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Copyright 2012 CertiVox IOM Ltd. *
This file is part of CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK. *
The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK provides developers with an *
extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions. *
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* The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK is free software: you can *
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or (at your option) any later version. *
* The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK is distributed in the hope *
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* pfc.cpp
* BN curve, ate pairing embedding degree 12, ideal for security level AES-128
* Irreducible poly is X^3+n, where n=sqrt(w+sqrt(m)), m= {-1,-2} and w= {0,1,2}
* if p=5 mod 8, n=sqrt(-2)
* if p=3 mod 8, n=1+sqrt(-1)
* if p=7 mod 8, p=2,3 mod 5, n=2+sqrt(-1)
* Provides high level interface to pairing functions
* GT=pairing(G2,G1)
* This is calculated on a Pairing Friendly Curve (PFC), which must first be defined.
* G1 is a point over the base field, and G2 is a point over an extension field of degree 2
* GT is a finite field point over the 12-th extension, where 12 is the embedding degree.
#include "pfc.h"
// BN curve parameters x,A,B
static char param_128[] = "-4080000000000001";
// 766 - bit curve
static char param_192[] = "-4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ABBB5"; // Hamming weight of 6*x+2 = 8
static char curveB[] = "2";
void read_only_error( void )
cout << "Attempt to write to read-only object" << endl;
exit( 0 );
void set_frobenius_constant( ZZn2 &X )
Big p = get_modulus();
switch ( get_mip()->pmod8 )
case 5:
X.set( (Big)0, (Big)1 ); // = (sqrt(-2)^(p-1)/2
case 3: // = (1+sqrt(-1))^(p-1)/2
X.set( (Big)1, (Big)1 );
case 7:
X.set( (Big)2, (Big)1 ); // = (2+sqrt(-1))^(p-1)/2
default: break;
X = pow( X, ( p - 1 ) / 6 );
// Using SHA256 as basic hash algorithm
// Hash function
#define HASH_LEN 32
Big H1( char* string )
{ // Hash a zero-terminated string to a number < modulus
Big h, p;
unsigned char s[HASH_LEN];
int i, j;
sha256 sh;
shs256_init( &sh );
for ( i = 0;; i++ )
if ( string[i] == 0 ) break;
shs256_process( &sh, string[i] );
shs256_hash( &sh, (char* )s );
p = get_modulus();
h = 1;
j = 0;
i = 1;
h *= 256;
if ( j == HASH_LEN )
h += i++;
j = 0;
else h += s[j++];
if ( h >= p ) break;
h %= p;
return h;
void PFC::start_hash( void )
shs256_init( &SH );
Big PFC::finish_hash_to_group( void )
Big hash;
char s[HASH_LEN];
shs256_hash( &SH, s );
hash = from_binary( HASH_LEN, s );
return hash % ( ord );
Big PFC::finish_hash_to_aes_key( void )
Big hash;
char s[HASH_LEN];
shs256_hash( &SH, s );
Big m = pow( (Big)2, S );
hash = from_binary( HASH_LEN, s );
return hash % m;
void PFC::add_to_hash( const GT& x )
ZZn4 u;
ZZn12 v = x.g;
ZZn2 h, l;
Big a;
ZZn xx[6];
int i, m;
v.get( u );
u.get( l, h );
l.get( xx[0], xx[1] );
h.get( xx[2], xx[3] );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
a = (Big)xx[i];
while ( a > 0 )
m = a % 256;
shs256_process( &SH, m );
a /= 256;
void PFC::add_to_hash( const G2& x )
