final val NUM_SRV_SERVICES = 30 /*services*/ + 1 /*progress start*/ |
| private final val NUM_PRB_SERVICES = 21 /*services*/ + 1 /*progress start*/ |
| |
| private final val SRV_BEACON_PATH = ".nlpcraft/server_beacon" |
| private final val PRB_BEACON_PATH = ".nlpcraft/probe_beacon" |
| private final val HIST_PATH = ".nlpcraft/.cli_history" |
| |
| private final val DFLT_USER_EMAIL = "admin@admin.com" |
| private final val DFLT_USER_PASSWD = "admin" |
| |
| private final val VER = NCVersion.getCurrent |
| private final val CP_WIN_NIX_SEPS_REGEX = "[:;]" |
| private final val CP_SEP = File.pathSeparator |
| private final val JAVA = U.sysEnv("NLPCRAFT_CLI_JAVA").getOrElse(new File(SystemUtils.getJavaHome, s"bin/java${if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX) "" else ".exe"}").getAbsolutePath) |
| private final val USR_WORK_DIR = SystemUtils.USER_DIR |
| private final val USR_HOME_DIR = SystemUtils.USER_HOME |
| private final val INSTALL_HOME = U.sysEnv("NLPCRAFT_CLI_INSTALL_HOME").getOrElse(USR_WORK_DIR) |
| private final val JAVA_CP = U.sysEnv("NLPCRAFT_CLI_CP").getOrElse(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getClassPath) |
| private final val SCRIPT_NAME = U.sysEnv("NLPCRAFT_CLI_SCRIPT").getOrElse(s"nlpcraft.${if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX) "sh" else "cmd"}") |
| private final val PROMPT = if (SCRIPT_NAME.endsWith("cmd")) ">" else "$" |
| private final val IS_SCRIPT = U.sysEnv("NLPCRAFT_CLI").isDefined |
| private final val T___ = " " |
| private final val OPEN_BRK = Seq('[', '{', '(') |
| private final val CLOSE_BRK = Seq(']', '}', ')') |
| private final val BRK_PAIR = OPEN_BRK.zip(CLOSE_BRK).toMap ++ CLOSE_BRK.zip(OPEN_BRK).toMap // Pair for each open or close bracket. |
| |
| private var exitStatus = 0 |
| |
| private var term: Terminal = _ |
| |
| NCModule.setModule(NCModule.CLI) |
| |
| // See NCProbeMdo. |
| case class Probe( |
| probeToken: String, |
| probeId: String, |
| probeGuid: String, |
| probeApiVersion: String, |
| probeApiDate: String, |
| osVersion: String, |
| osName: String, |
| osArch: String, |
| startTstamp: Long, |
| tmzId: String, |
| tmzAbbr: String, |
| tmzName: String, |
| userName: String, |
| javaVersion: String, |
| javaVendor: String, |
| hostName: String, |
| hostAddr: String, |
| macAddr: String, |
| models: Array[ProbeModel] |
| ) |
| |
| // See NCProbeModelMdo. |
| case class ProbeModel( |
| id: String, |
| name: String, |
| version: String, |
| enabledBuiltInTokens: Array[String] |
| ) |
| |
| case class ProbeAllResponse( |
| probes: Array[Probe], |
| status: String |
| ) |
| |
| case class SplitError(index: Int) |
| extends Exception |
| |
| case class UnknownCommand(cmd: String) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown command ${c("'" + cmd + "'")}, type ${c("'help'")} to get help.") |
| |
| case class NoLocalServer() |
| extends IllegalStateException(s"Local server not found, use $C'start-server'$RST command to start one.") |
| |
| case class NoLocalProbe() |
| extends IllegalStateException(s"Local probe not found, use $C'start-probe'$RST command to start one.") |
| |
| case class MissingParameter(cmd: Command, paramId: String) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException( |
| s"Missing mandatory parameter $C${"'" + cmd.params.find(_.id == paramId).get.names.head + "'"}$RST, " + |
| s"type $C'help --cmd=${cmd.name}'$RST to get help." |
| ) |
| |
| case class NotSignedIn() |
| extends IllegalStateException(s"Not signed in. Use ${c("'signin'")} command to sign in first.") |
| |
| case class MissingMandatoryJsonParameters(cmd: Command, missingParams: Seq[RestSpecParameter], path: String) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException( |
| s"Missing mandatory JSON parameters (${missingParams.map(s ⇒ y(s.name)).mkString(",")}) " + |
| s"for $C${"'" + cmd.name + s" --path=$path'"}$RST, type $C'help --cmd=${cmd.name}'$RST to get help." |
| ) |
| |
| case class InvalidParameter(cmd: Command, paramId: String) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException( |
| s"Invalid parameter $C${"'" + cmd.params.find(_.id == paramId).get.names.head + "'"}$RST, " + |
| s"type $C'help --cmd=${cmd.name}'$RST to get help." |
| ) |
| |
| case class InvalidJsonParameter(cmd: Command, param: String) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException( |
| s"Invalid JSON parameter $C${"'" + param + "'"}$RST, " + |
| s"type $C'help --cmd=${cmd.name}'$RST to get help." |
| ) |
| |
| case class HttpError(httpCode: Int) |
| extends IllegalStateException(s"REST error (HTTP ${c(httpCode)}).") |
| |
| case class MalformedJson() |
| extends IllegalStateException(s"Malformed JSON. ${c("Tip:")} on Windows make sure to escape double quotes.") |
| |
| case class TooManyArguments(cmd: Command) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException(s"Too many arguments, type $C'help --cmd=${cmd.name}'$RST to get help.") |
| |
| case class NotEnoughArguments(cmd: Command) |
| extends IllegalArgumentException(s"Not enough arguments, type $C'help --cmd=${cmd.name}'$RST to get help.") |
| |
| // Project templates for 'gen-project' command. |
| private lazy val PRJ_TEMPLATES: Map[String, Seq[String]] = { |
| val m = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Seq[String]] |
| |
| try |
| managed(new ZipInputStream(U.getStream("cli/templates.zip"))) acquireAndGet { zis ⇒ |
| var entry = zis.getNextEntry |
| |
| while (entry != null) { |
| val buf = new StringWriter |
| |
| IOUtils.copy(zis, buf, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) |
| |
| m += entry.getName → buf.toString.split("\n") |
| |
| entry = zis.getNextEntry |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: IOException ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Failed to read templates", e) |
| } |
| |
| m.toMap |
| } |
| |
| case class HttpRestResponse( |
| code: Int, |
| data: String |
| ) |
| |
| case class ReplState( |
| var isServerOnline: Boolean = false, |
| var isProbeOnline: Boolean = false, |
| var accessToken: Option[String] = None, // Access token obtain with 'userEmail'. |
| var userEmail: Option[String] = None, // Email of the user with 'accessToken'. |
| var serverLog: Option[File] = None, |
| var probeLog: Option[File] = None, |
| var probes: List[Probe] = Nil // List of connected probes. |
| ) { |
| /** |
| * Resets server sub-state. |
| */ |
| def resetServer(): Unit = { |
| isServerOnline = false |
| accessToken = None |
| userEmail = None |
| serverLog = None |
| probes = Nil |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Resets probe sub-state. |
| */ |
| def resetProbe(): Unit = { |
| isProbeOnline = false |
| probeLog = None |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private val state = ReplState() |
| |
| private final val NO_LOGO_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "no-logo").get |
| private final val NO_ANSI_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "no-ansi").get |
| private final val ANSI_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "ansi").get |
| private final val QUIT_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "quit").get |
| private final val HELP_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "help").get |
| private final val REST_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "rest").get |
| private final val CALL_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "call").get |
| private final val ASK_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "ask").get |
| private final val SUGSYN_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "sugsyn").get |
| private final val STOP_SRV_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "stop-server").get |
| private final val SRV_INFO_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "info-server").get |
| private final val PRB_INFO_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "info-probe").get |
| private final val STOP_PRB_CMD = CMDS.find(_.name == "stop-probe").get |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| * @param dflt |
| */ |
| @throws[MissingParameter] |
| private def getParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String, dflt: String = null): String = |
| args.find(_.parameter.id == id).flatMap(_.value) match { |
| case Some(v) ⇒ v |
| case None ⇒ |
| if (dflt == null) |
| throw MissingParameter(cmd, id) |
| |
| dflt |
| } |
| |
| @throws[InvalidParameter] |
| private def getIntParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String, dflt: Int): Int = { |
| getParamOpt(cmd, args, id) match { |
| case Some(num) ⇒ |
| try |
| Integer.parseInt(num) |
| catch { |
| case _: Exception ⇒ throw InvalidParameter(cmd, id) |
| } |
| |
| case None ⇒ dflt // Default. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @throws[InvalidParameter] |
| private def getDoubleParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String, dflt: Double): Double = { |
| getParamOpt(cmd, args, id) match { |
| case Some(num) ⇒ |
| try |
| java.lang.Double.parseDouble(num) |
| catch { |
| case _: Exception ⇒ throw InvalidParameter(cmd, id) |
| } |
| |
| case None ⇒ dflt // Default. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| */ |
| private def getParamOpt(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String): Option[String] = |
| args.find(_.parameter.id == id).flatMap(_.value) |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| */ |
| private def isParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String): Boolean = |
| args.find(_.parameter.id == id).nonEmpty |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| */ |
| private def getParamOrNull(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String): String = |
