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Copyright 2012 CertiVox IOM Ltd. *
This file is part of CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK. *
The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK provides developers with an *
extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions. *
For further information about its features and functionalities please *
refer to *
* The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK is free software: you can *
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the *
GNU Affero General Public License as published by the *
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, *
or (at your option) any later version. *
* The CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK is distributed in the hope *
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the *
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public *
License along with CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK. *
If not, see <>. *
You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing *
a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you *
develop commercial activities involving the CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK *
without disclosing the source code of your own applications, or shipping *
the CertiVox MIRACL Crypto SDK with a closed source product. *
* MIRACL C++ Header file big.h
* AUTHOR : N.Coghlan
* Modified by M.Scott
* PURPOSE : Definition of class Big
* Bigs are normally created on the heap, but by defining BIGS=m
* on the compiler command line, Bigs are instead mostly created from the
* stack. Note that m must be same or less than the n in the main program
* with for example
* Miracl precison(n,0);
* where n is the (fixed) size in words of each Big.
* This may be faster, as C++ tends to create and destroy lots of
* temporaries. Especially recommended if m is small. Do not use
* for program development
* However Bigs created from a string are always allocated from the heap.
* This is useful for creating large read-only constants which are larger
* than m.
* NOTE:- I/O conversion
* To convert a hex character string to a Big
* Big x;
* char c[100];
* mip->IOBASE=16;
* x=c;
* To convert a Big to a hex character string
* mip->IOBASE=16;
* c << x;
* To convert to/from pure binary, see the from_binary()
* and to_binary() friend functions.
* int len;
* char c[100];
* ...
* Big x=from_binary(len,c); // creates Big x from len bytes of binary in c
* len=to_binary(x,100,c,FALSE); // converts Big x to len bytes binary in c[100]
* len=to_binary(x,100,c,TRUE); // converts Big x to len bytes binary in c[100]
* // (right justified with leading zeros)
#ifndef BIG_H
#define BIG_H
#include <cstdlib>
//#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include "mirdef.h"
#ifdef MR_CPP
#include "miracl.h"
extern "C"
#include "miracl.h"
#ifdef mr_compare
#undef mr_compare
#include <iostream>
using std::istream;
using std::ostream;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#error "The generic method isn't supported for C++, its C only"
class Miracl
{ /* dummy class to initialise MIRACL - MUST be called before any Bigs *
* are created. This could be a problem for static/global data declared *
* in modules other than the main module */
miracl *mr;
Miracl(int nd,mr_small nb=0)
#ifdef MR_FLASH
miracl *operator&() {return mr;}
#ifdef BIGS
#define MR_INIT_BIG memset(mem,0,mr_big_reserve(1,BIGS)); fn=(big)mirvar_mem_variable(mem,0,BIGS);
#define MR_INIT_BIG mem=(char *)memalloc(1); fn=(big)mirvar_mem(mem,0);
#ifdef BIGS
#define MR_INIT_BIG fn=&b; b.w=a; b.len=0; for (int i=0;i<BIGS;i++) a[i]=0;
#define MR_INIT_BIG fn=mirvar(0);
class Big
big fn;
#ifdef BIGS
char mem[mr_big_reserve(1,BIGS)];
char *mem;
#ifdef BIGS
mr_small a[BIGS];
bigtype b;
Big() {MR_INIT_BIG }
Big(int j) {MR_INIT_BIG convert(j,fn); }
Big(unsigned int j) {MR_INIT_BIG uconvert(j,fn); }
Big(long lg) {MR_INIT_BIG lgconv(lg,fn);}
Big(unsigned long lg) {MR_INIT_BIG ulgconv(lg,fn);}
Big(mr_utype ut) {MR_INIT_BIG tconvert(ut,fn);}
#ifdef mr_dltype
Big(mr_dltype dl) {MR_INIT_BIG dlconv(dl,fn);}
#ifndef MR_SIMPLE_IO
Big(char* s) {MR_INIT_BIG instr(fn,s);}
Big(char* s) {MR_INIT_BIG cinstr(fn,s);}
Big(big& c) {MR_INIT_BIG copy(c,fn);}
Big(const Big& c) {MR_INIT_BIG copy(c.fn,fn);}
Big(big* c) { fn=*c; }
Big& operator=(int i) {convert(i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(long lg){lgconv(lg,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(mr_utype ut){tconvert(ut,fn); return *this;}
#ifdef mr_dltype
Big& operator=(mr_dltype dl){dlconv(dl,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(mr_small s) {fn->len=1; fn->w[0]=s; return *this;}
Big& operator=(const Big& b) {copy(b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(big& b) {copy(b,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator=(big* b) {fn=*b; return *this;}
