Add documentation
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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-# Mobile SDK core 
+# Apache Milagro Mobile SDK Core
+## Architecture and API
+### System Overview
+The Mobile SDK is a software library that allows mobile application developers to use the Apache Milagro authentication scheme for authenticating their end-users. It is a "native" library which contains native API for each platform:
+- Java API for Android
+- Objective-C API for iOS
+- C# API for Windows Phone.
+The SDK implements a Client in the Apache Milagro authentication scheme. It is divided into three layers:
+* Crypto
+* Core
+* Platform Adaptation
+#### Crypto
+The Crypto layer performs all the cryptographic operations required during the Milagro Registration and Authentication process.
+It is currently based on the _Apache Milagro Crypto_ library.
+A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) may be available on some Android platforms (mainly on Samsung devices).
+The TEE allows for hardware-secured execution of sensitive code and storage of sensitive data.
+The Mobile SDK is designed in such a way that when the TEE is present, the Crypto code might run on it allowing sensitive data to be stored on it.
+Thus, two variants of Crypto layer are made available, _Non-TEE Crypto_ and _TEE Crypto_.
+They provide the same API towards the Core layer and so should be interchangeable.
+The Apache Milagro Crypto is a C library which the Non-TEE Crypto wraps with platform-agnostic C++ code.
+#### Core
+The Core layer implements the logic and flow of the Apache Milagro Authentication Platform.
+It is written in C++ and is platform-agnostic.
+As it is not solely able to perform certain tasks, such as storing data on the device, or making HTTP requests, it invokes the _Platform Adaptation_ layer through interfaces provided during the Core initialization, to do them.
+#### Platform Adaptation
+This layer is implemented separately for every platform, since it is the only platform-specific component in the SDK.
+It provides a thin adaptation layer for the Core's C++ API to the native languages, Java, Objective-C or C#, for the different Mobile Platforms.
+It also provides platform-specific implementation of Secure and Non-Secure Storage and HTTP Requests.
+![alt text](Mobile-SDK-Architecture.png)
+For the platform-specific API's see:
+* [Android SDK API](
+* [iOS SDK API](
+* [Windows Phone SDK API](
+### Core API
+The Core layer is the central part of the Apache Milagro SDK.
+It implements the functionality of a Milagro Client and drives the communication with the Milagro MFA Services.
+The SDK Core (and Crypto) are implemented in a portable way, using C/C++ programming languages, to enable them to be compiled for different platforms such as a mobile or a desktop one.
+Most of the platforms provide a native API to make HTTP requests and store data.
+The Core utilizes the services on the specific platform it was compiled to, and runs on top of them.
+Hence, it works with Interfaces for those platform-specific services, as they are implemented at the _Platform Adaptation Layer_.
+The interfaces are:
+* `IHttpRequest` - for making HTTP requests
+* `IStorage`     - for storing data on the device
+* `IContext`     - for grouping the rest of the interfaces into a single bundle
+Although the SDK Core API (part of it) is the de-facto SDK API, it is not exposed to the application developer.
+It is an internal API to the Platform Adaptation Layer, which presents the SDK API to the application in a way that is native to the platform.
+#### HTTP Request Interface (`IHttpRequest`)
+The Core uses this interface to make HTTP requests.
+It should be implemented in the Platform Adaptation Layer.
+The Core creates an HTTP Request object via `IContext::CreateHttpRequest()` method and when done, releases the request via `IContext::ReleaseHttpRequest()`.
+##### `virtual void SetHeaders(const StringMap& headers);`
+This method sets the headers for the HTTP Request.
+The headers are passed in the `headers` key/value map, which is a standard `std::map<std::string, std::string>` object.
+This method should be called prior to executing the HTTP Request.
+##### `virtual void SetQueryParams(const StringMap& queryParams);`
+This method sets the query parameters for the HTTP Request.
+The query parameters are passed in the `queryParams` key/value map, which is a standard `std::map<std::string, std::string>` object.
+This method is called prior to executing the HTTP Request.
+##### `virtual void SetContent(const String& data);`
+This method sets the content (the data) of the HTTP Request.
+It is passed in the `data` parameter as a string.
+This method is called prior to executing the HTTP Request.
+##### `virtual void SetTimeout(int seconds);`
+This method sets a timeout for the HTTP Request.