| args.find(_.parameter.id == id) match { |
| case Some(arg) ⇒ U.trimQuotes(arg.value.get) |
| case None ⇒ null |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def getFlagParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String, dflt: Boolean): Boolean = |
| args.find(_.parameter.id == id) match { |
| case Some(b) ⇒ true |
| case None ⇒ dflt |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def getCpParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String): String = |
| getParamOpt(cmd, args, id) match { |
| case Some(path) ⇒ normalizeCp(U.trimQuotes(path)) |
| case None ⇒ null |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param args |
| * @param id |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def getPathParam(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], id: String, dflt: String = null): String = { |
| def makePath(p: String): String = { |
| val normPath = refinePath(U.trimQuotes(p)) |
| |
| checkFilePath(normPath) |
| |
| normPath |
| } |
| |
| getParamOpt(cmd, args, id) match { |
| case Some(path) ⇒ makePath(path) |
| case None ⇒ if (dflt == null) null else makePath(dflt) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param path |
| */ |
| private def refinePath(path: String): String = { |
| require(path != null) |
| |
| if (path.nonEmpty && path.head == '~') new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, path.tail).getAbsolutePath else path |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param path |
| */ |
| private def checkFilePath(path: String): Unit = { |
| val file = new File(path) |
| |
| if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile) |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"File not found: ${c(file.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Checks whether given list of models contains class names outside of NLPCraft project. |
| * |
| * @param mdls Comma-separated list of fully qualified class names for data models. |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def hasExternalModels(mdls: String): Boolean = |
| U.splitTrimFilter(mdls, ",").exists(!_.startsWith("org.apache.nlpcraft.")) |
| |
| /** |
| * Handles tilda and checks that every component of the given class path exists relative to the current user working |
| * directory of this process. |
| * |
| * @param cp Classpath to normalize. |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def normalizeCp(cp: String): String = |
| U.splitTrimFilter(cp, CP_WIN_NIX_SEPS_REGEX).map(refinePath).map(path ⇒ { |
| val normPath = refinePath(path) |
| |
| if (!normPath.contains("*") && !new File(normPath).exists()) |
| throw new IllegalStateException(s"Classpath not found: ${c(path)}") |
| else |
| normPath |
| }) |
| .mkString(CP_SEP) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| */ |
| private def cleanUpTempFiles(): Unit = { |
| val tstamp = currentTime - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 // 2 days ago. |
| |
| val files = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, ".nlpcraft").listFiles() |
| |
| if (files != null) |
| for (file <- files) |
| if (file.lastModified() < tstamp) { |
| val name = file.getName |
| |
| if (name.startsWith("server_log") || name.startsWith("server_log") || name.startsWith(".pid_")) |
| file.delete() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param endpoint |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def restHealth(endpoint: String): Int = |
| httpGet(endpoint, "health", mkHttpHandler(_.getStatusLine.getStatusCode)) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdRest(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val restPath = getParam(cmd, args, "path") // REST call path (NOT a file system path). |
| val json = U.trimQuotes(getParam(cmd, args, "json")) |
| |
| httpRest(cmd, restPath, json) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not running from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdStartServer(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val cfgPath = getPathParam(cmd, args, "config") |
| val igniteCfgPath = getPathParam(cmd, args, "igniteConfig") |
| val noWait = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "noWait", false) |
| val timeoutMins = getIntParam(cmd, args, "timeoutMins", 2) |
| val jvmOpts = getParamOpt(cmd, args, "jvmopts") match { |
| case Some(opts) ⇒ U.splitTrimFilter(U.trimQuotes(opts), " ") |
| case None ⇒ Seq("-ea", "-Xms2048m", "-XX:+UseG1GC") |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure that there isn't another local server running. |
| loadServerBeacon() match { |
| case Some(b) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException( |
| s"Existing server (pid ${c(b.pid)}) detected. " + |
| s"Use ${c("'stop-server'")} command to stop it, if necessary." |
| ) |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| val logTstamp = currentTime |
| |
| // Server log redirect. |
| val output = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, s".nlpcraft/server_log_$logTstamp.txt") |
| |
| // Store in REPL state right away. |
| state.serverLog = Some(output) |
| |
| var srvArgs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String] |
| |
| srvArgs += JAVA |
| srvArgs ++= jvmOpts |
| |
| JVM_OPTS_RT_WARNS.foreach(srvArgs += _) |
| |
| srvArgs += "-DNLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED=true" // No ANSI colors for text log output to the file. |
| srvArgs += "-cp" |
| srvArgs += JAVA_CP |
| srvArgs += "org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart" |
| srvArgs += "-server" |
| |
| if (cfgPath != null) |
| srvArgs += s"-config=$cfgPath" |
| if (igniteCfgPath != null) |
| srvArgs += s"-igniteConfig=$igniteCfgPath" |
| |
| val srvPb = new ProcessBuilder(srvArgs.asJava) |
| |
| srvPb.directory(new File(USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| srvPb.redirectErrorStream(true) |
| |
| val bleachPb = new ProcessBuilder( |
| JAVA, |
| "-ea", |
| "-cp", |
| s"$JAVA_CP", |
| "org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.cmdline.NCCliAnsiBleach" |
| ) |
| |
| bleachPb.directory(new File(USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| bleachPb.redirectOutput(Redirect.appendTo(output)) |
| |
| try { |
| // Start the 'server | bleach > server log output' process pipeline. |
| val procs = ProcessBuilder.startPipeline(Seq(srvPb, bleachPb).asJava) |
| |
| val srvPid = procs.get(0).pid() |
| |
| // Store mapping file between PID and timestamp (once we have server PID). |
| // Note that the same timestamp is used in server log file. |
| ignoring(classOf[IOException]) { |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, s".nlpcraft/.pid_${srvPid}_tstamp_$logTstamp").createNewFile() |
| } |
| |
| logln(s"Server output: ${c(output.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| */ |
| def showTip(): Unit = { |
| val tbl = new NCAsciiTable() |
| |
| tbl += (s"${g("stop-server")}", "Stop the server.") |
| tbl += (s"${g("info-server")}", "Get server information.") |
| tbl += (s"${g("ping-server")}", "Ping the server.") |
| tbl += (s"${g("tail-server")}", "Tail the server log.") |
| |
| logln(s"Handy commands:\n${tbl.toString}") |
| } |
| |
| if (noWait) { |
| logln(s"Server is starting...") |
| |
| showTip() |
| } |
| else { |
| val progressBar = new NCAnsiProgressBar( |
| term.writer(), |
| 15, |
| true, |
| // ANSI is NOT disabled & we ARE NOT running from IDEA or Eclipse... |
| NCAnsi.isEnabled && IS_SCRIPT |
| ) |
| |
| log(s"Server is starting ") |
| |
| progressBar.start() |
| |
| // Tick progress bar "almost" right away to indicate the progress start. |
| new Thread(() => { |
| Thread.sleep(1.secs) |
| |
| progressBar.ticked() |
| }) |
| .start() |
| |
| val tailer = Tailer.create( |
| state.serverLog.get, |
| new TailerListenerAdapter { |
| override def handle(line: String): Unit = { |
| if (TAILER_PTRN.matcher(line).matches()) |
| progressBar.ticked() |
| } |
| }, |
| 500.ms |
| ) |
| |
| var beacon: NCCliServerBeacon = null |
| var online = false |
| val endOfWait = currentTime + timeoutMins.mins |
| |
| while (currentTime < endOfWait && !online && ProcessHandle.of(srvPid).isPresent) { |
| if (progressBar.completed) { |
| // First, load the beacon, if any. |
| if (beacon == null) |
| beacon = loadServerBeacon(autoSignIn = true).orNull |
| |
| // Once beacon is loaded, ensure that REST endpoint is live. |
| if (beacon != null) |
| online = Try(restHealth("http://" + beacon.restEndpoint) == 200).getOrElse(false) |
| } |
| |
| if (!online) |
| Thread.sleep(2.secs) // Check every 2 secs. |
| } |
| |
| tailer.stop() |
| progressBar.stop() |
| |
| if (!online && currentTime >= endOfWait) // Timed out - attempt to kill the timed out process... |
| ProcessHandle.of(srvPid).asScala match { |
| case Some(ph) ⇒ |
| ph.destroy() |
| |
| if (beacon != null && beacon.beaconPath != null) |
| new File(beacon.beaconPath).delete() |
| |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| if (!online) { |
| logln(r(" [Error]")) |
| |
| error(s"Server start failed, check full log for errors: ${c(output.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| |
| tailFile(output.getAbsolutePath, 20) |
| } |
| else { |
| logln(g(" [OK]")) |
| |
| logServerInfo(beacon) |
| |
| showTip() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Exception ⇒ error(s"Server failed to start: ${y(e.getLocalizedMessage)}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not running from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdTestModel(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| if (loadServerBeacon().isEmpty) |
| throw NoLocalServer() |
| |
| val cfgPath = getPathParam(cmd, args, "config") |
