id: quickstart title: Quick Start sidebar_label: Quick Start

Milagro DTA is designed to be built into the workflow of any organisation that needs to trust another organisation to manage encryption keys. It provides a simple REST api “out-of-the-box” that can easily be integrated with an existing back office system, called from a front-end application or called from CURL, Postman, Swagger etc.

Install AMCL

Milagro D-TA uses the Apache Milagrio Cryptography Library, so this must installed first

git clone

cd incubator-milagro-crypto-c

mkdir build

cd build

brew install cmake (or apt install cmake)


sudo make install

Install Milagro D-TA from Source

There are two primary roles in a D-TA workflow: the Principal and the Master Fiduciary, as a quick start you can configure one D-TA to provide both roles. (Obviously for a more thorough evaluation configure two servers)


  1. Install the latest version of Go

  2. Clone the D-TA source code and build it

cd ~/go/src

git clone


  1. Initialise the config

This will put the config and data files in ~/.milagro

target/setvice init
  1. Configure the D-TA

For quick start a single server is Principal and fiduciary (as described above). Click here to find out more about the configuration options

Use an editor of your choice, I'm using nano

nano ~/.milagro/config.yaml

Give the node a name e.g. testNode by editing the following line:

nodeName: "testNode"

  1. Start the node for the first time. This will generate an identity for the node
target/service daemon
  1. Configure the Master Ficuciary The D-Ta is currently running as a principal, and has also configured itself to be the master fiduciary. masterFiduciaryServer: http://localhost:5556.

However before it can work properly we need to configure the Master Fiduciaries NoeId to be the same as the principal's

nano ~/.milagro/config.yaml

copy the value of nodeID into masterFiduciaryNodeID e.g.

masterFiduciaryNodeID: QmfWg5GffUEzwahd9hkvdnqTGQs5PfusoEpx3kSDSdG4ze
nodeID: QmfWg5GffUEzwahd9hkvdnqTGQs5PfusoEpx3kSDSdG4ze

Hitting the API

The API has three parts to it:

  1. Identity Endpoints - that support creation and retrieval of identity documents
  2. Secret Endpoints
    1. Creates orders for new secrets
    2. Requests for secret keys to be revealed (redeemed)
    3. Allows orders to be searched and listed
  3. Fulfillment RPC - these are the server-to-server remnote procedure calls that enable the Principal DTA to communicate with the Fiduciary DTA

The details of the API can be seen here...

Example - To create a new Identity

curl -X POST "http://localhost:5556/identity" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\":\"thisNode\"}"