layout: page title: Downloads permalink: /pages/downloads/


Release versionDownload link
0.4 (Signature / Checksums / Project release KEYS)Source code (tar.gz)
0.3 (Signature / Checksums / Project release KEYS)Source code (tar.gz)
0.2 (Signature / Checksums / Project release KEYS)Source code (tar.gz)
0.1 (Signature / Checksums / Project release KEYS)Source code (tar.gz)

Maven Artifacts

Nemo is available in Maven Central, making it easier to link into your programs without having to build as a JAR. Use the following Maven identifiers to add it to a project:

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Development and Maintenance Branches

If you are interested in working with the newest under-development code or contributing, you can clone the master branch from Git:

$ git clone