| val addCp = getCpParam(cmd, args, "cp") |
| val mdls = getParamOrNull(cmd, args, "models") |
| val jvmOpts = getParamOpt(cmd, args, "jvmopts") match { |
| case Some(opts) ⇒ U.splitTrimFilter(U.trimQuotes(opts), " ") |
| case None ⇒ Seq("-ea", "-Xms1024m") |
| } |
| |
| if (mdls != null) { |
| if (hasExternalModels(mdls) && addCp == null) |
| throw new IllegalStateException( |
| s"Additional classpath is required when deploying your own models. " + |
| s"Use ${c("--cp")} parameters to provide additional classpath.") |
| } |
| |
| if (mdls == null && addCp != null) |
| warn(s"Additional classpath (${c("--cp")}) but no models (${c("--models")}).") |
| |
| var jvmArgs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String] |
| |
| jvmArgs += JAVA |
| jvmArgs ++= jvmOpts |
| |
| JVM_OPTS_RT_WARNS.foreach(jvmArgs += _) |
| |
| if (cfgPath != null) |
| jvmArgs += s"-DNLPCRAFT_PROBE_CONFIG=$cfgPath" |
| |
| if (mdls != null) |
| jvmArgs += s"-DNLPCRAFT_TEST_MODELS=$mdls" |
| |
| if (!NCAnsi.isEnabled) |
| |
| jvmArgs += "-cp" |
| |
| if (addCp != null) |
| jvmArgs += s"$JAVA_CP$CP_SEP$addCp".replace(s"$CP_SEP$CP_SEP", CP_SEP) |
| else |
| jvmArgs += JAVA_CP |
| |
| jvmArgs += "org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.test.NCTestAutoModelValidator" |
| |
| val validatorPb = new ProcessBuilder(jvmArgs.asJava) |
| |
| validatorPb.directory(new File(USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| validatorPb.inheritIO() |
| |
| try { |
| validatorPb.start().onExit().get() |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: InterruptedException ⇒ () // Ignore. |
| case e: Exception ⇒ error(s"Failed to run model validator: ${y(e.getLocalizedMessage)}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not running from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdStartProbe(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| // Ensure that there is a local server running since probe |
| // cannot finish its start unless there's a server to connect to. |
| if (loadServerBeacon().isEmpty) |
| throw NoLocalServer() |
| |
| // Ensure that there isn't another local probe running. |
| loadProbeBeacon() match { |
| case Some(b) ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException( |
| s"Existing probe (pid ${c(b.pid)}) detected. " + |
| s"Use ${c("'stop-probe'")} command to stop it, if necessary." |
| ) |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| val cfgPath = getPathParam(cmd, args, "config") |
| val noWait = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "noWait", false) |
| val addCp = getCpParam(cmd, args, "cp") |
| val timeoutMins = getIntParam(cmd, args, "timeoutMins", 1) |
| val mdls = getParamOrNull(cmd, args, "models") |
| val jvmOpts = getParamOpt(cmd, args, "jvmopts") match { |
| case Some(opts) ⇒ U.splitTrimFilter(U.trimQuotes(opts), " ") |
| case None ⇒ Seq("-ea", "-Xms1024m") |
| } |
| |
| if (mdls != null) { |
| if (hasExternalModels(mdls) && addCp == null) |
| throw new IllegalStateException( |
| s"Additional classpath is required when deploying your own models. " + |
| s"Use ${c("--cp")} parameters to provide additional classpath.") |
| } |
| |
| if (mdls == null && addCp != null) |
| warn(s"Additional classpath (${c("--cp")}) but no models (${c("--models")}).") |
| |
| val logTstamp = currentTime |
| |
| // Server log redirect. |
| val output = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, s".nlpcraft/probe_log_$logTstamp.txt") |
| |
| // Store in REPL state right away. |
| state.probeLog = Some(output) |
| |
| var prbArgs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String] |
| |
| prbArgs += JAVA |
| prbArgs ++= jvmOpts |
| |
| JVM_OPTS_RT_WARNS.foreach(prbArgs += _) |
| |
| prbArgs += "-DNLPCRAFT_ANSI_COLOR_DISABLED=true" // No ANSI colors for text log output to the file. |
| |
| if (mdls != null) |
| prbArgs += "-Dconfig.override_with_env_vars=true" |
| |
| prbArgs += "-cp" |
| prbArgs += (if (addCp == null) JAVA_CP else s"$JAVA_CP$CP_SEP$addCp".replace(s"$CP_SEP$CP_SEP", CP_SEP)) |
| prbArgs += "org.apache.nlpcraft.NCStart" |
| prbArgs += "-probe" |
| |
| if (cfgPath != null) |
| prbArgs += s"-config=$cfgPath" |
| |
| val prbPb = new ProcessBuilder(prbArgs.asJava) |
| |
| if (mdls != null) |
| prbPb.environment().put("CONFIG_FORCE_nlpcraft_probe_models", mdls) |
| |
| prbPb.directory(new File(USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| prbPb.redirectErrorStream(true) |
| |
| val bleachPb = new ProcessBuilder( |
| JAVA, |
| "-ea", |
| "-cp", |
| JAVA_CP, |
| "org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.cmdline.NCCliAnsiBleach" |
| ) |
| |
| bleachPb.directory(new File(USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| bleachPb.redirectOutput(Redirect.appendTo(output)) |
| |
| try { |
| // Start the 'probe | bleach > probe log output' process pipeline. |
| val procs = ProcessBuilder.startPipeline(Seq(prbPb, bleachPb).asJava) |
| |
| val prbPid = procs.get(0).pid() |
| |
| // Store mapping file between PID and timestamp (once we have probe PID). |
| // Note that the same timestamp is used in probe log file. |
| ignoring(classOf[IOException]) { |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, s".nlpcraft/.pid_${prbPid}_tstamp_$logTstamp").createNewFile() |
| } |
| |
| logln(s"Probe output: ${c(output.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| */ |
| def showTip(): Unit = { |
| val tbl = new NCAsciiTable() |
| |
| tbl += (s"${g("stop-probe")}", "Stop the probe.") |
| tbl += (s"${g("info")}", "Get server & probe information.") |
| |
| logln(s"Handy commands:\n${tbl.toString}") |
| } |
| |
| if (noWait) { |
| logln(s"Probe is starting...") |
| |
| showTip() |
| } |
| else { |
| val progressBar = new NCAnsiProgressBar( |
| term.writer(), |
| 15, |
| true, |
| // ANSI is NOT disabled & we ARE NOT running from IDEA or Eclipse... |
| NCAnsi.isEnabled && IS_SCRIPT |
| ) |
| |
| log(s"Probe is starting ") |
| |
| progressBar.start() |
| |
| // Tick progress bar "almost" right away to indicate the progress start. |
| new Thread(() => { |
| Thread.sleep(1.secs) |
| |
| progressBar.ticked() |
| }) |
| .start() |
| |
| val tailer = Tailer.create( |
| state.probeLog.get, |
| new TailerListenerAdapter { |
| override def handle(line: String): Unit = { |
| if (TAILER_PTRN.matcher(line).matches()) |
| progressBar.ticked() |
| } |
| }, |
| 500.ms |
| ) |
| |
| var beacon: NCCliProbeBeacon = null |
| val endOfWait = currentTime + timeoutMins.mins |
| |
| while (currentTime < endOfWait && beacon == null && ProcessHandle.of(prbPid).isPresent) { |
| if (progressBar.completed) { |
| // Load the beacon, if any. |
| if (beacon == null) |
| beacon = loadProbeBeacon().orNull |
| } |
| |
| if (beacon == null) |
| Thread.sleep(2.secs) // Check every 2 secs. |
| } |
| |
| tailer.stop() |
| progressBar.stop() |
| |
| if (currentTime >= endOfWait) |
| ProcessHandle.of(prbPid).asScala match { |
| case Some(ph) ⇒ |
| ph.destroy() |
| |
| if (beacon != null && beacon.beaconPath != null) |
| new File(beacon.beaconPath).delete() |
| |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| if (beacon == null) { |
| logln(r(" [Error]")) |
| |
| error(s"Probe start failed, check full log for errors: ${c(output.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| |
| tailFile(output.getAbsolutePath, 20) |
| } |
| else { |
| logln(g(" [OK]")) |
| |
| logProbeInfo(beacon) |
| |
| showTip() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Exception ⇒ error(s"Probe failed to start: ${y(e.getLocalizedMessage)}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def getRestEndpointFromBeacon: String = |
| loadServerBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ s"http://${beacon.restEndpoint}" |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalServer() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param path |
| * @param lines |
| */ |
| private def tailFile(path: String, lines: Int): Unit = |
| try |
| managed(new ReversedLinesFileReader(new File(path), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) acquireAndGet { in ⇒ |
| var tail = List.empty[String] |
| |
| breakable { |
| for (_ ← 0 until lines) |
| in.readLine() match { |
| case null ⇒ break |
| case line ⇒ tail ::= line |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val cnt = tail.size |
| |
| logln(bb(w(s"+----< ${K}Last $cnt log lines $W>---"))) |
| tail.foreach(line ⇒ logln(s"${bb(w("| "))} $line")) |
| logln(bb(w(s"+----< ${K}Last $cnt log lines $W>---"))) |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Exception ⇒ error(s"Failed to read log file: ${e.getLocalizedMessage}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdTailServer(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val lines = getIntParam(cmd, args, "lines", 20) |
| |
| if (lines <= 0) |
| throw InvalidParameter(cmd, "lines") |
| |
| loadServerBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ tailFile(beacon.logPath, lines) |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalServer() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdTailProbe(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val lines = getIntParam(cmd, args, "lines", 20) |
| |
| if (lines <= 0) |
| throw InvalidParameter(cmd, "lines") |
| |
| loadProbeBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ tailFile(beacon.logPath, lines) |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalProbe() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdPingServer(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val num = getIntParam(cmd, args, "number", 1) |
| |
| var i = 0 |
| |
| val endpoint = getRestEndpointFromBeacon |
| |
| while (i < num) { |
| log(s"(${i + 1} of $num) pinging server at ${b(endpoint)} ") |