ZZn2 X, Y;
ECn2 v = x.g;
Big a;
ZZn xx[4];
int i, m;
v.get( X, Y );
X.get( xx[0], xx[1] );
Y.get( xx[2], xx[3] );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
a = (Big)xx[i];
while ( a > 0 )
m = a % 256;
shs256_process( &SH, m );
a /= 256;
void PFC::add_to_hash( const G1& x )
Big a, X, Y;
int m;
x.g.get( X, Y );
a = X;
while ( a > 0 )
m = a % 256;
shs256_process( &SH, m );
a /= 256;
a = Y;
while ( a > 0 )
m = a % 256;
shs256_process( &SH, m );
a /= 256;
void PFC::add_to_hash( const Big& x )
int m;
Big a = x;
while ( a > 0 )
m = a % 256;
shs256_process( &SH, m );
a /= 256;
Big H2( ZZn12 x )
{ // Compress and hash an Fp12 to a big number
sha256 sh;
ZZn4 u;
ZZn2 h, l;
Big a, hash, p, xx[4];
char s[HASH_LEN];
int i, m;
shs256_init( &sh );
x.get( u ); // compress to single ZZn4
u.get( l, h );
xx[0] = real( l );
xx[1] = imaginary( l );
xx[2] = real( h );
xx[3] = imaginary( h );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
a = xx[i];
while ( a > 0 )
m = a % 256;
shs256_process( &sh, m );
a /= 256;
shs256_hash( &sh, s );
hash = from_binary( HASH_LEN, s );
return hash;
void force( ZZn& x, ZZn& y, ZZn& z, ECn& A )
{ // A=(x,y,z)
copy( getbig( x ), A.get_point()->X );
copy( getbig( y ), A.get_point()->Y );
copy( getbig( z ), A.get_point()->Z );
A.get_point()->marker = MR_EPOINT_GENERAL;
void extract( ECn &A, ZZn& x, ZZn& y, ZZn& z )
{ // (x,y,z) <- A
big t;
x = ( A.get_point() )->X;
y = ( A.get_point() )->Y;
t = ( A.get_point() )->Z;
if ( A.get_status() != MR_EPOINT_GENERAL ) z = 1;
else z = t;
void force( ZZn& x, ZZn& y, ECn& A )
{ // A=(x,y)
copy( getbig( x ), A.get_point()->X );
copy( getbig( y ), A.get_point()->Y );
A.get_point()->marker = MR_EPOINT_NORMALIZED;
void extract( ECn& A, ZZn& x, ZZn& y )
{ // (x,y) <- A
x = ( A.get_point() )->X;
y = ( A.get_point() )->Y;
// Fast multiplication of A by q (for Trace-Zero group members only)
// Calculate q*P. P(X,Y) -> P(X^p,Y^p))
void q_power_frobenius( ECn2 &A, ZZn2 &F )
ZZn2 x, y, z, w, r;
A.get( x, y, z );
w = F*F;
r = F;
x = w * conj( x );
y = r * w * conj( y );
A.set( x, y, z );
// Line from A to destination C. Let A=(x,y)
// Line Y-slope.X-c=0, through A, so intercept c=y-slope.x
// Line Y-slope.X-y+slope.x = (Y-y)-slope.(X-x) = 0
// Now evaluate at Q -> return (Qy-y)-slope.(Qx-x)
ZZn12 line( ECn2& A, ECn2& C, ECn2& B, ZZn2& slope, ZZn2& extra, BOOL Doubling, ZZn& Qx, ZZn& Qy )
ZZn12 w;
ZZn4 nn, dd;
ZZn2 X, Y;
ZZn2 Z3;
C.getZ( Z3 );
// Thanks to A. Menezes for pointing out this optimization...
if ( Doubling )
ZZn2 Z, ZZ;
A.get( X, Y, Z );
ZZ = Z;
ZZ *= ZZ;
nn.set( ( Z3 * ZZ ) * Qy, slope * X - extra );
dd.set( -( ZZ * slope ) * Qx );
ZZn2 X2, Y2;
B.get( X2, Y2 );
nn.set( Z3*Qy, slope * X2 - Y2 * Z3 );
dd.set( -slope * Qx );
w.set( nn, dd );
return w;
// Add A=A+B (or A=A+A)
// Return line function value
ZZn12 g( ECn2& A, ECn2& B, ZZn& Qx, ZZn& Qy )
ZZn2 lam, extra;
ZZn12 r;
ECn2 P = A;
BOOL Doubling;
// Evaluate line from A
Doubling = A.add( B, lam, extra );
if ( A.iszero() ) return (ZZn12)1;
r = line( P, A, B, lam, extra, Doubling, Qx, Qy );
return r;
// if multiples of G2 in e(G2,G1) can be precalculated, its a lot faster!