+The timeout is set in `seconds`.
+If not set, the timeout is expected to be infinite.
+This method is called prior to executing the HTTP Request.
+##### `virtual bool Execute(Method method, const String& url);`
+This method executes the HTTP Request with the provided `method` and to the given `url`.
+The `Method` enumerator is defined as follows:
+enum Method
+    GET,
+    POST,
+    PUT,
+    DELETE,
+    PATCH
+The request is made with the previously set headers, query parameters and data.
+If the HTTP request was successfully executed, and a response received, the return value will be `true`.
+If the execution failed, the return value would be `false`.
+**NOTE** that a non-2xx HTTP response does not mean that the request has failed, but that it succeeded while the return status code was not a 2xx HTTP response.
+If the `Execute()` request failed, the `GetExecuteErrorMessage()` will return more information on the reason for the failure.
+##### `virtual const String& GetExecuteErrorMessage() const;`
+Returns an error message describing the failure of a preceding `Execute()` request.
+##### `virtual int GetHttpStatusCode() const;`
+Returns the status code received in response to the preceding successfully executed HTTP request.
+##### `virtual const StringMap& GetResponseHeaders() const;`
+Returns the headers received in response to the preceding successfully executed HTTP request.
+The headers are returned in a key/value map, which is a standard `std::map<std::string, std::string>` object.
+##### `virtual const String& GetResponseData() const;`
+Returns the data received as a response to the preceding successfully executed HTTP request.
+The data is returned as a string.
+#### Storage Interface (`IStorage`)
+The Core uses this interface to store data on the specific platform.
+As different platforms provide different storage options, the implementation of the interface should be part of the Platform Adaptation Layer.
+There are two kinds of storages that the Core uses, Secure and Non-secure.
+In the Secure Storage, the Core stores the _regOTT_ (during registration) and _M-Pin Token_ for every user that is registered through the device.
+In the Non-Secure Storage, the Core stores all non-sensitive data, like cached Time Permits.
+The `IContext` provides the interface to the correct Storage via the `IContext::GetStorage(IStorage::Type)` method.
+##### `virtual bool SetData(const String& data);`
+This method sets/writes the whole storage data.
+The data is provided in the data parameter, as a string.
+The return value is `true` on success or `false` on failure.
+If the method fails, further information regarding the error can be obtained through the `GetErrorMessage()` method.
+##### `virtual bool GetData(OUT String& data);`
+This method gets/reads the whole storage data.
+The data is returned in the `data` parameter, as a string.
+The return value is `true` on success or `false` on failure.
+If the method fails, further information regarding the error can be obtained through the `GetErrorMessage()` method.
+##### `virtual const String& GetErrorMessage() const;`
+Returns the error from the preceding failed `GetData()` or `SetData()` methods.
+#### Context Interface (`IContext`)
+The Context Interface "bundles" the rest of the interfaces.
+This is the only interface that is provided to the Core where the other interfaces are used/accessed through it.
+##### `virtual IHttpRequest* CreateHttpRequest() const;`
+This request creates a new HTTP request instance that conforms with `IHttpRequest`, and returns a pointer to it.
+The Core calls `CreateHttpRequest()` when it needs to make an HTTP request.
+After receiving a pointer to such an instance, the Core sets the needed headers, query parameters and data, and then executes the request.
+The Core will then check for the status code, the headers, the data of the response, and will finally release the HTTP request.
+**NOTE** that the HTTP request instance should remain "alive" until calling `ReleaseHttpRequest()`.
+**NOTE** As the Core might create two or more HTTP request instances in parallel, the implementation should not use global or local (stack) HTTP request objects.
+##### `virtual void ReleaseHttpRequest(IN IHttpRequest* request) const;`
+This request destroys/releases a previously created HTTP request instance.
+The Core calls `CreateHttpRequest()` when it needs to make an HTTP request.
+After receiving a pointer to such an instance, the Core sets the needed headers, query parameters and data, and then executes the request.
+The Core checks for the status code, the headers, the data of the response, and finally releases the HTTP request.
+**NOTE** that the HTTP request instance should remain "alive" until calling `ReleaseHttpRequest()`.
+**NOTE** Also, as the Core might create two or more HTTP request instances in parallel, the implementation should not use global or local (stack) HTTP request objects.