| |
| val spinner = new NCAnsiSpinner( |
| term.writer(), |
| // ANSI is NOT disabled & we ARE NOT running from IDEA or Eclipse... |
| NCAnsi.isEnabled && IS_SCRIPT |
| ) |
| |
| spinner.start() |
| |
| val startMs = currentTime |
| |
| try |
| restHealth(endpoint) match { |
| case 200 ⇒ |
| spinner.stop() |
| |
| logln(g("OK") + " " + c(s"[${currentTime - startMs}ms]")) |
| |
| case code: Int ⇒ |
| spinner.stop() |
| |
| logln(r("FAIL") + s" [HTTP ${y(code.toString)}]") |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: SSLException ⇒ |
| spinner.stop() |
| |
| logln(r("FAIL") + s" ${y("[SSL error]")}") |
| |
| case _: IOException ⇒ |
| spinner.stop() |
| |
| logln(r("FAIL") + s" ${y("[I/O error]")}") |
| } |
| |
| i += 1 |
| |
| if (i < num) |
| // Pause between pings. |
| Thread.sleep(500.ms) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Loads and returns server beacon file. |
| * |
| * @param autoSignIn |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def loadServerBeacon(autoSignIn: Boolean = false): Option[NCCliServerBeacon] = { |
| val beaconOpt = try { |
| val beacon = ( |
| managed( |
| new ObjectInputStream( |
| new FileInputStream( |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, SRV_BEACON_PATH) |
| ) |
| ) |
| ) acquireAndGet { |
| _.readObject() |
| } |
| ) |
| .asInstanceOf[NCCliServerBeacon] |
| |
| ProcessHandle.of(beacon.pid).asScala match { |
| case Some(ph) ⇒ |
| beacon.ph = ph |
| |
| // See if we can detect server log if server was started by this script. |
| val files = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, ".nlpcraft").listFiles(new FilenameFilter { |
| override def accept(dir: File, name: String): Boolean = |
| name.startsWith(s".pid_$ph") |
| }) |
| |
| if (files.size == 1) { |
| val split = files(0).getName.split("_") |
| |
| if (split.size == 4) { |
| val logFile = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, s".nlpcraft/server_log_${split(3)}.txt") |
| |
| if (logFile.exists()) |
| beacon.logPath = logFile.getAbsolutePath |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Some(beacon) |
| case None ⇒ |
| // Attempt to clean up stale beacon file. |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, SRV_BEACON_PATH).delete() |
| |
| None |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: Exception ⇒ None |
| } |
| |
| beaconOpt match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ |
| state.isServerOnline = true |
| |
| try { |
| val baseUrl = "http://" + beacon.restEndpoint |
| |
| // Attempt to signin with the default account. |
| if (autoSignIn && state.accessToken.isEmpty) |
| httpPostResponseJson( |
| baseUrl, |
| "signin", |
| s"""{"email": "$DFLT_USER_EMAIL", "passwd": "$DFLT_USER_PASSWD"}""") match { |
| case Some(json) ⇒ |
| Option(Try(U.getJsonStringField(json, "acsTok"))) match { |
| case Some(tok) ⇒ |
| state.userEmail = Some(DFLT_USER_EMAIL) |
| state.accessToken = Some(tok.get) |
| case None ⇒ |
| state.userEmail = None |
| state.accessToken = None |
| |
| } |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| // Attempt to get all connected probes if successfully signed in prior. |
| if (state.accessToken.isDefined) |
| httpPostResponseJson( |
| baseUrl, |
| "probe/all", |
| "{\"acsTok\": \"" + state.accessToken.get + "\"}") match { |
| case Some(json) ⇒ state.probes = |
| Try( |
| U.jsonToObject[ProbeAllResponse](json, classOf[ProbeAllResponse]).probes.toList |
| ).getOrElse(Nil) |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: Exception ⇒ |
| // Reset REPL state. |
| state.resetServer() |
| } |
| |
| case None ⇒ |
| // Reset REPL state. |
| state.resetServer() |
| } |
| |
| beaconOpt |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Loads and returns probe beacon file. |
| * |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def loadProbeBeacon(): Option[NCCliProbeBeacon] = { |
| val beaconOpt = try { |
| val beacon = ( |
| managed( |
| new ObjectInputStream( |
| new FileInputStream( |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, PRB_BEACON_PATH) |
| ) |
| ) |
| ) acquireAndGet { |
| _.readObject() |
| } |
| ) |
| .asInstanceOf[NCCliProbeBeacon] |
| |
| ProcessHandle.of(beacon.pid).asScala match { |
| case Some(ph) ⇒ |
| beacon.ph = ph |
| |
| // See if we can detect probe log if server was started by this script. |
| val files = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, ".nlpcraft").listFiles(new FilenameFilter { |
| override def accept(dir: File, name: String): Boolean = |
| name.startsWith(s".pid_$ph") |
| }) |
| |
| if (files.size == 1) { |
| val split = files(0).getName.split("_") |
| |
| if (split.size == 4) { |
| val logFile = new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, s".nlpcraft/probe_log_${split(3)}.txt") |
| |
| if (logFile.exists()) |
| beacon.logPath = logFile.getAbsolutePath |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Some(beacon) |
| |
| case None ⇒ |
| // Attempt to clean up stale beacon file. |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, PRB_BEACON_PATH).delete() |
| |
| None |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: Exception ⇒ None |
| } |
| |
| beaconOpt match { |
| case Some(_) ⇒ state.isProbeOnline = true |
| case None ⇒ state.resetProbe() |
| } |
| |
| beaconOpt |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdQuit(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| if (repl) { |
| loadServerBeacon() match { |
| case Some(b) ⇒ warn(s"Local server (pid ${c(b.pid)}) is still running.") |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| loadProbeBeacon() match { |
| case Some(b) ⇒ warn(s"Local probe (pid ${c(b.pid)}) is still running.") |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdStop(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| doCommand(Seq(STOP_SRV_CMD.name), repl) |
| doCommand(Seq(STOP_PRB_CMD.name), repl) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdStopServer(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| loadServerBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ |
| val pid = beacon.pid |
| |
| if (beacon.ph.destroy()) { |
| logln(s"Server (pid ${c(pid)}) has been stopped.") |
| |
| // Attempt to delete beacon file right away. |
| new File(beacon.beaconPath).delete() |
| |
| // Reset REPL state right away. |
| state.resetServer() |
| } |
| else |
| error(s"Failed to stop the local server (pid ${c(pid)}).") |
| |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalServer() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdStopProbe(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| loadProbeBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ |
| val pid = beacon.pid |
| |
| if (beacon.ph.destroy()) { |
| logln(s"Probe (pid ${c(pid)}) has been stopped.") |
| |
| // Attempt to delete beacon file right away. |
| new File(beacon.beaconPath).delete() |
| |
| // Reset REPL state right away. |
| state.resetProbe() |
| } |
| else |
| error(s"Failed to stop the local probe (pid ${c(pid)}).") |
| |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalProbe() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdNoLogo(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| warn("This command should be used together with other command in a command line mode.") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdNoAnsi(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| NCAnsi.setEnabled(false) |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdAnsi(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| NCAnsi.setEnabled(true) |
| |
| /** |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdHelp(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| /** |
| * |
| */ |
| def header(): Unit = logln( |
| s"""|${ansiBold("NAME")} |
| |$T___${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")} - command line interface to control NLPCraft. |
| | |
| |${ansiBold("USAGE")} |
| |$T___${y(s"'$SCRIPT_NAME'")} [COMMAND] [PARAMETERS] |
| | |
| |${T___}Without any arguments the script starts in REPL mode. The REPL mode supports all |
| |${T___}the same commands as command line mode. In REPL mode you need to put values that |
| |${T___}can have spaces (like JSON or file paths) inside of single or double quotes both |
| |${T___}of which can be escaped using '\\' character. |
| | |
| |${ansiBold("COMMANDS")}""".stripMargin |
| ) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd |
| * @return |
| */ |
| def mkCmdLines(cmd: Command): Seq[String] = { |
| var lines = mutable.Buffer.empty[String] |
| |
| if (cmd.desc.isDefined) |
| lines += cmd.synopsis + " " + cmd.desc.get |
| else |
| lines += cmd.synopsis |
| |
| if (cmd.params.nonEmpty) { |
| lines += "" |
| lines += ansiBold("PARAMETERS") |
| |
| for (param ← cmd.params) { |
| val line = |
| if (param.value.isDefined) |
| T___ + param.names.zip(Stream.continually(param.value.get)).map(t ⇒ s"${t._1}=${t._2}").mkString(", ") |
| else |
| s"$T___${param.names.mkString(", ")}" |
| |
| lines += c(line) |
| |
| if (param.optional) |
| lines += s"$T___${T___}${g("Optional.")}" |
| |
| lines += s"$T___$T___${param.desc}" |
| lines += "" |
| } |
| |
| lines.remove(lines.size - 1) // Remove last empty line. |
| } |
| |
| if (cmd.examples.nonEmpty) { |
| lines += "" |
| lines += ansiBold("EXAMPLES") |
| |
| for (ex ← cmd.examples) { |
| lines ++= ex.usage.map(s ⇒ y(s"$T___$s")) |
| lines += s"$T___$T___${ex.desc}" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| lines |
| } |
| |
| def helpHelp(): Unit = |
| logln(s"" + |
| s"\n" + |
| s"Type ${c("help --cmd=xxx")} to get help for ${c("xxx")} command.\n" + |
| s"\n" + |
| s"You can also execute any OS specific command by prepending '${c("$")}' in front of it:\n" + |