#ifndef MR_SIMPLE_IO
Big& operator=(char* s){instr(fn,s);return *this;}
Big& operator=(char* s){cinstr(fn,s);return *this;}
Big& operator++() {incr(fn,1,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator--() {decr(fn,1,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator+=(int i) {incr(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator+=(const Big& b){add(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator-=(int i) {decr(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator-=(const Big& b) {subtract(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator*=(int i) {premult(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator*=(const Big& b) {multiply(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator/=(int i) {subdiv(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator/=(const Big& b) {divide(fn,b.fn,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator%=(int i) {convert(subdiv(fn,i,fn),fn); return *this;}
Big& operator%=(const Big& b) {divide(fn,b.fn,b.fn); return *this;}
Big& operator<<=(int i) {sftbit(fn,i,fn); return *this;}
Big& operator>>=(int i) {sftbit(fn,-i,fn); return *this;}
Big& shift(int n) {mr_shift(fn,n,fn); return *this;}
mr_small& operator[](int i) {return fn->w[i];}
void negate() const;
BOOL iszero() const;
BOOL isone() const;
int get(int index) { int m; m=getdig(fn,index); return m; }
void set(int index,int n) { putdig(n,fn,index);}
int len() const;
big getbig() const;
friend class Flash;
friend Big operator-(const Big&);
friend Big operator+(const Big&,int);
friend Big operator+(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator+(const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big operator-(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator-(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator-(const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big operator*(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator*(int,const Big&);
friend Big operator*(const Big&,const Big&);
friend BOOL fmt(int n,const Big&,const Big&,Big&); // fast mult - top half
friend Big operator/(const Big&,int);
friend Big operator/(const Big&,const Big&);
friend int operator%(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator%(const Big&, const Big&);
friend Big operator<<(const Big&, int);
friend Big operator>>(const Big&, int);
friend bool operator<=(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{ return ( mr_compare(b1.fn,b2.fn ) <= 0 ); }
friend bool operator>=(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{ return ( mr_compare(b1.fn,b2.fn) >= 0 ); }
friend bool operator==(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{ return ( mr_compare(b1.fn,b2.fn) == 0 ); }
friend bool operator!=(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{ return ( mr_compare(b1.fn,b2.fn) != 0 ); }
friend bool operator<(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{ return ( mr_compare(b1.fn,b2.fn) < 0 ); }
friend bool operator>(const Big& b1,const Big& b2)
{ return ( mr_compare(b1.fn,b2.fn) > 0 ); }
friend Big from_binary(int,char *);
friend int to_binary(const Big&,int,char *,BOOL justify=FALSE);
friend Big modmult(const Big&,const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big mad(const Big&,const Big&,const Big&,const Big&,Big&);
friend Big norm(const Big&);
friend Big sqrt(const Big&);
friend Big root(const Big&,int);
friend Big gcd(const Big&,const Big&);
friend void set_zzn3(int cnr,Big& sru) {get_mip()->cnr=cnr; nres(sru.fn,get_mip()->sru);}
friend int recode(const Big& e,int t,int w,int i) {return recode(e.fn,t,w,i);}
#ifndef MR_FP
friend Big land(const Big&,const Big&); // logical AND
friend Big lxor(const Big&,const Big&); // logical XOR
friend Big pow(const Big&,int); // x^m
friend Big pow(const Big&, int, const Big&); // x^m mod n
friend Big pow(int, const Big&, const Big&); // x^m mod n
friend Big pow(const Big&, const Big&, const Big&); // x^m mod n
friend Big pow(const Big&, const Big&, const Big&, const Big&, const Big&);
// x^m.y^k mod n
friend Big pow(int,Big *,Big *,Big); // x[0]^m[0].x[1].m[1]... mod n
friend Big luc(const Big& ,const Big&, const Big&, Big *b4=NULL);
friend Big moddiv(const Big&,const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big inverse(const Big&, const Big&);
friend void multi_inverse(int,Big*,const Big&,Big *);
#ifndef MR_NO_RAND
friend Big rand(const Big&); // 0 < rand < parameter
friend Big rand(int,int); // (digits,base) e.g. (32,16)
friend Big randbits(int); // n random bits
friend Big strong_rand(csprng *,const Big&);
friend Big strong_rand(csprng *,int,int);
friend Big abs(const Big&);
// This next only works if MIRACL is using a binary base...