ZZn12 gp( ZZn2* ptable, int &j, ZZn& Px, ZZn& Py )
ZZn12 w;
ZZn4 nn, dd;
nn.set( Py, ptable[j + 1] );
dd.set( ptable[j] * Px );
j += 2;
w.set( nn, dd );
return w;
// Spill precomputation on pairing to byte array
int PFC::spill( G2& w, char* & bytes )
int i, j, len, m;
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
Big a, b, n;
Big X = x;
if ( w.ptable == NULL ) return 0;
if ( X < 0 ) n = -( 6 * X + 2 );
else n = 6 * X + 2;
m = 2 * ( bits( n ) + ham( n ) );
len = m * 2 * bytes_per_big;
bytes = new char[len];
for ( i = j = 0; i < m; i++ )
w.ptable[i].get( a, b );
to_binary( a, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( b, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
delete [] w.ptable;
w.ptable = NULL;
return len;
// Restore precomputation on pairing to byte array
void PFC::restore( char* bytes, G2& w )
int i, j, len, m;
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
Big a, b, n;
Big X = x;
if ( w.ptable != NULL ) return;
if ( X < 0 ) n = -( 6 * X + 2 );
else n = 6 * X + 2;
m = 2 * ( bits( n ) + ham( n ) ); // number of entries in ptable
len = m * 2 * bytes_per_big;
w.ptable = new ZZn2[m];
for ( i = j = 0; i < m; i++ )
a = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
b = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
w.ptable[i].set( a, b );
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) bytes[i] = 0;
delete [] bytes;
// precompute G2 table for pairing
int PFC::precomp_for_pairing( G2& w )
int i, j, nb, len;
ECn2 A, Q, B, KA;
ZZn2 lam, x1, y1;
Big n;
Big X = x;
A = w.g;
B = A;
KA = A;
if ( X < 0 ) n = -( 6 * X + 2 );
else n = 6 * X + 2;
nb = bits( n );
j = 0;
len = 2 * ( nb + ham( n ) ); // **
w.ptable = new ZZn2[len];
get_mip()->coord = MR_AFFINE; // switch to affine
for ( i = nb - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
Q = A;
// Evaluate line from A to A+A
A.add( A, lam );
Q.get( x1, y1 );
w.ptable[j++] = -lam;
w.ptable[j++] = lam * x1 - y1;
if ( bit( n, i ) == 1 )
Q = A;
A.add( B, lam );
Q.get( x1, y1 );
w.ptable[j++] = -lam;
w.ptable[j++] = lam * x1 - y1;
q_power_frobenius( KA, frob );
if ( X < 0 ) A = -A;
Q = A;
A.add( KA, lam );
KA.get( x1, y1 );
w.ptable[j++] = -lam;
w.ptable[j++] = lam * x1 - y1;
q_power_frobenius( KA, frob );
KA = -KA;
Q = A;
A.add( KA, lam );
KA.get( x1, y1 );
w.ptable[j++] = -lam;
w.ptable[j++] = lam * x1 - y1;
get_mip()->coord = MR_PROJECTIVE;
return len;
GT PFC::multi_miller( int n, G2** QQ, G1** PP )
GT z;
ZZn *Px, *Py;
int i, j, *k, nb;
ECn2 *Q, *A;
ECn P;
ZZn12 res;
Big m;
Big X = x;
Px = new ZZn[n];
Py = new ZZn[n];
Q = new ECn2[n];
A = new ECn2[n];
k = new int[n];
if ( X < 0 ) m = -( 6 * X + 2 );
else m = 6 * X + 2;
nb = bits( m );
res = 1;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
k[j] = 0;
P = PP[j]->g;
normalise( P );
Q[j] = QQ[j]->g;
extract( P, Px[j], Py[j] );
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
A[j] = Q[j];