| s" ${y("> $cmd /c dir")}\n" + |
| s" Runs Windows ${c("dir")} command in a separate shell.\n" + |
| s" ${y("> $ls -la")}\n" + |
| s" Runs Linux/Unix ${c("ls -la")} command.\n" |
| ) |
| |
| if (args.isEmpty) { // Default - show abbreviated help. |
| if (!repl) |
| header() |
| |
| CMDS.groupBy(_.group).toSeq.sortBy(_._1).foreach(entry ⇒ { |
| val grp = entry._1 |
| val grpCmds = entry._2 |
| |
| val tbl = NCAsciiTable().margin(left = if (repl) 0 else 4) |
| |
| grpCmds.sortBy(_.name).foreach(cmd ⇒ tbl +/ ( |
| "" → s"${g(cmd.name)}", |
| "align:left, maxWidth:85" → cmd.synopsis |
| )) |
| |
| logln(s"\n$B$grp:$RST\n${tbl.toString}") |
| }) |
| |
| helpHelp() |
| } |
| else if (args.size == 1 && args.head.parameter.id == "all") { // Show a full format help for all commands. |
| if (!repl) |
| header() |
| |
| val tbl = NCAsciiTable().margin(left = if (repl) 0 else 4) |
| |
| CMDS.foreach(cmd ⇒ |
| tbl +/ ( |
| "" → s"${g(cmd.name)}", |
| "align:left, maxWidth:85" → mkCmdLines(cmd) |
| ) |
| ) |
| |
| logln(tbl.toString) |
| |
| helpHelp() |
| } |
| else { // Help for individual commands. |
| var err = false |
| val seen = mutable.Buffer.empty[String] |
| |
| val tbl = NCAsciiTable().margin(left = if (repl) 0 else 4) |
| |
| for (arg ← args) { |
| val cmdName = arg.value.get |
| |
| CMDS.find(_.name == cmdName) match { |
| case Some(c) ⇒ |
| if (!seen.contains(c.name)) { |
| tbl +/ ( |
| "" → s"${g(c.name)}", |
| "align:left, maxWidth:85" → mkCmdLines(c) |
| ) |
| |
| seen += c.name |
| } |
| case None ⇒ |
| err = true |
| |
| throw UnknownCommand(cmdName) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!err) { |
| if (!repl) |
| header() |
| |
| logln(tbl.toString) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param beacon |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def logProbeInfo(beacon: NCCliProbeBeacon): Unit = { |
| var tbl = new NCAsciiTable |
| |
| val logPath = if (beacon.logPath != null) g(beacon.logPath) else y("<not available>") |
| val jarsFolder = if (beacon.jarsFolder != null) g(beacon.jarsFolder) else y("<not set>") |
| val mdlSeq = beacon.models.split(",").map(s ⇒ s"${g(s.trim)}").toSeq |
| |
| tbl += ("PID", s"${g(beacon.pid)}") |
| tbl += ("Probe ID", s"${g(beacon.id)}") |
| tbl += ("Probe Up-Link", s"${g(beacon.upLink)}") |
| tbl += ("Probe Down-Link", s"${g(beacon.downLink)}") |
| tbl += ("JARs Folder", jarsFolder) |
| tbl += (s"Deployed Models (${mdlSeq.size})", mdlSeq) |
| tbl += ("Log file", logPath) |
| tbl += ("Started on", s"${g(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance.format(new Date(beacon.startMs)))}") |
| |
| logln(s"Local probe:\n${tbl.toString}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param beacon |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def logServerInfo(beacon: NCCliServerBeacon): Unit = { |
| var tbl = new NCAsciiTable |
| |
| val logPath = if (beacon.logPath != null) g(beacon.logPath) else y("<not available>") |
| |
| tbl += ("PID", s"${g(beacon.pid)}") |
| tbl += ("Database:", "") |
| tbl += (" URL", s"${g(beacon.dbUrl)}") |
| tbl += (" Driver", s"${g(beacon.dbDriver)}") |
| tbl += (" Pool min", s"${g(beacon.dbPoolMin)}") |
| tbl += (" Pool init", s"${g(beacon.dbPoolInit)}") |
| tbl += (" Pool max", s"${g(beacon.dbPoolMax)}") |
| tbl += (" Pool increment", s"${g(beacon.dbPoolInc)}") |
| tbl += (" Reset on start", s"${g(beacon.dbInit)}") |
| tbl += ("REST:", "") |
| tbl += (" Endpoint", s"${g("http://" + beacon.restEndpoint)}") |
| tbl += (" API provider", s"${g(beacon.restApi)}") |
| tbl += ("Probe:", "") |
| tbl += (" Uplink", s"${g(beacon.upLink)}") |
| tbl += (" Downlink", s"${g(beacon.downLink)}") |
| tbl += ("Token providers", s"${g(beacon.tokenProviders)}") |
| tbl += ("NLP engine", s"${g(beacon.nlpEngine)}") |
| tbl += ("Access tokens:", "") |
| tbl += (" Scan frequency", s"$G${beacon.acsToksScanMins} mins$RST") |
| tbl += (" Expiration timeout", s"$G${beacon.acsToksExpireMins} mins$RST") |
| tbl += ("External config:", "") |
| tbl += (" URL", s"${g(beacon.extConfigUrl)}") |
| tbl += (" Check MD5", s"${g(beacon.extConfigCheckMd5)}") |
| tbl += ("Log file", logPath) |
| tbl += ("Started on", s"${g(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance.format(new Date(beacon.startMs)))}") |
| |
| logln(s"Local server:\n${tbl.toString}") |
| |
| tbl = new NCAsciiTable |
| |
| def addProbeToTable(tbl: NCAsciiTable, probe: Probe): NCAsciiTable = { |
| tbl += ( |
| Seq( |
| probe.probeId, |
| s" ${c("guid")}: ${probe.probeGuid}", |
| s" ${c("tok")}: ${probe.probeToken}" |
| ), |
| DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(currentTime - probe.startTstamp), |
| Seq( |
| s"${probe.hostName} (${probe.hostAddr})", |
| s"${probe.osName} ver. ${probe.osVersion}" |
| ), |
| probe.models.toList.map(m ⇒ s"${b(m.id)}, v${m.version}") |
| ) |
| |
| tbl |
| } |
| |
| tbl #= ( |
| "Probe ID", |
| "Uptime", |
| "Host / OS", |
| "Deployed Models" |
| ) |
| |
| state.probes.foreach(addProbeToTable(tbl, _)) |
| |
| logln(s"Connected probes (${state.probes.size}):\n${tbl.toString}") |
| |
| if (state.accessToken.isDefined) { |
| val tbl = new NCAsciiTable() |
| |
| tbl += (s"${g("Email")}", state.userEmail.get) |
| tbl += (s"${g("Access token")}", state.accessToken.get) |
| |
| logln(s"Signed in user account:\n$tbl") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdInfo(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| doCommand(Seq(SRV_INFO_CMD.name), repl) |
| doCommand(Seq(PRB_INFO_CMD.name), repl) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdInfoServer(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| loadServerBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ logServerInfo(beacon) |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalServer() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdInfoProbe(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| loadProbeBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ logProbeInfo(beacon) |
| case None ⇒ throw NoLocalProbe() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdClear(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| term.puts(Capability.clear_screen) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param body |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def mkHttpHandler[T](body: HttpResponse ⇒ T): ResponseHandler[T] = |
| (resp: HttpResponse) => body(resp) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdSignIn(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| state.accessToken match { |
| case None ⇒ |
| val email = getParam(cmd, args, "email", DFLT_USER_EMAIL) |
| val passwd = getParam(cmd, args, "passwd", DFLT_USER_PASSWD) |
| |
| httpRest( |
| cmd, |
| "signin", |
| s""" |
| |{ |
| | "email": ${jsonQuote(email)}, |
| | "passwd": ${jsonQuote(passwd)} |
| |} |
| |""".stripMargin |
| ) |
| |
| case Some(_) ⇒ warn(s"Already signed in. Use ${c("'signout'")} command to sign out first, if necessary.") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdSignOut(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| state.accessToken match { |
| case Some(acsTok) ⇒ |
| httpRest( |
| cmd, |
| "signout", |
| s""" |
| |{"acsTok": ${jsonQuote(acsTok)}} |
| |""".stripMargin |
| ) |
| |
| case None ⇒ throw NotSignedIn() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Quotes given string in double quotes unless it is already quoted as such. |
| * |
| * @param s |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def jsonQuote(s: String): String = { |
| if (s == null) |
| null |
| else { |
| val ss = s.trim() |
| |
| if (ss.startsWith("\"") && ss.endsWith("\"")) |
| ss |
| else |
| s""""$ss"""" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdSqlGen(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| // Mandatory parameters check (unless --help is specified). |
| if (!isParam(cmd, args, "help")) { |
| getParam(cmd, args, "driver") |
| getParam(cmd, args, "schema") |
| getParam(cmd, args, "out") |
| getParam(cmd, args, "url") |
| } |
| |
| val addCp = getCpParam(cmd, args, "cp") |
| val jvmOpts = getParamOpt(cmd, args, "jvmopts") match { |
| case Some(opts) ⇒ U.splitTrimFilter(U.trimQuotes(opts), " ") |
| case None ⇒ Seq("-ea", "-Xms1024m") |
| } |
| |
| var jvmArgs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String] |
| |
| jvmArgs += JAVA |
| jvmArgs ++= jvmOpts |
| |
| JVM_OPTS_RT_WARNS.foreach(jvmArgs += _) |
| |
| if (!NCAnsi.isEnabled) |
| |
| jvmArgs += "-cp" |
| |
| if (addCp != null) |
| jvmArgs += s"$JAVA_CP$CP_SEP$addCp".replace(s"$CP_SEP$CP_SEP", CP_SEP) |
| else |
| jvmArgs += JAVA_CP |
| |
| jvmArgs += "org.apache.nlpcraft.model.tools.sqlgen.NCSqlModelGenerator" |
| |
| for (arg ← args) |
| if (arg.parameter.id != "cp" && arg.parameter.id != "jvmopts") { |
| val p = arg.parameter.names.head |
| |
| arg.value match { |
| case None ⇒ jvmArgs += p |
| case Some(v) ⇒ jvmArgs += s"$p=${arg.value.get}" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val pb = new ProcessBuilder(jvmArgs.asJava) |
| |
| pb.directory(new File(USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| pb.inheritIO() |
| |
| try { |
| pb.start().onExit().get() |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: InterruptedException ⇒ () // Ignore. |
| case e: Exception ⇒ error(s"Failed to run SQL model generator: ${y(e.getMessage)}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdSugSyn(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| state.accessToken match { |
| case Some(acsTok) ⇒ |
| val mdlId = getParam(cmd, args, "mdlId") |
| val minScore = getDoubleParam(cmd, args, "minScore", 0.5) |
| |
| httpRest( |
| cmd, |
| "model/sugsyn", |
| s""" |
| |{ |
| | "acsTok": ${jsonQuote(acsTok)}, |
