tree: a9b8bdb5baae37648fb23b75a64db952eb46d555 [path history] [tgz]
  1. nbproject/
  2. .gitignore
  3. HttpRequest.cpp
  4. HttpRequest.h
  5. main.cpp
  6. Makefile
  7. MpinClient.cpp
  8. MpinClient.h

Build the project in Release configuration:

> cd <mobilesdk-workdir>/tests/linux/MPinClient
> make CONF=Release

The mpinclient executable might be found in: <mobilesdk-workdir>/tests/linux/MPinClient/dist/Release/GNU-Linux-x86/

Clean build artifacts in Release configuration:

> cd <mobilesdk-workdir>/tests/linux/MPinClient
> make clean CONF=Release

Build the project in Debug configuration:

> cd <mobilesdk-workdir>/tests/linux/MPinClient
> make CONF=Debug
	- or just -
> make

The mpinclient executable might be found in: <mobilesdk-workdir>/tests/linux/MPinClient/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/

Clean build artifacts in Debug configuration:

> cd <mobilesdk-workdir>/tests/linux/MPinClient
> make clean CONF=Debug
	- or just -
> make clean