for ( i = nb - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
res *= res;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
if ( QQ[j]->ptable == NULL )
res *= g( A[j], A[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
res *= gp( QQ[j]->ptable, k[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
if ( bit( m, i ) == 1 )
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
if ( QQ[j]->ptable == NULL )
res *= g( A[j], Q[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
res *= gp( QQ[j]->ptable, k[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
if ( res.iszero() )
return 0;
if ( X < 0 ) res.conj();
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
q_power_frobenius( Q[j], frob );
if ( QQ[j]->ptable == NULL )
if ( X < 0 ) A[j] = -A[j];
res *= g( A[j], Q[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
res *= gp( QQ[j]->ptable, k[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
q_power_frobenius( Q[j], frob );
if ( QQ[j]->ptable == NULL )
Q[j] = -Q[j];
res *= g( A[j], Q[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
res *= gp( QQ[j]->ptable, k[j], Px[j], Py[j] );
delete [] k;
delete [] A;
delete [] Q;
delete [] Py;
delete [] Px;
z.g = res;
return z;
// R-ate Pairing G2 x G1 -> GT
// P is a point of order q in G1. Q(x,y) is a point of order q in G2.
// Note that Q is a point on the sextic twist of the curve over Fp^2, P(x,y) is a point on the
// curve over the base field Fp
GT PFC::miller_loop( const G2& QQ, const G1& PP )
GT z;
Big n;
int i, j, nb;
ECn2 A, KA, Q;
ECn P;
ZZn Px, Py;
BOOL precomp;
ZZn12 r;
Big X = x;
Q = QQ.g;
P = PP.g;
precomp = FALSE;
if ( QQ.ptable != NULL )
precomp = TRUE;
normalise( P );
extract( P, Px, Py );
if ( X < 0 )
n = -( 6 * X + 2 );
n = 6 * X + 2;
A = Q;
nb = bits( n );
r = 1;
// Short Miller loop
j = 0;
for ( i = nb - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
r *= r;
if ( precomp )
r *= gp( QQ.ptable, j, Px, Py );
r *= g( A, A, Px, Py );
if ( bit( n, i ) )
if ( precomp )
r *= gp( QQ.ptable, j, Px, Py );
r *= g( A, Q, Px, Py );
// Combining ideas due to Longa, Aranha et al. and Naehrig
KA = Q;
q_power_frobenius( KA, frob );
if ( X < 0 )
A = -A;
if ( precomp )
r *= gp( QQ.ptable, j, Px, Py );
r *= g( A, KA, Px, Py );
q_power_frobenius( KA, frob );
KA = -KA;
if ( precomp )
r *= gp( QQ.ptable, j, Px, Py );
r *= g( A, KA, Px, Py );
z.g = r;
return z;
GT PFC::final_exp( const GT& z )
GT y;
ZZn12 r, t0, t1;
ZZn12 x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
Big X = x;
// The final exponentiation
r = z.g;
t0 = r;
r /= t0; // r^(p^6-1)
r.mark_as_regular(); // no longer "miller"
t0 = r;
r.powq( frob );
r.powq( frob );
r *= t0; // r^[(p^6-1)*(p^2+1)]
r.mark_as_unitary(); // from now on all inverses are just conjugates !! (and squarings are faster)
t1 = pow( r, -X ); // x is sparse..
t0 = r;
t0.powq( frob );
x0 = t0;
x0.powq( frob );
x0 *= ( r * t0 );
x0.powq( frob );
x1 = inverse( r ); // just a conjugation!