| | "mdlId": ${jsonQuote(mdlId)}, |
| | "minScore": $minScore |
| |} |
| |""".stripMargin |
| ) |
| |
| case None ⇒ throw NotSignedIn() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdAsk(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = |
| state.accessToken match { |
| case Some(acsTok) ⇒ |
| val mdlId = getParam(cmd, args, "mdlId") |
| val txt = getParam(cmd, args, "txt") |
| val data = getParamOrNull(cmd, args, "data") |
| val enableLog = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "enableLog", false) |
| |
| httpRest( |
| cmd, |
| "ask/sync", |
| s""" |
| |{ |
| | "acsTok": ${jsonQuote(acsTok)}, |
| | "mdlId": ${jsonQuote(mdlId)}, |
| | "txt": ${jsonQuote(txt)}, |
| | "data": ${jsonQuote(data)}, |
| | "enableLog": $enableLog |
| |} |
| |""".stripMargin |
| ) |
| |
| case None ⇒ throw NotSignedIn() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdCall(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val normArgs = args.filter(!_.parameter.synthetic) |
| val synthArgs = args.filter(_.parameter.synthetic) |
| |
| val path = normArgs.find(_.parameter.id == "path").getOrElse(throw MissingParameter(cmd, "path")).value.get |
| |
| var first = true |
| val buf = new StringBuilder() |
| |
| val spec = REST_SPEC.find(_.path == path).getOrElse(throw InvalidParameter(cmd, "path")) |
| |
| var mandatoryParams = spec.params.filter(!_.optional) |
| |
| for (arg ← synthArgs) { |
| val jsName = arg.parameter.id |
| |
| spec.params.find(_.name == jsName) match { |
| case Some(param) ⇒ |
| mandatoryParams = mandatoryParams.filter(_.name != jsName) |
| |
| if (!first) |
| buf ++= "," |
| |
| first = false |
| |
| buf ++= "\"" + jsName + "\":" |
| |
| val value = arg.value.getOrElse(throw InvalidJsonParameter(cmd, arg.parameter.names.head)) |
| |
| param.kind match { |
| case STRING ⇒ buf ++= "\"" + U.escapeJson(U.trimQuotes(value)) + "\"" |
| case OBJECT | ARRAY ⇒ buf ++= U.trimQuotes(value) |
| case BOOLEAN | NUMERIC ⇒ buf ++= value |
| } |
| |
| case None ⇒ throw InvalidJsonParameter(cmd, jsName) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (mandatoryParams.nonEmpty) |
| throw MissingMandatoryJsonParameters(cmd, mandatoryParams, path) |
| |
| httpRest(cmd, path, s"{${buf.toString()}}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param name |
| * @param value |
| * @param supported |
| */ |
| @throws[InvalidParameter] |
| private def checkSupported(cmd: Command, name: String, value: String, supported: String*): Unit = |
| if (!supported.contains(value)) |
| throw InvalidParameter(cmd, name) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param lines |
| * @param cmtBegin Comment begin sequence. |
| * @param cmtEnd Comment end sequence. |
| */ |
| private def extractHeader0(lines: Seq[String], cmtBegin: String, cmtEnd: String): (Int, Int) = { |
| var startIdx, endIdx = -1 |
| |
| for ((line, idx) ← lines.zipWithIndex if startIdx == -1 || endIdx == -1) { |
| val t = line.trim |
| |
| if (t == cmtBegin) { |
| if (startIdx == -1) |
| startIdx = idx |
| } |
| else if (t == cmtEnd) { |
| if (startIdx != -1 && endIdx == -1) |
| endIdx = idx |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (startIdx == -1) (-1, -1) else (startIdx, endIdx) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param lines |
| * @param cmtBegin One-line comment begin sequence. |
| */ |
| private def extractHeader0(lines: Seq[String], cmtBegin: String = "#"): (Int, Int) = { |
| var startIdx, endIdx = -1 |
| |
| for ((line, idx) ← lines.zipWithIndex if startIdx == -1 || endIdx == -1) |
| if (line.trim.startsWith(cmtBegin)) { |
| if (startIdx == -1) |
| startIdx = idx |
| } |
| else { |
| if (startIdx != -1 && endIdx == -1) { |
| require(idx > 0) |
| |
| endIdx = idx - 1 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (startIdx == -1) |
| (-1, -1) |
| else if (endIdx == -1) |
| (startIdx, lines.size - 1) |
| else |
| (startIdx, endIdx) |
| } |
| |
| def extractJavaHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines, "/*", "*/") |
| def extractJsonHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines, "/*", "*/") |
| def extractGradleHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines, "/*", "*/") |
| def extractSbtHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines, "/*", "*/") |
| def extractXmlHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines, "<!--", "-->") |
| def extractYamlHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines) |
| def extractPropertiesHeader(lines: Seq[String]): (Int, Int) = extractHeader0(lines) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param zipInDir |
| * @param dst |
| * @param inEntry |
| * @param outEntry |
| * @param repls |
| */ |
| @throws[NCE] |
| private def copy( |
| zipInDir: String, |
| dst: File, |
| inEntry: String, |
| outEntry: String, |
| extractHeader: Option[Seq[String] ⇒ (Int, Int)], |
| repls: (String, String)* |
| ) { |
| val key = s"$zipInDir/$inEntry" |
| |
| require(PRJ_TEMPLATES.contains(key), s"Unexpected template entry for: $key") |
| |
| var lines = PRJ_TEMPLATES(key) |
| |
| val outFile = if (dst != null) new File(dst, outEntry) else new File(outEntry) |
| val parent = outFile.getAbsoluteFile.getParentFile |
| |
| if (parent == null || !parent.exists() && !parent.mkdirs()) |
| throw new NCE(s"Invalid folder: ${parent.getAbsolutePath}") |
| |
| // Drops headers. |
| extractHeader match { |
| case Some(ext) ⇒ |
| val (hdrFrom, hdrTo) = ext(lines) |
| |
| lines = lines.zipWithIndex.flatMap { |
| case (line, idx) ⇒ if (idx < hdrFrom || idx > hdrTo) Some(line) else None |
| } |
| case None ⇒ // No-op. |
| } |
| |
| // Drops empty line in begin and end of the file. |
| lines = lines.dropWhile(_.trim.isEmpty).reverse.dropWhile(_.trim.isEmpty).reverse |
| |
| val buf = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(String, String)] |
| |
| for (line ← lines) { |
| val t = line.trim |
| |
| // Drops duplicated empty lines, which can be appeared because header deleting. |
| if (buf.isEmpty || t.nonEmpty || t != buf.last._2) |
| buf += (line → t) |
| } |
| |
| var cont = buf.map(_._1).mkString("\n") |
| |
| cont = repls.foldLeft(cont)((s, repl) ⇒ s.replaceAll(repl._1, repl._2)) |
| |
| try |
| managed(new FileWriter(outFile)) acquireAndGet { w ⇒ |
| managed(new BufferedWriter(w)) acquireAndGet { bw ⇒ |
| bw.write(cont) |
| } |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: IOException ⇒ throw new NCE(s"Error writing $outEntry", e) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdGenModel(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val filePath = refinePath(getParam(cmd, args, "filePath")) |
| val overrideFlag = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "override", dflt = false) |
| val mdlId = getParam(cmd, args, "modelId") |
| |
| val out = new File(filePath) |
| |
| if (out.isDirectory) |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid file path: ${c(out.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| |
| if (out.exists()) { |
| if (overrideFlag) { |
| if (!out.delete()) |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Couldn't delete file: ${c(out.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| } |
| else |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"File already exists: ${c(out.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| } |
| |
| val (fileExt, extractHdr) = { |
| val lc = filePath.toLowerCase |
| |
| if (lc.endsWith(".yaml") || lc.endsWith(".yml")) |
| ("yaml", extractYamlHeader _) |
| else if (lc.endsWith(".json") || lc.endsWith(".js")) |
| ("json", extractJsonHeader _) |
| else |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported model file type (extension): ${c(filePath)}") |
| } |
| |
| copy( |
| "nlpcraft-java-mvn", |
| out.getParentFile, |
| s"src/main/resources/template_model.$fileExt", |
| out.getName, |
| Some(extractHdr), |
| "templateModelId" → mdlId |
| ) |
| |
| logln(s"Model file stub created: ${c(out.getCanonicalPath)}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdGenProject(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val outputDir = refinePath(getParam(cmd, args, "outputDir", USR_WORK_DIR)) |
| val baseName = getParam(cmd, args, "baseName") |
| val lang = getParam(cmd, args, "lang", "java").toLowerCase |
| val buildTool = getParam(cmd, args, "buildTool", "mvn").toLowerCase |
| val pkgName = getParam(cmd, args, "packageName", "org.apache.nlpcraft.demo").toLowerCase |
| val fileType = getParam(cmd, args, "modelType", "yaml").toLowerCase |
| val overrideFlag = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "override", dflt = false) |
| |
| val dst = new File(outputDir, baseName) |
| val pkgDir = pkgName.replaceAll("\\.", "/") |
| val clsName = s"${baseName.head.toUpper}${baseName.tail}" |
| val variant = s"$lang-$buildTool" |
| val inFolder = s"nlpcraft-$variant" |
| val isJson = fileType == "json" || fileType == "js" |
| |
| checkSupported(cmd, "lang", lang, "java", "scala", "kotlin") |
| checkSupported(cmd, "buildTool", buildTool, "mvn", "gradle", "sbt") |
| checkSupported(cmd, "fileType", fileType, "yaml", "yml", "json", "js") |
| |
| def checkJavaName(v: String, name: String): Unit = |
| if (!SourceVersion.isName(v)) |
| throw InvalidParameter(cmd, name) |
| |
| checkJavaName(clsName, "baseName") |
| checkJavaName(pkgName, "packageName") |
| |
| // Prepares output folder. |
| if (dst.isFile) |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid output folder: ${c(dst.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| else { |
| if (!dst.exists()) { |
| if (!dst.mkdirs()) |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Failed to create folder: ${c(dst.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| } |