+##### `virtual IStorage* GetStorage(IStorage::Type type) const;`
+This method returns a pointer to the storage implementation, which conforms to `IStorage`.
+There are two storage types, Secure and Non-Secure, where you can pass your desired storage type as a parameter.
+The `IStorage::Type` enumerator is defined as follows:
+enum Type
+    SECURE,
+##### `virtual CryptoType GetMPinCryptoType() const;`
+This method provides information regarding the supported Crypto Type on the specific platform.
+Currently, this method could return a different value than Non-TEE Crypto, only on an Android platform.
+Other platforms will always return a Non-TEE Crypto value.
+On an Android, the Platform Adaptation needs to check if TEE is supported, and then return TEE or Non-TEE Crypto type accordingly.
+The `CryptoType` enumerator is defined as follows:
+enum CryptoType
+#### Main Core API (`MPinSDK`)
+The `MPinSDK` is the main SDK Core class.
+In order to use the Core, one should create an instance of the `MPinSDK` class and initialize it.
+Most of the methods return a `MPinSDK::Status` object, which is defined as follows:
+class Status
+    enum Code
+    {
+        OK,
+        PIN_INPUT_CANCELLED,     // Local error, returned when a user cancels entering a pin
+        CRYPTO_ERROR,            // Local error in crypto functions
+        STORAGE_ERROR,           // Local storage related error
+        NETWORK_ERROR,           // Local error - unable to connect to remote server (no internet, or invalid server/port)
+        RESPONSE_PARSE_ERROR,    // Local error - unable to parse json response from remote server (invalid json or unexpected json structure)
+        FLOW_ERROR,              // Local error - improper MPinSDK class usage
+        IDENTITY_NOT_AUTHORIZED, // Remote error - remote server refuses user registration or authentication
+        IDENTITY_NOT_VERIFIED,   // Remote error - remote server refuses user registration because identity is not verified
+        REQUEST_EXPIRED,         // Remote error - register/authentication request expired
+        REVOKED,                 // Remote error - unable to get time permit (probably the user is temporarily suspended)
+        INCORRECT_PIN,           // Remote error - user entered wrong pin
+        INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER, // Remote/local error - wrong access number (checksum failed or RPS returned 412)
+        HTTP_SERVER_ERROR,       // Remote error, when the error does not apply to any of the above - the remote server returned internal server error status (5xx)
+        HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR,      // Remote error, where the error does not apply to any of the above - invalid data sent to server, the remote server returned 4xx error status
+        BAD_USER_AGENT,          // Remote error - user agent not supported
+        CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRED    // Remote error - re-registration required because server master secret expired
+    };
+    Code GetStatusCode() const;
+    const String& GetErrorMessage() const;
+    bool operator==(Code statusCode) const;
+    bool operator!=(Code statusCode) const;
+    ...
+The methods that return `Status`, will always return `Status::OK` if successful.
+Many methods expect the provided `User` object to be in a certain state, and if it is not, the method will return `Status::FLOW_ERROR`
+##### `Status Init(const StringMap& config, IN IContext* ctx);`
+##### `Status Init(const StringMap& config, IN IContext* ctx, const StringMap& customHeaders);`
+This method initializes the `MPinSDK` instance.
+It receives a map of configuration parameters and a pointer to a [Context Interface](#Context-Interface).
+The configuration map is a key-value map into which different configuration options can be inserted.
+This is a flexible way of passing configurations into the Core, as the method parameters will not change when new configuration parameters are added.
+Unsupported parameters will be ignored.
+Currently, the Core recognizes the following parameters:
+* `backend` - the URL of the Milagro MFA back-end service (Mandatory)
+* `rpsPrefix` - the prefix that should be added for requests to the RPS (Optional). The default value is `"rps"`.
+The `customHeaders` parameter is optional and allows the caller to pass additional map of custom headers, which will be added to any HTTP request that the SDK executes.
+MPinSDK::StringMap config;
+config["backend"] = "";
+MPinSDK* sdk = new MPinSDK;
+MPinSDK::Status s = sdk->Init( config, Context::Instance() );
+##### `void Destroy();`
+This method clears the `MPinSDK` instance and releases any allocated data by it.
+After calling this method, one should use `Init()` again in order to re-use the `MPinSDK` instance.