x3 = t1;
x3.powq( frob );
x4 = t1;
t1 = pow( t1, -X );
x2 = t1;
x2.powq( frob );
x4 /= x2;
x2.powq( frob );
x5 = inverse( t1 );
t0 = pow( t1, -X );
t1 = t0;
t1.powq( frob );
t0 *= t1;
t0 *= t0;
t0 *= x4;
t0 *= x5;
t1 = x3*x5;
t1 *= t0;
t0 *= x2;
t1 *= t1;
t1 *= t0;
t1 *= t1;
t0 = t1*x1;
t1 *= x0;
t0 *= t0;
t0 *= t1;
y.g = t0;
return y;
PFC::PFC( int s, csprng *rng ) :
int mod_bits = 0, words;
if ( s != 128 && s != 192 )
cout << "No suitable curve available" << endl;
exit( 0 );
miracl *mr_mip=get_mip();
mr_mip->IOBASE = 16;
if ( s == 128 )
mod_bits = 256;
if ( s == 192 )
mod_bits = 768;
if ( mod_bits % MIRACL == 0 )
words = ( mod_bits / MIRACL );
words = ( mod_bits / MIRACL ) + 1;
Big A = 0;
B = curveB;
if ( s == 128 )
x = param_128;
if ( s == 192 )
x = param_192;
S = s;
Big X = x;
mod = 36 * pow( X, 4 ) + 36 * pow( X, 3 ) + 24 * X * X + 6 * X + 1;
trace = 6 * X * X + 1;
npoints = mod + 1 - trace;
cof = mod - 1 + trace;
ord = npoints;
ecurve( A, B, mod, MR_PROJECTIVE );
// Big Lambda=-(36*pow(x,3)+18*x*x+6*x+2); // cube root of unity mod q
Beta = -( 18 * pow( X, 3 ) + 18 * X * X + 9 * X + 2 ); // cube root of unity mod p
set_frobenius_constant( frob );
// Use standard Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone endomorphism method for G1
W[0] = 6 * X * X + 4 * X + 1; // This is first column of inverse of SB (without division by determinant)
W[1] = -( 2 * X + 1 );
SB[0][0] = 6 * X * X + 2 * X;
SB[0][1] = -( 2 * X + 1 );
SB[1][0] = -( 2 * X + 1 );
SB[1][1] = -( 6 * X * X + 4 * X + 1 );
// Use Galbraith & Scott Homomorphism idea for G2 & GT ... ( EXample 5)
WB[0] = 2*X*X + 3*X + 1; // This is first column of inverse of BB (without division by determinant)
WB[1] = 12*X*X*X + 8*X*X + X;
WB[2] = 6*X*X*X + 4*X*X + X;
WB[3] = -2*X*X - X;
BB[0][0] = X + 1;
BB[0][1] = X;
BB[0][2] = X;
BB[0][3] = -2*X;
BB[1][0] = 2*X + 1;
BB[1][1] = -X;
BB[1][2] = -( X + 1 );
BB[1][3] = -X;
BB[2][0] = 2*X;
BB[2][1] = 2*X + 1;
BB[2][2] = 2*X + 1;
BB[2][3] = 2*X + 1;
BB[3][0] = X - 1;
BB[3][1] = 4*X + 2;
BB[3][2] = -( 2*X - 1 );
BB[3][3] = X - 1;
mr_mip->TWIST = MR_SEXTIC_D; // map Server to point on twisted curve E(Fp2)
// GLV method
void glv( const Big& e, const Big& r, const Big W[2], const Big B[2][2], Big u[2] )
int i, j;
Big v[2], w;
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
v[i] = mad( W[i], e, (Big)0, r, w );
u[i] = 0;
u[0] = e;
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
u[i] -= v[j]*( B[j][i] );
// apply endomorphism (x,y) = (Beta*x,y) where Beta is cube root of unity
void endomorph( ECn &A, ZZn &Beta )
ZZn x;
x = A.get_point()->X;
x *= Beta;
copy( getbig( x ), A.get_point()->X );
G1 PFC::mult( const G1& w, const Big& k )
G1 z;
ECn Q;
if ( w.mtable != NULL )
{ // we have precomputed values
Big e = k;
if ( k < 0 )
e = -e;
int i, j, t = w.mtbits; //MR_ROUNDUP(2*S,WINDOW_SIZE_PFC);
j = recode( e, t, WINDOW_SIZE_PFC, t - 1 );
z.g = w.mtable[j];
for ( i = t - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
j = recode( e, t, WINDOW_SIZE_PFC, i );
z.g += z.g;
if ( j > 0 )
z.g += w.mtable[j];
if ( k < 0 )
z.g = -z.g;
Big u[2];
Q = w.g;
glv( k, ord, W, SB, u );
endomorph( Q, Beta );
Q = mul( u[0], w.g, u[1], Q );
z.g = Q;
return z;
// Use Galbraith & Scott Homomorphism idea ...