| else { |
| if (overrideFlag) |
| U.clearFolder(dst.getAbsolutePath) |
| else |
| throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Folder already exists (use ${c("'-o'")} to override): ${c(dst.getAbsolutePath)}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @throws[NCE] |
| def cp(in: String, extractHeader: Option[Seq[String] ⇒ (Int, Int)], repls: (String, String)*): Unit = |
| copy(inFolder, dst, in, in, extractHeader, repls :_*) |
| |
| @throws[NCE] |
| def cpAndRename(in: String, out: String, extractHdr: Option[Seq[String] ⇒ (Int, Int)], repls: (String, String)*): Unit = |
| copy(inFolder, dst, in, out, extractHdr, repls :_*) |
| |
| @throws[NCE] |
| def cpCommon(langDir: String, langExt: String): Unit = { |
| cp(".gitignore", None) |
| |
| val (startClause, exampleClause) = |
| langExt match { |
| case "java" ⇒ (s"NCEmbeddedProbe.start($clsName.class);", "Java example") |
| case "kt" ⇒ (s"NCEmbeddedProbe.start($clsName::class.java)", "Kotlin example") |
| case "scala" ⇒ (s"NCEmbeddedProbe.start(classOf[$clsName])", "Scala example") |
| |
| case _ ⇒ throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected language extension: $langExt") |
| } |
| |
| cp( |
| "readme.txt", |
| None, |
| "com.company.nlp.TemplateModel" → s"$pkgName.$clsName", |
| "NCEmbeddedProbe.start\\(TemplateModel.class\\);" → startClause, |
| "Java example" → exampleClause, |
| "templateModelId" → baseName |
| ) |
| |
| val resFileName = |
| if (baseName.contains("_")) baseName else CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE, baseName) |
| |
| cpAndRename( |
| s"src/main/$langDir/com/company/nlp/TemplateModel.$langExt", |
| s"src/main/$langDir/$pkgDir/$clsName.$langExt", |
| // Suitable for all supported languages. |
| Some(extractJavaHeader), |
| "com.company.nlp" → s"$pkgName", |
| "TemplateModel" → clsName, |
| "template_model.yaml" → s"$resFileName.$fileType" |
| ) |
| cpAndRename( |
| s"src/main/resources/template_model.${if (isJson) "json" else "yaml"}", |
| s"src/main/resources/$resFileName.$fileType", |
| Some(if (isJson) extractJsonHeader else extractYamlHeader), |
| "templateModelId" → baseName |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| @throws[NCE] |
| def cpPom(): Unit = |
| cp( |
| "pom.xml", |
| Some(extractXmlHeader), |
| "com.company.nlp" → pkgName, |
| "myapplication" → baseName, |
| "<nlpcraft.ver>(.*)</nlpcraft.ver>" → s"<nlpcraft.ver>${VER.version}</nlpcraft.ver>" |
| ) |
| |
| @throws[NCE] |
| def cpGradle(): Unit = { |
| cp("build.gradle", |
| Some(extractGradleHeader), |
| "com.company.nlp" → pkgName, |
| "myapplication" → baseName, |
| "'org.apache.nlpcraft:nlpcraft:(.*)'" → s"'org.apache.nlpcraft:nlpcraft:${VER.version}'" |
| ) |
| cp( |
| "settings.gradle", |
| Some(extractGradleHeader), |
| "myapplication" → baseName |
| ) |
| cp("gradlew", None) |
| cp("gradlew.bat", None) |
| } |
| |
| @throws[NCE] |
| def cpSbt(): Unit = { |
| cp("build.sbt", |
| Some(extractSbtHeader), |
| "com.company.nlp" → pkgName, |
| "myapplication" → baseName, |
| (s"""libraryDependencies""" + " \\+= " + """"org.apache.nlpcraft" % "nlpcraft" % "(.*)"""") → |
| (s"""libraryDependencies""" + " \\+= " + s""""org.apache.nlpcraft" % "nlpcraft" % "${VER.version}"""") |
| ) |
| cp("project/build.properties", Some(extractPropertiesHeader)) |
| } |
| |
| def folder2String(dir: File): String = { |
| val sp = System.getProperty("line.separator") |
| |
| def get(f: File): List[StringBuilder] = { |
| val name = if (f.isFile) s"${y(f.getName)}" else f.getName |
| |
| val buf = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[StringBuilder] :+ new StringBuilder().append(name) |
| |
| val children = { |
| val list = f.listFiles() |
| |
| if (list == null) List.empty else list.sortBy(_.getName).toList |
| } |
| |
| for { |
| child ← children |
| (v1, v2) = if (child != children.last) (s"${c("|")}-- ", s"${c("|")} ") else (s"${c("+")}-- ", " ") |
| sub = get(child) |
| } { |
| buf += sub.head.insert(0, v1) |
| sub.tail.foreach(p ⇒ buf += p.insert(0, v2)) |
| } |
| |
| buf.toList |
| } |
| |
| get(dir).map(line ⇒ s"$line$sp").mkString |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| variant match { |
| case "java-mvn" ⇒ cpCommon("java", "java"); cpPom() |
| case "java-gradle" ⇒ cpCommon("java", "java"); cpGradle() |
| |
| case "kotlin-mvn" ⇒ cpCommon("kotlin", "kt"); cpPom() |
| case "kotlin-gradle" ⇒ cpCommon("kotlin", "kt"); cpGradle() |
| |
| case "scala-mvn" ⇒ cpCommon("scala", "scala"); cpPom() |
| case "scala-gradle" ⇒ cpCommon("scala", "scala"); cpGradle() |
| case "scala-sbt" ⇒ cpCommon("scala", "scala"); cpSbt() |
| |
| case _ ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported combination of '${c(lang)}' and '${c(buildTool)}'.") |
| } |
| |
| logln(s"Project created in: ${c(dst.getCanonicalPath)}") |
| logln(folder2String(dst)) |
| } |
| catch { |
| case e: Exception ⇒ |
| try |
| U.clearFolder(dst.getAbsolutePath, delFolder = true) |
| catch { |
| case _: Exception ⇒ // No-op. |
| } |
| |
| throw e |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd |
| * @param path |
| * @param json |
| */ |
| private def httpRest(cmd: Command, path: String, json: String): Unit = { |
| if (!U.isValidJson(json)) |
| throw MalformedJson() |
| |
| if (!REST_SPEC.exists(_.path == path)) |
| throw InvalidParameter(cmd, "path") |
| |
| val spinner = new NCAnsiSpinner( |
| term.writer(), |
| // ANSI is NOT disabled & we ARE NOT running from IDEA or Eclipse... |
| NCAnsi.isEnabled && IS_SCRIPT |
| ) |
| |
| spinner.start() |
| |
| // Make the REST call. |
| val resp = |
| try |
| httpPostResponse(getRestEndpointFromBeacon, path, json) |
| finally |
| spinner.stop() |
| |
| // Ack HTTP response code. |
| logln(s"HTTP ${if (resp.code == 200) g("200") else r(resp.code)}") |
| |
| if (U.isValidJson(resp.data)) |
| logln(U.colorJson(U.prettyJson(resp.data))) |
| else { |
| if (resp.code == 200) |
| logln(s"${g("HTTP response:")} ${resp.data}") |
| else |
| error(s"${r("HTTP error:")} ${resp.data}") |
| } |
| |
| if (resp.code == 200) { |
| if (path == "signin") { |
| state.userEmail = Some(U.getJsonStringField(json, "email")) |
| state.accessToken = Some(U.getJsonStringField(resp.data, "acsTok")) |
| } |
| else if (path == "signout") { |
| state.userEmail = None |
| state.accessToken = None |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| */ |
| private def doRepl(): Unit = { |
| loadServerBeacon(autoSignIn = true) match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ logServerInfo(beacon) |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| loadProbeBeacon() match { |
| case Some(beacon) ⇒ logProbeInfo(beacon) |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| val parser = new DefaultParser() |
| |
| parser.setEofOnUnclosedBracket(Bracket.CURLY, Bracket.ROUND, Bracket.SQUARE) |
| parser.setEofOnUnclosedQuote(true) |
| parser.regexCommand("") |
| parser.regexVariable("") |
| |
| val completer: Completer = new Completer { |
| private val cmds = CMDS.map(c ⇒ (c.name, c.synopsis, c.group)) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param disp |
| * @param desc |
| * @param completed |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def mkCandidate(disp: String, grp: String, desc: String, completed: Boolean): Candidate = |
| new Candidate(disp, disp, grp, desc, null, null, completed) |
| |
| override def complete(reader: LineReader, line: ParsedLine, candidates: util.List[Candidate]): Unit = { |
| val words = line.words().asScala |
| |
| if (words.nonEmpty && words.head.nonEmpty && words.head.head == '$') { // Don't complete if the line starts with '$'. |
| // No-op. |
| } |
| else if (words.isEmpty || !cmds.map(_._1).contains(words.head)) |
| candidates.addAll(cmds.map(n ⇒ { |
| val name = n._1 |
| val desc = n._2.substring(0, n._2.length - 1) // Remove last '.'. |
| val grp = s"${n._3}:" |
| |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = name, |
| grp = grp, |
| desc = desc, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| }).asJava) |
| else { |
| val cmd = words.head |
| |
| val OPTIONAL_GRP = "Optional:" |
| val MANDATORY_GRP = "Mandatory:" |
| val DFTL_USER_GRP = "Default user:" |
| val CMDS_GRP = "Commands:" |
| |
| candidates.addAll(CMDS.find(_.name == cmd) match { |
| case Some(c) ⇒ |
| c.params.filter(!_.synthetic).flatMap(param ⇒ { |
| val hasVal = param.value.isDefined |
| val names = param.names.filter(_.startsWith("--")) // Skip shorthands from auto-completion. |
| |
| names.map(name ⇒ mkCandidate( |
| disp = if (hasVal) name + "=" else name, |
| grp = if (param.optional) OPTIONAL_GRP else MANDATORY_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = !hasVal |
| )) |
| }) |
| .asJava |
| |
| case None ⇒ Seq.empty[Candidate].asJava |
| }) |
| |
| // For 'help' - add additional auto-completion/suggestion candidates. |
| if (cmd == HELP_CMD.name) |
| candidates.addAll(CMDS.map(c ⇒ s"--cmd=${c.name}").map(s ⇒ |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s, |
| grp = CMDS_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = true |
| )) |
| .asJava |
| ) |
| |
| // For 'rest' or 'call' - add '--path' auto-completion/suggestion candidates. |
| if (cmd == REST_CMD.name || cmd == CALL_CMD.name) { |
| val pathParam = REST_CMD.findParameterById("path") |
| val hasPathAlready = words.exists(w ⇒ pathParam.names.exists(x ⇒ w.startsWith(x))) |
| |
| if (!hasPathAlready) |
| candidates.addAll( |
| REST_SPEC.map(cmd ⇒ { |
| val name = s"--path=${cmd.path}" |
| |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = name, |
| grp = s"REST ${cmd.group}:", |
| desc = cmd.desc, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| }) |
