Update news.yml
1 file changed
tree: fc68c40a1fbe31b4ceb5592df8865700c2338b21
  1. _data/
  2. _includes/
  3. _layouts/
  4. _plugins/
  5. _scss/
  6. apis/
  7. assets/
  8. examples/
  9. ext/
  10. fonts/
  11. images/
  12. relnotes/
  13. .asf.yaml
  14. .DS_Store
  15. .gitignore
  16. 404.html
  17. _config.yml
  18. android-chrome-144x144.png
  19. apple-touch-icon.png
  20. browserconfig.xml
  21. community.html
  23. docs.html
  24. download.html
  25. favicon-16x16.png
  26. favicon-32x32.png
  27. favicon.ico
  28. first-example.html
  29. Gemfile
  30. googlefce85cba8500a10c.html
  31. index.html
  32. installation.html
  33. intent-matching.html
  34. key-concepts.html
  36. mstile-150x150.png
  37. NOTICE
  38. README.md
  39. safari-pinned-tab.svg
  40. short-term-memory.html
  41. site.webmanifest
  42. use-cases.html

License Documentation Status Gitter


This repo is for the Apache NLPCraft website.

What is Apache NLPCraft?

Apache NLPCraft is an open source library for adding a natural language interface to any applications. NLPCraft is free and easy to use, it securely works with any private data source, and has no hardware or software lock-in:

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Copyright (C) 2021 Apache Software Foundation