blob: c0e1f62ebdfbc84706ac7983c33976dd61e56b4d [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "MpinClient.h"
#include "HttpRequest.h"
#include "CvLogger.h"
#include "CvTime.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using CvShared::SleepFor;
using CvShared::Millisecs;
using CvShared::Seconds;
using CvShared::TimeSpec;
using CvShared::GetCurrentTime;
using CvShared::LogMessage;
using CvShared::enLogLevel_Info;
using CvShared::enLogLevel_Error;
using CvShared::enLogLevel_Warning;
using CvShared::enLogLevel_Debug1;
using CvShared::enLogLevel_Debug2;
using CvShared::enLogLevel_Debug3;
MPinSDK::IHttpRequest* CMpinClient::CContext::CreateHttpRequest() const
return new CHttpRequest(30);
CMpinClient::CStorage::CStorage(const String& aFileNameSuffix)
m_fileName = "client-storage-";
m_fileName += aFileNameSuffix;
bool CMpinClient::CStorage::SetData(const String& data)
std::ofstream file( m_fileName.c_str() );
file << data;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Debug3, "Writing data to [%s]:\n%s", m_fileName.c_str(), data.c_str() );
return true;
bool CMpinClient::CStorage::GetData(OUT String &data)
std::ifstream file( m_fileName.c_str() );
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << file.rdbuf();
data = buffer.str();
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Debug3, "Reading data from [%s]:\n%s", m_fileName.c_str(), data.c_str() );
return true;
CMpinClient::CMpinClient( int aClientId, const String& aBackendUrl, const String& aUserId ) :
m_bInitialized(false), m_id(aClientId), m_userId(aUserId),
m_storageSecure( String().Format("sec-%d", aClientId) ), m_storageNonSecure( String().Format("%d", aClientId) ),
m_context( String().Format("%d",aClientId), &m_storageSecure, &m_storageNonSecure ),
m_thread(aUserId), m_queue(aUserId.c_str()), m_bIdle(false), m_bStatsEnabled(true)
std::ifstream filePin( String().Format("pin-%d", m_id).c_str() );
filePin >> m_pinGood;
filePin >> m_pinBad;
CMpinClient::CMpinClient( int aClientId, const String& aBackendUrl, const String& aUserId, const String& aPinGood, const String& aPinBad, const String& aRegOTC ) :
m_bInitialized(false), m_id(aClientId), m_userId(aUserId), m_pinGood(aPinGood), m_pinBad(aPinBad), m_regOTC(aRegOTC),
m_storageSecure( String().Format("sec-%d", aClientId) ), m_storageNonSecure( String().Format("%d", aClientId) ),
m_context( String().Format("%d",aClientId), &m_storageSecure, &m_storageNonSecure ),
m_thread(aUserId), m_queue(aUserId.c_str()), m_bIdle(false), m_bStatsEnabled(true)
std::ofstream filePin( String().Format("pin-%d", m_id).c_str() );
filePin << m_pinGood << " " << m_pinBad;
SleepFor( Millisecs(100) );
bool CMpinClient::_Init(const String& aBackendUrl)
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Initializing client #%d for [%s] with PIN [%s] and BAD PIN [%s]", m_id, m_userId.c_str(), m_pinGood.c_str(), m_pinBad.c_str() );
StringMap config;
config["backend"] = aBackendUrl;
MPinSDK::Status status = m_sdk.Init( config, &m_context );
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Client #%d for user [%s] couldn't be initialized: %s", m_id, m_userId.c_str(), status.GetErrorMessage().c_str() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
m_bIdle = true;
return false;
m_bInitialized = true;
return true;
bool CMpinClient::_AuthenticateGood()
return _Authenticate( m_pinGood );
bool CMpinClient::_AuthenticateBad()
return _Authenticate( m_pinBad );
bool CMpinClient::_Register()
if (!m_bInitialized)
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Client #%d for user [%s] was not initialized", m_id, m_userId.c_str() );
return false;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Registering user [%s]...", m_userId.c_str() );
std::vector<MPinSDK::UserPtr> listUsers;
m_sdk.ListUsers( listUsers );
std::vector<MPinSDK::UserPtr>::iterator itr = listUsers.begin();
for ( ;itr != listUsers.end(); ++itr )
if ( (*itr)->GetId() == m_userId )
m_sdk.DeleteUser( *itr );
MPinSDK::UserPtr user = m_sdk.MakeNewUser( m_userId, String().Format( "M-Pin Test Client #%d", m_id ) );
TimeSpec now;
Millisecs startTime = now.ToMillisecs();
MPinSDK::Status status = m_sdk.StartRegistration( user, m_regOTC, "{ \"data\": \"test\" }" );
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Failed in StartRegistration(): %s [%d]", status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
if ( user->GetState() != MPinSDK::User::ACTIVATED )
while ( user->GetState() != MPinSDK::User::REGISTERED )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "User [%s] has NOT been activated yet", user->GetId().c_str() );
CvShared::SleepFor( CvShared::Seconds(10) );
status = m_sdk.ConfirmRegistration( user );
if ( status == MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "User [%s] has been activated", user->GetId().c_str() );