| .asJava |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| // For 'ask' and 'sugysn' - add additional model IDs auto-completion/suggestion candidates. |
| if (cmd == ASK_CMD.name || cmd == SUGSYN_CMD.name) |
| candidates.addAll( |
| state.probes.flatMap(_.models.toList).map(mdl ⇒ { |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s"--mdlId=${mdl.id}", |
| grp = MANDATORY_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| }) |
| .asJava |
| ) |
| |
| // For 'call' - add additional auto-completion/suggestion candidates. |
| if (cmd == CALL_CMD.name) { |
| val pathParam = CALL_CMD.findParameterById("path") |
| |
| words.find(w ⇒ pathParam.names.exists(x ⇒ w.startsWith(x))) match { |
| case Some(p) ⇒ |
| val path = p.substring(p.indexOf('=') + 1) |
| |
| REST_SPEC.find(_.path == path) match { |
| case Some(spec) ⇒ |
| candidates.addAll( |
| spec.params.map(param ⇒ { |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s"--${param.name}", |
| grp = if (param.optional) OPTIONAL_GRP else MANDATORY_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = false |
| ) |
| }) |
| .asJava |
| ) |
| |
| // Add 'acsTok' auto-suggestion. |
| if (spec.params.exists(_.name == "acsTok") && state.accessToken.isDefined) |
| candidates.add( |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s"--acsTok=${state.accessToken.get}", |
| grp = MANDATORY_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| ) |
| |
| // Add 'mdlId' auto-suggestion. |
| if (spec.params.exists(_.name == "mdlId") && state.probes.nonEmpty) |
| candidates.addAll( |
| state.probes.flatMap(_.models.toList).map(mdl ⇒ { |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s"--mdlId=${mdl.id}", |
| grp = MANDATORY_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| }) |
| .asJava |
| ) |
| |
| // Add default 'email' and 'passwd' auto-suggestion for 'signin' path. |
| if (path == "signin") { |
| candidates.add( |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s"--email=$DFLT_USER_EMAIL", |
| grp = DFTL_USER_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| ) |
| candidates.add( |
| mkCandidate( |
| disp = s"--passwd=$DFLT_USER_PASSWD", |
| grp = DFTL_USER_GRP, |
| desc = null, |
| completed = true |
| ) |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| |
| case None ⇒ () |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ReplHighlighter extends Highlighter { |
| override def highlight(reader: LineReader, buffer: String): AttributedString = |
| AttributedString.fromAnsi( |
| CMD_NAME.matcher( |
| CMD_PARAM.matcher( |
| buffer |
| ) |
| .replaceAll("$1" + c("$2")) |
| ) |
| .replaceAll(bo(g("$1")) + "$2") |
| ) |
| |
| override def setErrorPattern(errorPattern: Pattern): Unit = () |
| override def setErrorIndex(errorIndex: Int): Unit = () |
| } |
| |
| val reader = LineReaderBuilder |
| .builder |
| .appName("NLPCraft") |
| .terminal(term) |
| .completer(completer) |
| .parser(parser) |
| .highlighter(new ReplHighlighter()) |
| .history(new DefaultHistory()) |
| .variable(LineReader.SECONDARY_PROMPT_PATTERN, s"${g("...>")} ") |
| .variable(LineReader.INDENTATION, 2) |
| .build |
| |
| reader.setOpt(LineReader.Option.AUTO_FRESH_LINE) |
| reader.unsetOpt(LineReader.Option.INSERT_TAB) |
| reader.unsetOpt(LineReader.Option.BRACKETED_PASTE) |
| reader.setOpt(LineReader.Option.DISABLE_EVENT_EXPANSION) |
| reader.setVariable( |
| LineReader.HISTORY_FILE, |
| new File(SystemUtils.getUserHome, HIST_PATH).getAbsolutePath |
| ) |
| |
| logln() |
| logln(s"${y("Tip:")} Hit ${rv(bo(" Tab "))} for auto suggestions and completion.") |
| logln(s" Type '${c("help")}' to get help and ${rv(bo(" ↑ "))} or ${rv(bo(" ↓ "))} to scroll through history.") |
| logln(s" Type '${c("quit")}' to exit.") |
| |
| var exit = false |
| |
| val pinger = U.mkThread("repl-server-pinger") { t ⇒ |
| while (!t.isInterrupted) { |
| loadServerBeacon() |
| |
| Thread.sleep(10.secs) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pinger.start() |
| |
| var wasLastLineEmpty = false |
| |
| while (!exit) { |
| val rawLine = try { |
| val acsTokStr = bo(s"${state.accessToken.getOrElse("N/A")} ") |
| |
| val prompt1 = if (state.isServerOnline) gb(k(s" server: ${BO}ON$RST$GB ")) else rb(w(s" server: ${BO}OFF$RST$RB ")) |
| val prompt2 = if (state.isProbeOnline) gb(k(s" probe: ${BO}ON$RST$GB ")) else rb(w(s" probe: ${BO}OFF$RST$RB ")) |
| val prompt3 = wb(k(s" acsTok: $acsTokStr")) // Access token, if any. |
| val prompt4 = kb(g(s" $USR_WORK_DIR ")) // Current working directory. |
| |
| if (!wasLastLineEmpty) |
| reader.printAbove("\n" + prompt1 + ":" + prompt2 + ":" + prompt3 + ":" + prompt4) |
| |
| reader.readLine(s"${g(">")} ") |
| } |
| catch { |
| case _: UserInterruptException ⇒ "" // Ignore. |
| case _: EndOfFileException ⇒ null |
| case _: Exception ⇒ "" // Guard against JLine hiccups. |
| } |
| |
| if (rawLine == null) |
| exit = true |
| else { |
| val line = rawLine |
| .trim() |
| .replace("\n", "") |
| .replace("\t", " ") |
| .trim() |
| |
| if (line.nonEmpty) { |
| wasLastLineEmpty = false |
| |
| try |
| doCommand(splitAndClean(line), repl = true) |
| catch { |
| case e: SplitError ⇒ |
| val idx = e.index |
| val lineX = line.substring(0, idx) + r(line.substring(idx, idx + 1) ) + line.substring(idx + 1) |
| val dashX = c("-" * idx) + r("^") + c("-" * (line.length - idx - 1)) |
| |
| error(s"Uneven quotes or brackets:") |
| error(s" ${r("+--")} $lineX") |
| error(s" ${r("+--")} $dashX") |
| } |
| |
| if (line == QUIT_CMD.name) |
| exit = true |
| } |
| else |
| wasLastLineEmpty = true |
| } |
| } |
| |
| U.stopThread(pinger) |
| |
| // Save command history. |
| ignoring(classOf[IOException]) { |
| reader.getHistory.save() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param cmd Command descriptor. |
| * @param args Arguments, if any, for this command. |
| * @param repl Whether or not executing from REPL. |
| */ |
| private [cmdline] def cmdVersion(cmd: Command, args: Seq[Argument], repl: Boolean): Unit = { |
| val isS = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "semver", dflt = false) |
| val isD = getFlagParam(cmd, args, "reldate", dflt = false) |
| |
| if (!isS && !isD) |
| logln(( |
| new NCAsciiTable |
| += ("Version:", c(VER.version)) |
| += ("Release date:", c(VER.date.toString)) |
| ).toString |
| ) |
| else if (isS) |
| logln(s"${VER.version}") |
| else |
| logln(s"${VER.date}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param msg |
| */ |
| private def error(msg: String = ""): Unit = { |
| // Make sure we exit with non-zero status. |
| exitStatus = 1 |
| |
| if (msg != null && msg.nonEmpty) |
| logln(s"${r("X")} ${if (msg.head.isLower) msg.head.toUpper + msg.tail else msg}") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param msg |
| */ |
| private def warn(msg: String = ""): Unit = |
| if (msg != null && msg.nonEmpty) |
| logln(s"${y("!")} ${if (msg.head.isLower) msg.head.toUpper + msg.tail else msg}") |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param msg |
| */ |
| private def logln(msg: String = ""): Unit = { |
| term.writer().println(msg) |
| term.flush() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param msg |
| */ |
| private def log(msg: String = ""): Unit = { |
| term.writer().print(msg) |
| term.flush() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Prints out the version and copyright title header. |
| */ |
| private def title(): Unit = { |
| logln(U.asciiLogo()) |
| logln(s"$NAME ver. ${VER.version}") |
| logln() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param baseUrl |
| * @param cmd |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def prepRestUrl(baseUrl: String, cmd: String): String = |
| if (baseUrl.endsWith("/")) s"$baseUrl$cmd" else s"$baseUrl/$cmd" |
| |
| /** |
| * Posts HTTP POST request. |
| * |
| * @param baseUrl Base endpoint URL. |
| * @param cmd REST call command. |
| * @param resp |
| * @param json JSON string. |
| * @return |
| * @throws IOException |
| */ |
| private def httpPost[T](baseUrl: String, cmd: String, resp: ResponseHandler[T], json: String): T = { |
| val post = new HttpPost(prepRestUrl(baseUrl, cmd)) |
| |
| post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") |
| post.setEntity(new StringEntity(json, "UTF-8")) |
| |
| try |
| HttpClients.createDefault().execute(post, resp) |
| finally |
| post.releaseConnection() |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param endpoint |
| * @param path |
| * @param json |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def httpPostResponse(endpoint: String, path: String, json: String): HttpRestResponse = |
| httpPost(endpoint, path, mkHttpHandler(resp ⇒ { |
| val status = resp.getStatusLine |
| |
| HttpRestResponse( |
| status.getStatusCode, |
| Option(EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity)).getOrElse( |
| throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected REST error: ${status.getReasonPhrase}") |
| ) |
| ) |
| }), json) |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * @param endpoint |
| * @param path |
| * @param json |
| * @return |
| */ |
| private def httpPostResponseJson(endpoint: String, path: String, json: String): Option[String] = |
| httpPost(endpoint, path, mkHttpHandler(resp ⇒ { |
| val status = resp.getStatusLine |
| |
| if (status.getStatusCode == 200) |
| Option(EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity)) |
| else |
| None |
| }), json) |
| |
| /** |
| * Posts HTTP GET request. |
| * |
| * @param endpoint Base endpoint URL. |
| * @param path REST call command. |
| * @param resp |
| * @param jsParams |
| * @return |
| * @throws IOException |
| */ |
| private def httpGet[T](endpoint: String, path: String, resp: ResponseHandler[T], jsParams: (String, AnyRef)*): T = { |
| val bldr = new URIBuilder(prep