void galscott( const Big& e, const Big& r, const Big WB[4], const Big B[4][4], Big u[4] )
int i, j;
Big v[4], w;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
v[i] = mad( WB[i], e, (Big)0, r, w );
u[i] = 0;
u[0] = e;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
u[i] -= v[j]*( B[j][i] );
// GLV + Galbraith-Scott
G2 PFC::mult( const G2& w, const Big& k )
G2 z;
int i;
if ( w.mtable != NULL )
{ // we have precomputed values
Big e = k;
if ( k < 0 )
e = -e;
int i, j, t = w.mtbits; //MR_ROUNDUP(2*S,WINDOW_SIZE_PFC);
j = recode( e, t, WINDOW_SIZE_PFC, t - 1 );
z.g = w.mtable[j];
for ( i = t - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
j = recode( e, t, WINDOW_SIZE_PFC, i );
z.g += z.g;
if ( j > 0 )
z.g += w.mtable[j];
if ( k < 0 )
z.g = -z.g;
ECn2 Q[4];
Big u[4];
bool bSmall = true;
galscott( k, ord, WB, BB, u );
Q[0] = w.g;
for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
if ( u[i] != 0 )
bSmall = false;
if ( bSmall )
if ( u[0] < 0 )
u[0] = -u[0];
Q[0] = -Q[0];
z.g = Q[0];
z.g *= u[0];
return z;
for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
Q[i] = Q[i - 1];
q_power_frobenius( Q[i], frob );
// deal with -ve multipliers
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if ( u[i] < 0 )
u[i] = -u[i];
Q[i] = -Q[i];
// simple multi-addition
z.g = mul( 4, Q, u );
return z;
// GLV method + Galbraith-Scott idea
GT PFC::power( const GT& w, const Big& k )
GT z;
int i;
if ( w.etable != NULL )
// precomputation is available
Big e = k;
if ( k < 0 )
e = -e;
int i, j, t = w.etbits; // MR_ROUNDUP(2*S,WINDOW_SIZE_PFC);
j = recode( e, t, WINDOW_SIZE_PFC, t - 1 );
z.g = w.etable[j];
for ( i = t - 2; i >= 0; i-- )
j = recode( e, t, WINDOW_SIZE_PFC, i );
z.g *= z.g;
if ( j > 0 )
z.g *= w.etable[j];
if ( k < 0 )
z.g = inverse( z.g );
ZZn12 Y[4];
Big u[4];
galscott( k, ord, WB, BB, u );
Y[0] = w.g;
for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
Y[i] = Y[i - 1];
Y[i].powq( frob );
// deal with -ve exponents
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if ( u[i] < 0 )
u[i] = -u[i];
// simple multi-exponentiation
z.g = pow( 4, Y, u );
return z;
// Faster Hashing to G2 - Fuentes-Castaneda, Knapp and Rodriguez-Henriquez
void map( ECn2& S, Big &x, ZZn2 &F )
ECn2 T, K;
T = S;
T *= x; // one multiplication by x only
K = ( T + T );
K += T;
q_power_frobenius( K, F );
q_power_frobenius( S, F );
q_power_frobenius( S, F );
q_power_frobenius( S, F );
S += T;
S += K;
q_power_frobenius( T, F );
q_power_frobenius( T, F );
S += T;
// random group element
void PFC::random( Big& w )
w = strong_rand( RNG, 2 * S, 2 );
// random AES key
void PFC::rankey( Big& k )
k = strong_rand( RNG, S, 2 );
void PFC::hash_and_map( G2& w, char* ID )
ZZn2 X;
Big x0 = H1( ID );
x0 += 1;
X.set( (ZZn)1, (ZZn)x0 );
if ( !w.g.set( X ) )
map( w.g, x, frob );
void PFC::random( G2& w )
ZZn2 X;
Big x0 = strong_rand( RNG, mod );
x0 += 1;
X.set( (ZZn)1, (ZZn)x0 );
if ( !w.g.set( X ) )
map( w.g, x, frob );
void PFC::hash_and_map( G1& w, char* ID )
Big x0 = H1( ID );
while ( !w.g.set( x0, x0 ) )
x0 += 1;
void PFC::random( G1& w )
Big x0 = strong_rand( RNG, mod );
while ( !w.g.set( x0, x0 ) )
x0 += 1;
Big PFC::hash_to_aes_key( const GT& w )
Big m = pow( (Big)2, S );
return H2( w.g ) % m;
Big PFC::hash_to_group( char* ID )