+##### `Status TestBackend(const String& server, const String& rpsPrefix = "rps") const;`
+This method will test whether `server` is a valid back-end URL by trying to retrieve Client Settings from it.
+Optionally, a custom RPS prefix might be specified if it was customized at the back-end and is different than the default `"rps"`.
+If the back-end URL is a valid one, the method will return `Status::OK`.
+##### `Status SetBackend(const String& server, const String& rpsPrefix = "rps");`
+This method will change the currently configured back-end in the Core.
+Initially the back-end might be set through the `Init()` method, but then it might be change using this method.
+`server` is the new back-end URL that should be used.
+Optionally, a custom RPS prefix might be specified if it was customized at the back-end and is different than the default `"rps"`.
+If successful, the method will return `Status::OK`.
+##### `UserPtr MakeNewUser(const String& id, const String& deviceName = "") const;`
+This method creates a new `User` object.
+The User object represents an end-user of the Milagro authentication.
+The user has its own unique identity, which is passed as the id parameter to this method.
+Additionally, an optional `deviceName` might be specified.
+The _Device Name_ is passed to the RPA, which might store it and use it later to determine which _M-Pin ID_ is associated with this device.
+The returned value is of type `UserPtr`, which is a reference counting shared pointer to the newly created `User` instance.
+The User class itself looks like this:
+class User
+    enum State
+    {
+        INVALID,
+        ACTIVATED,
+        REGISTERED,
+        BLOCKED
+    };
+    const String& GetId() const;
+    const String& GetBackend() const;
+    State GetState() const;
+    ....
+The newly created user is in the `INVALID` state.
+The `User` class is defined in the namespace of the `MPinSDK` class.
+##### `void DeleteUser(INOUT UserPtr user);`
+This method deletes a user from the users list that the SDK maintains.
+All the user data including its _M-Pin ID_, its state and _M-Pin Token_ will be deleted.
+A new user with the same identity can be created later with the `MakeNewUser()` method.
+##### `Status ListUsers(OUT std::vector<UserPtr>& users) const;`
+This method populates the provided vector with all the users that are associated with the currently set backend.
+Different users might be in different states, reflecting their registration status.
+The method will return `Status::OK` on success and `Status::FLOW_ERROR` if no backend is set through the `Init()` or `SetBackend()` methods.
+##### `Status ListUsers(OUT std::vector<UserPtr>& users, const String& backend) const;`
+This method populates the provided vector with all the users that are associated with the provided `backend`.
+Different users might be in different states, reflecting their registration status.
+The method will return `Status::OK` on success and `Status::FLOW_ERROR` if the SDK was not initialized.
+##### `Status ListAllUsers(OUT std::vector<UserPtr>& users) const;`
+This method populates the provided vector with all the users associated with all the backends know to the SDK.
+Different users might be in different states, reflecting their registration status.
+The user association to a backend could be retrieved through the `User::GetBackend()` method.
+The method will return `Status::OK` on success and `Status::FLOW_ERROR` if the SDK was not initialized.
+##### `Status ListBackends(OUT std::vector<String>& backends) const;`
+This method will populate the provided vector with all the backends known to the SDK.
+The method will return `Status::OK` on success and `Status::FLOW_ERROR` if the SDK was not initialized.
+##### `Status GetSessionDetails(const String& accessCode, OUT SessionDetails& sessionDetails);`
+This method could be optionally used to retrieve details regarding a browser session when the SDK is used to authenticate users to an online service, such as the _MIRACL MFA Platform_.
+In this case an `accessCode` is transferred to the mobile device out-of-band e.g. via scanning a graphical code.
+The code is then provided to this method to get the session details.
+This method will also notify the backend that the `accessCode` was retrieved from the browser session.
+The returned `SessionDetails` look as follows:
+class SessionDetails
+    void Clear();
+    String prerollId;
+    String appName;
+    String appIconUrl;
+During the online browser session an optional user identity might be provided meaning that this is the user that wants to register/authenticate to the online service.
+* The `prerollId` will carry that user ID, or it will be empty if no such ID was provided.
+* `appName` is the name of the web application to which the service will authenticate the user.
+* `appIconUrl` is the URL from which the icon for web application could be downloaded.
+##### `Status StartRegistration(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& activateCode = "", const String& userData = "");`
+This method initializes the registration for a User that has already been created.
