blob: 68ed652b7afd7e1be5b95216a9da6f7b786fc0eb [file] [log] [blame]
* File: CvHttpServerMg.cpp
* Author: mony
* Created on October 8, 2012, 8:43 AM
#include "CvHttpServerMg.h"
#include "CvLogger.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
using namespace CvShared;
#define HTTP_SERVER_MG_OPTION_PORT "listening_ports"
if ( m_pContext != NULL )
mg_stop( m_pContext );
void CvHttpServerMg::Init( CMapOptions& aOptions )
if ( aOptions.count(HTTP_SERVER_OPTION_PORT) < 0 )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR: No listening port is provided in HTTP server options." );
m_port = (u_short)aOptions[HTTP_SERVER_OPTION_PORT].Ulong();
if ( aOptions.count(HTTP_SERVER_OPTION_NUM_THREADS) < 0 )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR: No number of threads is provided in HTTP server options." );
m_numOfThreads = (int)aOptions[HTTP_SERVER_OPTION_NUM_THREADS].Long();
m_bInitialized = true;
bool CvHttpServerMg::Start()
if ( !m_bInitialized )
return false;
const char* options[32] = { NULL };
CvString port((uint32_t)m_port);
CvString numOfThreads((long)m_numOfThreads);
int i = 0;
options[i++] = HTTP_SERVER_MG_OPTION_PORT; options[i++] = port.c_str();
options[i++] = HTTP_SERVER_MG_OPTION_NUM_THREADS; options[i++] = numOfThreads.c_str();
options[i++] = NULL;
m_pContext = mg_start( _RequestCallback, this, options );
return true;
void* CvHttpServerMg::_RequestCallback( mg_event aEvent, mg_connection* apConn )
if ( aEvent != MG_NEW_REQUEST )
return NULL;
const mg_request_info* apRequestInfo = mg_get_request_info( apConn );
CvHttpServerMg* pThis = (CvHttpServerMg*)mg_get_user_data( apConn );
CvContextMg context(apConn);
CvRequest& request = context.m_request;
pThis->BuildRequest( apRequestInfo, request );
if ( request.m_mapHeaders.count( HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH ) > 0 )
uint32_t len = request.m_mapHeaders[HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH].Ulong();
request.m_content.resize( len );
mg_read( apConn, (void*), len );
uint32_t dataSize = request.GetHeaderValue( HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH ).Ulong();
if ( dataSize > 0 )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Debug3, "<== [%s] HTTP request [%s] uri [%s] data-size [%d] data [%s]",
request.GetRemoteIp().c_str(), apRequestInfo->request_method, request.GetUri().c_str(),
dataSize, (const char*)request.GetContent() );
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Debug3, "<== [%s] HTTP request [%s] uri [%s] data-size [0]",
request.GetRemoteIp().c_str(), apRequestInfo->request_method, request.GetUri().c_str() );
if ( !pThis->OnReceiveRequest( context ) )
return NULL; //request was not handled
return (void*)"(dummy)"; //Request was handled
void CvHttpServerMg::BuildRequest( const mg_request_info* apRequestInfo, OUT CvRequest& aRequest )
aRequest.m_remotePort = apRequestInfo->remote_port;
aRequest.m_bSSL = ( apRequestInfo->is_ssl != 0 );
if ( apRequestInfo->request_method != NULL )
aRequest.m_method = HttpMethodStringToEnum( apRequestInfo->request_method );
if ( apRequestInfo->uri != NULL )
aRequest.m_uri = apRequestInfo->uri;
if ( apRequestInfo->http_version != NULL )
aRequest.m_httpVersion = apRequestInfo->http_version;
if ( apRequestInfo->query_string != NULL )
aRequest.m_queryString = apRequestInfo->query_string;
if ( apRequestInfo->remote_user != NULL )
aRequest.m_remoteUser = apRequestInfo->remote_user;
for ( int i = 0; i < apRequestInfo->num_headers; ++i )
aRequest.m_mapHeaders[ apRequestInfo->http_headers[i].name ] = apRequestInfo->http_headers[i].value;
struct in_addr addr;
addr.s_addr = htonl(apRequestInfo->remote_ip);
aRequest.m_remoteIp = inet_ntoa( addr );
bool CvHttpServerMg::CvContextMg::SendResponse()
CvString strResponse;
m_response >> strResponse;
int sent = mg_write( m_pConn,, strResponse.length() );
if ( sent != strResponse.length() )
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Error, "ERROR in HTTP server while sending [%d] bytes to [%s]",
strResponse.length(), m_request.GetRemoteIp().c_str() );
return false;
LogMessage( enLogLevel_Debug3, "--> [%s]: %s", m_request.GetRemoteIp().c_str(), strResponse.c_str() );
return true;
void CvHttpServerMg::CvContextMg::CloseConnection()
mg_close_connection( m_pConn );