Big m = H1( ID );
return m % ( ord );
Big PFC::hash_to_group( char* buffer, int len )
Big h, p;
char s[HASH_LEN];
int i, j;
sha256 sh;
shs256_init( &sh );
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
shs256_process( &sh, buffer[i] );
shs256_hash( &sh, s );
p = get_modulus();
h = 1;
j = 0;
i = 1;
h *= 256;
if ( j == HASH_LEN )
h += i++;
j = 0;
h += (unsigned char)s[j++];
if ( h >= p )
h %= p;
return h % ( ord );
// spill precomputation on GT to byte array
int GT::spill( char* & bytes )
int i, j, n = ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
int len = n * 12 * bytes_per_big;
ZZn4 a, b, c;
ZZn2 f, s;
Big x, y;
if ( etable == NULL )
return 0;
bytes = new char[len];
for ( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
etable[i].get( a, b, c );
a.get( f, s );
f.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
s.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
b.get( f, s );
f.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
s.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
c.get( f, s );
f.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
s.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
delete [] etable;
etable = NULL;
return len;
// restore precomputation for GT from byte array
void GT::restore( char* bytes )
int i, j, n = ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
ZZn4 a, b, c;
ZZn2 f, s;
Big x, y;
if ( etable != NULL ) return;
etable = new ZZn12[1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC];
for ( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
f.set( x, y );
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
s.set( x, y );
a.set( f, s );
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
f.set( x, y );
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
s.set( x, y );
b.set( f, s );
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
f.set( x, y );
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
s.set( x, y );
c.set( f, s );
etable[i].set( a, b, c );
delete [] bytes;
// spill precomputation on G1 to byte array
int G1::spill( char*& bytes )
int i, j, n = ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
int len = n * 2 * bytes_per_big;
Big x, y;
if ( mtable == NULL )
return 0;
bytes = new char[len];
for ( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
mtable[i].get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
delete [] mtable;
mtable = NULL;
return len;
// restore precomputation for G1 from byte array
void G1::restore( char* bytes )
int i, j, n = ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
Big x, y;
if ( mtable != NULL )
mtable = new ECn[1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC];
for ( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
mtable[i].set( x, y );
delete [] bytes;
// spill precomputation on G2 to byte array
int G2::spill( char*& bytes )
int i, j, n = ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
int len = n * 4 * bytes_per_big;
ZZn2 a, b;
Big x, y;
if ( mtable == NULL )
return 0;
bytes = new char[len];
for ( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
mtable[i].get( a, b );
a.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
b.get( x, y );
to_binary( x, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
to_binary( y, bytes_per_big, &bytes[j], TRUE );