+The Core starts the Milagro Setup flow, sending the necessary requests to the back-end service.
+The State of the User instance will change to `STARTED_REGISTRATION`.
+The status will indicate whether the operation was successful or not.
+During this call, an _M-Pin ID_ for the end-user will be issued by the RPS and stored within the user object.
+The RPA could also start a user identity verification procedure, by sending a verification e-mail.
+The optional `activateCode` parameter might be provided if the registration process requires such.
+In cases when the user verification is done through a _One-Time-Code_ (OTC) or through an SMS that carries such code, this OTC should be passed as the `activateCode` parameter.
+In those cases, the identity verification should be completed instantly and the User State will be set to `ACTIVATED`.
+Optionally, the application might pass additional `userData` which might help the RPA to verify the user identity.
+The RPA might decide to verify the identity without starting a verification process.
+In this case, the `Status` of the call will still be `Status::OK`, but the User State will be set to `ACTIVATED`.
+##### `Status RestartRegistration(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& userData = "");`
+This method re-initializes the registration process for a user, where registration has already started.
+The difference between this method and `StartRegistration()` is that it will not generate a new _M-Pin ID_, but will use the one that was already generated.
+Besides that, the methods follow the same procedures, such as getting the RPA to re-start the user identity verification procedure of sending a verification email to the user.
+The application could also pass additional `userData` to help the RPA to verify the user identity.
+The RPA might decide to verify the identity without starting a verification process.
+In this case, the `Status` of the call will still be `Status::OK`, but the User State will be set to `ACTIVATED`.
+##### `Status ConfirmRegistration(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& pushMessageIdentifier = "");`
+This method allows the application to check whether the user identity verification process has been finalized or not.
+The provided `user` object is expected to be either in the `STARTED_REGISTRATION` state or in the `ACTIVATED` state.
+The latter is possible if the RPA activated the user immediately with the call to `StartRegistration()` and no verification process was started.
+During the call to `ConfirmRegistration()` the SDK will make an attempt to retrieve _Client Key_ for the user.
+This attempt will succeed if the user has already been verified/activated but will fail otherwise.
+The method will return `Status::OK` if the Client Key has been successfully retrieved and `Status::IDENTITY_NOT_VERIFIED` if the identity has not been verified yet.
+If the method has succeeded, the application is expected to get the desired PIN/secret from the end-user and then call `FinishRegistration()`, and provide the PIN.
+**Note** Using the optional parameter `pushMessageIdentifier`, the application can provide a platform specific identifier for sending _Push Messages_ to the device.
+Such push messages might be utilized as an alternative to the _Access Number/Code_, as part of the authentication flow.
+##### `Status FinishRegistration(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& pin)`
+This method finalizes the user registration process.
+It extracts the _M-Pin Token_ from the _Client Key_ for the provided `pin` (secret), and then stores the token in the secure storage.
+On successful completion, the User state will be set to `REGISTERED` and the method will return `Status::OK`
+##### `Status StartAuthentication(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& accessCode = "");`
+This method starts the authentication process for a given `user`.
+It attempts to retrieve the _Time Permits_ for the user, and if successful, will return `Status::OK`.
+If they cannot be retrieved, the method will return `Status::REVOKED`.
+If this method is successfully completed, the app should read the PIN/secret from the end-user and call one of the `FinishAuthentication()` variants to authenticate the user.
+Optionally, an `accessCode` could be provided.
+This code is retrieved out-of-band from a browser session when the user has to be authenticated to an online service, such as the _MIRACL MFA Platform_.
+When this code is provided, the SDK will notify the service that authentication associated with the given `accessCode` has started for the provided user.
+##### `Status CheckAccessNumber(const String& accessNumber);`
+This method is used only when a user needs to be authenticated to a remote (browser) session, using _Access Number_.
+The access numbers might have a check-sum digit in them and this check-sum needs to be verified on the client side, in order to prevent calling the back-end with non-compliant access numbers.
+The method will return `Status::OK` if successful, and `Status::INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER` if not successful.
+##### `Status FinishAuthentication(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& pin);`
+##### `Status FinishAuthentication(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& pin, OUT String& authResultData);`
+This method performs end-user authentication where the `user` to be authenticated is passed as a parameter, along with his `pin` (secret).
