blob: 9fc606122768f1fc0328eb0c00fef15e3fe574cd [file] [log] [blame]
title MFA Platform Login
participant Authenticator App as app
participant Mobile SDK as sdk
participant Login Page\n(Browser) as codepad
participant Landing Page as landing
participant MFA Platform as mfa
note over codepad
User chooses to login
and the Login Page
displays a QR Code
end note
app<-->codepad: Scan QR Code of the form <landing-url>#<access-code>
app->landing: GET <landing-url>/service
landing-->app: OK, data: {"name": <service-name>, "url": <backend-url>, ...}
app->sdk: SetBackend(<backend-url>)
sdk->mfa: GET clientSetting
mfa-->sdk: OK, data: <client-settings>
sdk-->app: OK
app->sdk: GetSessionDetails(<access-code>)
sdk->mfa: POST /codeStatus, data: {"status": "wid", "wid": <access-code>}
mfa-->sdk: OK, data: {"prerollId": <preroll-id>, "appName": <app-name>, "appLogoURL": <app-icon>}
sdk-->app: OK, {<preroll-id>, <app-name>, <app-icon>}
app->sdk: ListUsers(<users-list>)
sdk-->app: OK, populated <users-list>
alt <preroll-id> is not empty
alt <preroll-id> is not in <users-list>
app->app: Start registration of <preroll-id>
end alt
app->app: Select <preroll-id>
note right of app
NOTE: The registration flow is listed separately
end note
alt End user chooses to register a new identity
app->app: Start registration of new identity
app->app: Select newly registered identity
else End user selects an identity from the list
app->app: Select existing identity
end alt
end alt
app->sdk: StartAuthentication(<identity>, <access-code>)
sdk->mfa: POST /codeStatus, data: {"status": "user", "wid": <access-code>, "userId": <identity>}
mfa-->sdk: OK
sdk<-->mfa: Fetch Time Permits, if required
sdk-->app: OK
app->app: Read <PIN> from end user
app->sdk: FinishAuthenticationAN(<identity>, <PIN>, <access-code>)
sdk<-->mfa: Authenticate <identity>, using <PIN>
sdk-->app: <Status>
alt <Status> == OK
app->app: Display "Successfull Login" message
else <Status> == INCORRECT_PIN
alt User State == BLOCKED
app->app: Display "User blocked" message
app->app: Display "Wrong PIN" message
end alt
end alt