j += bytes_per_big;
delete [] mtable;
mtable = NULL;
return len;
// restore precomputation for G2 from byte array
void G2::restore( char* bytes )
int i, j, n = ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int bytes_per_big = ( MIRACL / 8 )*( get_mip()->nib - 1 );
ZZn2 a, b;
Big x, y;
if ( mtable != NULL )
mtable = new ECn2[1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC];
for ( i = j = 0; i < n; i++ )
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
a.set( x, y );
x = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
y = from_binary( bytes_per_big, &bytes[j] );
j += bytes_per_big;
b.set( x, y );
mtable[i].set( a, b );
delete [] bytes;
// test if a ZZn12 element is of order q
// test r^q = r^p+1-t =1, so test r^p=r^(t-1)
bool PFC::member( const GT& z )
ZZn12 r = z.g;
ZZn12 w = z.g;
Big X = x;
if ( !r.is_unitary() )
return false;
if ( r * conj(r) != (ZZn12)1 )
return false; // not unitary
w.powq( frob );
r = pow( r, X );
r = pow( r, X );
r = pow( r, (Big)6 ); // t-1=6x^2
return ( w == r );
GT PFC::pairing( const G2& x, const G1& y )
GT z;
z = miller_loop( x, y );
z = final_exp( z );
return z;
GT PFC::multi_pairing( int n, G2 **y, G1 **x )
GT z;
z = multi_miller( n, y, x );
z = final_exp( z );
return z;
int PFC::precomp_for_mult( G1& w, bool bSmall )
ECn v = w.g;
int i, j, k, bp, is, t;
if ( bSmall )
t = MR_ROUNDUP( bits( ord ), WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
w.mtable = new ECn[1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC];
w.mtable[1] = v;
w.mtbits = t;
for ( j = 0; j < t; j++ )
v += v;
k = 1;
for ( i = 2; i < ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC ); i++ )
if ( i == ( 1 << k ) )
normalise( v );
w.mtable[i] = v;
for ( j = 0; j < t; j++ )
v += v;
bp = 1;
for ( j = 0; j < k; j++ )
if ( i & bp )
is = 1 << j;
w.mtable[i] += w.mtable[is];
bp <<= 1;
normalise( w.mtable[i] );
return (1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int PFC::precomp_for_mult( G2& w, bool bSmall )
ECn2 v;
ZZn2 x, y;
int i, j, k, bp, is, t;
if ( bSmall )
t = MR_ROUNDUP( bits( ord ), WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
v = w.g;
w.mtable = new ECn2[1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC];
w.mtable[1] = v;
w.mtbits = t;
for ( j = 0; j < t; j++ )
v += v;
k = 1;
for ( i = 2; i < ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC ); i++ )
if ( i == ( 1 << k ) )
w.mtable[i] = v;
for ( j = 0; j < t; j++ )
v += v;
bp = 1;
for ( j = 0; j < k; j++ )
if ( i & bp )
is = 1 << j;
w.mtable[i] += w.mtable[is];
bp <<= 1;
return (1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
int PFC::precomp_for_power( GT& w, bool bSmall )
ZZn12 v = w.g;
int i, j, k, bp, is, t;
if ( bSmall )
t = MR_ROUNDUP( bits( ord ), WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );
w.etable = new ZZn12[1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC];
w.etable[0] = 1;
w.etable[1] = v;
w.etbits = t;
for ( j = 0; j < t; j++ )
v *= v;
k = 1;
for ( i = 2; i < ( 1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC ); i++ )
if ( i == ( 1 << k ) )
w.etable[i] = v;
for ( j = 0; j < t; j++ )
v *= v;
bp = 1;
w.etable[i] = 1;
for ( j = 0; j < k; j++ )
if ( i & bp )
is = 1 << j;
w.etable[i] *= w.etable[is];
bp <<= 1;
return (1 << WINDOW_SIZE_PFC );