friend int bit(const Big& b,int i) {return mr_testbit(b.fn,i);}
friend int bits(const Big& b) {return logb2(b.fn);}
friend int ham(const Big& b) {return hamming(b.fn);}
friend int jacobi(const Big& b1,const Big& b2) {return jack(b1.fn,b2.fn);}
friend int toint(const Big& b) {return size(b.fn);}
friend BOOL prime(const Big& b) {return isprime(b.fn);}
friend Big nextprime(const Big&);
friend Big nextsafeprime(int type,int subset,const Big&);
friend Big trial_divide(const Big& b);
friend BOOL small_factors(const Big& b);
friend BOOL perfect_power(const Big& b);
friend Big sqrt(const Big&,const Big&);
friend void ecurve(const Big&,const Big&,const Big&,int);
friend BOOL ecurve2(int,int,int,int,const Big&,const Big&,BOOL,int);
friend BOOL is_on_curve(const Big&);
friend void modulo(const Big&);
friend BOOL modulo(int,int,int,int,BOOL);
friend Big get_modulus(void);
friend int window(const Big&,int,int*,int*,int window_size=5);
friend int naf_window(const Big&,const Big&,int,int*,int*,int store=11);
friend void jsf(const Big&,const Big&,Big&,Big&,Big&,Big&);
/* Montgomery stuff */
friend Big nres(const Big&);
friend Big redc(const Big&);
friend Big nres_negate(const Big&);
friend Big nres_modmult(const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big nres_premult(const Big&,int);
friend Big nres_pow(const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big nres_pow2(const Big&,const Big&,const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big nres_pown(int,Big *,Big *);
friend Big nres_luc(const Big&,const Big&,Big *b3=NULL);
friend Big nres_sqrt(const Big&);
friend Big nres_modadd(const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big nres_modsub(const Big&,const Big&);
friend Big nres_moddiv(const Big&,const Big&);
/* these are faster.... */
friend void nres_modmult(Big& a,const Big& b,Big& c)
friend void nres_modadd(Big& a,const Big& b,Big& c)
friend void nres_modsub(Big& a,const Big& b,Big& c)
friend void nres_negate(Big& a,Big& b)
friend void nres_premult(Big& a,int b,Big& c)
friend void nres_moddiv(Big & a,const Big& b,Big& c)
friend Big shift(const Big&b,int n);
friend int length(const Big&b);
/* Note that when inputting text as a number the CR is NOT *
* included in the text, unlike C I/O which does include CR. */
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, Big&);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Big&);
friend ostream& otfloat(ostream&,const Big&,int);
// output Big to a String
friend char * operator<<(char * s,const Big&);
~Big() {
// zero(fn);
#ifndef BIGS
extern BOOL modulo(int,int,int,int,BOOL);
extern Big get_modulus(void);
extern Big rand(int,int);
extern Big strong_rand(csprng *,int,int);
extern Big from_binary(int,char *);
extern int to_binary(const Big&,int,char *,BOOL);