+The method performs the authentication against the _Milagro MFA Server_ using the provided PIN and the stored _M-Pin Token_, and then logs into the RPA.
+The RPA responds with the authentication _User Data_ which is returned to the application through the `authResultData` parameter.
+If successful, the returned status will be `Status::OK`, and if the authentication fails, the return status would be `INCORRECT_PIN`.
+After the 3rd (configurable in the RPS) unsuccessful authentication attempt, the method will return `Status::INCORRECT_PIN` and the User State will be set to `BLOCKED`.
+##### `Status FinishAuthenticationOTP(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& pin, OUT OTP& otp);`
+This method performs end-user authentication for an OTP.
+The authentication process is similar to `FinishAuthentication()`, but the RPA issues an OTP instead of logging the user into the application.
+The returned status is analogical to the `FinishAuthentication()` method, but in addition to that, an `OTP` structure is returned.
+The `OTP` structure looks like this:
+class OTP
+    String otp;
+    long expireTime;
+    int ttlSeconds;
+    long nowTime;
+    Status status;
+* The `otp` string is the issued OTP.
+* The `expireTime` is the Milagro MFA system time when the OTP will expire.
+* The `ttlSeconds` is the expiration period in seconds.
+* The `nowTime` is the current Milagro MFA system time.
+* `status` is the status of the OTP generation. The status will be `Status::OK` if the OTP was successfully generated, or `Status::FLOW_ERROR` if not.
+**NOTE** that OTP might be generated only by RPA that supports that functionality, such as the MIRACL M-Pin SSO.
+Other RPA's might not support OTP generation where the `status` inside the returned `otp` structure will be `Status::FLOW_ERROR`.
+##### `Status FinishAuthenticationAN(INOUT UserPtr user, const String& pin, const String& accessNumber);`
+This method authenticates the end-user using an _Access Number_ (also refered as _Access Code_), provided by a PC/Browser session.
+After this authentication, the end-user can log into the PC/Browser which provided the Access Number, while the authentication itself is done on the Mobile Device.
+`accessNumber` is the Access Number from the browser session.
+The returned status might be:
+* `Status::OK` - Successful authentication.
+* `Status::INCORRECT_PIN` - The authentication failed because of incorrect PIN. After the 3rd (configurable in the RPS) unsuccessful authentication attempt, the method will still return `Status::INCORRECT_PIN` but the User State will be set to `BLOCKED`.
+* `Status::INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER` - The authentication failed because of incorrect Access Number.
+##### `bool CanLogout(IN UserPtr user);`
+This method is used after authentication with an Access Number/Code through `FinishAuthenticationAN()`.
+After such an authentication, the Mobile Device can log out the end-user from the Browser session, if the RPA supports that functionality.
+This method checks whether logout information was provided by the RPA and the remote (Browser) session can be terminated from the Mobile Device.
+The method will return `true` if the user can be logged-out from the remote session, and `false` otherwise.
+##### `bool Logout(IN UserPtr user);`
+This method tries to log out the end-user from a remote (Browser) session after a successful authentication through `FinishAuthenticationAN()`.
+Before calling this method, it is recommended to ensure that logout data was provided by the RPA and that the logout operation can be actually performed.
+The method will return `true` if the logged-out request to the RPA was successful, and `false` otherwise.
+##### `const char* GetVersion();`
+This method returns a pointer to a null-terminated string with the version number of the SDK.
+##### `String GetClientParam(const String& key);`
+This method returns the value for a _Client Setting_ with the given key.
+The value is returned as a String always, i.e. when a numeric or a boolean value is expected, the conversion should be handled by the application.
+Client settings that might interest the applications are:
+* `accessNumberDigits` - The number of Access Number digits that should be entered by the user, prior to calling `FinishAuthenticationAN()`.
+* `setDeviceName` - Indicator (`true/false`) whether the application should ask the user to insert a _Device Name_ and pass it to the `MakeNewUser()` method.
+* `appID` - The _App ID_ used by the backend. The App ID is a unique ID assigned to each customer or application. It is a hex-encoded long numeric value. The App ID can be used only for information purposes and it does not affect the application's behavior in any way.
+#### Main Flows
+##### User Registration
+![*](M-Pin SDK - Registration flow.png)
+##### User Authentication to an Online Session
+![*](M-Pin SDK - Authentication to Browser Session flow.png)