Fine-grained Scaling Architecture

Myriad scheduler is comprised of components that interact with YARN and Mesos services.

Mesos Master Interactions

MyriadSchedulerThis is the entry point to register a framework scheduler with Mesos. Upon registration, Mesos offers start to be received.
OfferFeedMesos offers are accepted and stashed here.
OfferLifecycleManagerInterface to retrieve stashed offers, return unused offers back to Mesos.
ConsumedOfferRepresents offers that have been consumed for a slave prior to scheduling run. When offers are consumed, they increase the capacity of YARN Node Manager by that amount. Note that no Mesos tasks are launched when offers are consumed. They are launched only after the scheduling run.

Resource Manager Scheduler Interactions

Myriad Fair Scheduler, Myriad Capacity SchedulerExtension point for YARN schedulers to enable setting up hooks into scheduler events.
YARN Node Capacity ManagerControls the YARN Scheduler's view of the cluster node capacity. YARN schedules containers on nodes based on available capacity. Myriad enables YARN cluster elasticity by dynamically growing and shrinking the node capacities.

Node Manager Interactions

NM HB HandlerHandles node manager heartbeat and responds to status updates of YARN containers. For running containers, it sends status update to Mesos Executor and for completed containers, it informs Pseudo Task Manager about available resources.
Node StoreTracks the set of nodes that are part of YARN cluster.
NodeTracks metadata about a node.