id: plugin-dev-guide title: D-TA Plugins Developers Guide sidebar_label: Developers Guide

We have provided a template plugin that provides the same functionality as out-of-the-box milagro.

Developer Notes

You need to install protobufs

If you change the portobufs definition run

$ protoc -I=. --go_out=. ./docs.proto

To add a new endpoint to the goKit Microservices framework

  1. First define the contract in milagro/pkg/milagroservice/proto.go

Add structs for http transport Add responses to milagro/swagger/swagger.config,yaml

  1. Add and endpoint definition


  1. Create a handler factory

Thise instructions still aren't perfect

  1. Clone the repo and make sure that it works by following the Quick Start instructions
  2. Copy the plugin template

cp -r pkg/plugintemplate pkg/encryptastring
  1. Rename the package and service on a mac you could do this...

sed -i "" "s/template/encryptastring/g" pkg/encryptastring/service.go
  1. Now create a plugin regsitration file

sed -i "" "s/plugintemplate/encryptastring/g" plugins/encryptastring.go sed -i "" "s/pluginTemplate/encryptAString/g" plugins/encryptastring.go
  1. Update the Config File

nano ~/.milagro/config.yaml update.... plugins: service: encryptastring
  1. See your plugin in action!

go build -o target/service target/service

Point your browser at: http://localhost:5555/status

you should see