fixed css and missing js docs
diff --git a/website/sidebars.json b/website/sidebars.json
index 4124073..ca5d63c 100644
--- a/website/sidebars.json
+++ b/website/sidebars.json
@@ -11,9 +11,49 @@
-        "amcl-javascript-api"
+				{
+		"type": "subcategory",
+		"label": "AMCL JavaScript API",
+		"ids": [
+				"cryptojs/amcl-javascript-api",
+				"cryptojs/aes",
+				"cryptojs/big",
+				"cryptojs/bls",
+				"cryptojs/bls192",
+				"cryptojs/bls256",
+				"cryptojs/dbig",
+				"cryptojs/ecdh",
+				"cryptojs/ecp",
+				"cryptojs/ecp2",
+				"cryptojs/ecp4",
+				"cryptojs/ecp8",
+				"cryptojs/ff",
+				"cryptojs/fp",
+				"cryptojs/fp2",
+				"cryptojs/fp4",
+				"cryptojs/fp8",
+				"cryptojs/fp12",
+				"cryptojs/fp16",
+				"cryptojs/fp24",
+				"cryptojs/fp48",
+				"cryptojs/gcm",
+				"cryptojs/hash256",
+				"cryptojs/hash384",
+				"cryptojs/hash512",
+				"cryptojs/mpin",
+				"cryptojs/mpin192",
+				"cryptojs/mpin256",
+				"cryptojs/pair",
+				"cryptojs/pair192",
+				"cryptojs/pair256",
+				"cryptojs/rand",
+				"cryptojs/rsa",
+				"cryptojs/sha3",
+				"cryptojs/unit64"
+				]
+		}
-    "Decentralized Trust Authority": 
+    "D-TA": 
diff --git a/website/siteConfig.js b/website/siteConfig.js
index 568effe..4442109 100644
--- a/website/siteConfig.js
+++ b/website/siteConfig.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 const siteConfig = {
-  separateCss: ['/cdocs'],
+  separateCss: ['/cdocs', '/swagger'],
   title: 'Apache Milagro', // Title for your website.
   tagline: 'Core security infrastructure for decentralized networks',
   url: '', // Your website URL
diff --git a/website/static/swagger/btc.yaml b/website/static/swagger/btc.yaml
deleted file mode 120000
index 104b687..0000000
--- a/website/static/swagger/btc.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file