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::IDENTITY_NOT_VERIFIED )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Failed in ConfirmRegistration(): %s [%d]", status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "User [%s] has been force-activated", user->GetId().c_str() );
status = m_sdk.ConfirmRegistration( user );
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Failed in ConfirmRegistration(): %s [%d]", status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
status = m_sdk.FinishRegistration( user, m_pinGood );
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Failed in FinishRegistration(): %s [%d]", status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
uint32_t currMsec = now.ToMillisecs() - startTime.Value();
m_stats.m_avgRegMsec = ( m_stats.m_avgRegMsec*m_stats.m_numOfReg + currMsec ) / ( m_stats.m_numOfReg + 1 );
if ( currMsec < m_stats.m_minRegMsec || m_stats.m_minRegMsec == 0 )
m_stats.m_minRegMsec = currMsec;
if ( currMsec > m_stats.m_maxRegMsec )
m_stats.m_maxRegMsec = currMsec;
return true;
bool CMpinClient::_Authenticate( const String& aPin )
if (!m_bInitialized)
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Client #%d for user [%s] was not initialized", m_id, m_userId.c_str() );
return false;
std::vector<MPinSDK::UserPtr> listUsers;
m_sdk.ListUsers( listUsers );
std::vector<MPinSDK::UserPtr>::iterator itr = listUsers.begin();
for ( ;itr != listUsers.end(); ++itr )
if ( (*itr)->GetId() == m_userId )
if ( itr == listUsers.end() )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Warning, "User [%s] not found in the list", m_userId.c_str() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
MPinSDK::UserPtr user = *itr;
if ( aPin == m_pinGood )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Authenticating user [%s] with correct PIN...", user->GetId().c_str() );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Authenticating user [%s] with incorrect PIN...", user->GetId().c_str() );
TimeSpec now;
Millisecs startTime = now.ToMillisecs();
MPinSDK::Status status = m_sdk.StartAuthentication( user );
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Failed in StartAuthentication(): %s [%d]", status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
status = m_sdk.FinishAuthentication( user, aPin );
if ( aPin == m_pinGood )
if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::OK && user->GetState() != MPinSDK::User::BLOCKED )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR: Authentication for user [%s] failed: %s [%d]", user->GetId().c_str(), status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
if ( user->GetState() == MPinSDK::User::BLOCKED )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Authentication for user [%s] has failed because the user has been BLOCKED previously.", user->GetId().c_str() );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Authentication for user [%s] succeeded", user->GetId().c_str() );
if ( status == MPinSDK::Status::OK )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR: Authentication for user [%s] succeeded ?!", user->GetId().c_str() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
else if ( status != MPinSDK::Status::INCORRECT_PIN )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR: Authentication for user [%s] failed: %s [%d]", user->GetId().c_str(), status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
return false;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Info, "Authentication for user [%s] not successful (OK): %s [%d]", user->GetId().c_str(), status.GetErrorMessage().c_str(), status.GetStatusCode() );
if ( m_bStatsEnabled )
uint32_t currMsec = now.ToMillisecs() - startTime.Value();
m_stats.m_avgAuthMsec = ( m_stats.m_avgAuthMsec*m_stats.m_numOfAuth + currMsec ) / ( m_stats.m_numOfAuth + 1 );
if ( currMsec < m_stats.m_minAuthMsec || m_stats.m_minAuthMsec == 0 )
m_stats.m_minAuthMsec = currMsec;
if ( currMsec > m_stats.m_maxAuthMsec )
m_stats.m_maxAuthMsec = currMsec;
return true;
long CMpinClient::CThread::Body( void* apArgs )
CMpinClient* pClient = (CMpinClient*)apArgs;
uint32_t id = pClient->m_id;
bool bExit = false;
while (!bExit)
enEvent_t event;
if ( !pClient->m_queue.Pop( event, 0 ) )
pClient->m_bIdle = true;
if ( !pClient->m_queue.Pop( event ) )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "Client #%d: Error popping from the event queue. Thread [%s]", pClient->m_id, m_name.c_str() );
SleepFor( Millisecs(500) );
pClient->m_bIdle = false;
switch (event)
case enEvent_Register:
case enEvent_AuthenticateGood:
case enEvent_AuthenticateBad:
case enEvent_Exit:
pClient->m_bIdle = true;
bExit = true;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Debug1, "Client thread #%d is exiting...", id );
return 0;