blob: 12901c3bf5578d5692402fed14d8af17a0f49292 [file] [log] [blame]
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
var mpinjs = (function () {
var Mpin, Users = {}, Errors = {}, States = {};
Errors.missingUserId = {code: 0, type: "MISSING_USERID"};
Errors.invalidUserId = {code: 1, type: "INVALID_USERID"};
Errors.missingParams = {code: 2, type: "MISSING_PARAMETERS"};
Errors.identityNotVerified = {code: 3, type: "IDENTITY_NOT_VERIFIED"};
Errors.identityMissing = {code: 4, type: "IDENTITY_MISSING"};
Errors.wrongPin = {code: 5, type: "WRONG_PIN"};
Errors.wrongFlow = {code: 6, type: "WRONG_FLOW"};
Errors.userRevoked = {code: 7, type: "USER_REVOKED"};
Errors.timeoutFinish = {code: 8, type: "TIMEOUT_FINISH"};
Errors.requestExpired = {code: 9, type: "REQUEST_EXPIRED"};
Errors.identityNotAuthorized = {code: 10, type: "IDENTITY_NOT_AUTHORIZED"};
Errors.incorrectAccessNumber = {code: 11, type: "INCORRECT_ACCESS_NUMBER"};
States.invalid = "INVALID";
States.start = "STARTED"; = "ACTIVATED";
States.register = "REGISTERED";
States.block = "BLOCKED";
Mpin = function (options) {
if (!options || !options.server) {
return new Error("Missing server URL");
this.opts = options;
this.settings = {};
Mpin.prototype.storageKey = "mpinjs";
// temporary until extend with other portocols
// then supported should be object of objects
Mpin.prototype.cfg = {
protocols: {
supported: ["2pass"],
default: "2pass"
Mpin.prototype.init = function (cb) {
var self = this, _initUrl;
if (this.opts.server.slice(-1) === "/") {
_initUrl = this.opts.server;
} else {
_initUrl = this.opts.server + "/";
_initUrl += this.opts.rpsPrefix || "rps";
_initUrl += "/clientSettings";
this.request({url: _initUrl}, function (err, data) {
if (err && cb) {
return cb(err, null);
self.ready = true;
self.settings = data;
cb && cb(null, true);
Mpin.prototype.makeNewUser = function (userId, deviceId) {
if (!userId) {
return Errors.missingUserId;
this.addToUser(userId, {userId: userId, deviceId: deviceId, state: States.invalid});
return this;
Mpin.prototype.startRegistration = function (userId, cb) {
var _reqData = {}, self = this, _userState;
if (!userId) {
return cb ? cb(Errors.missingUserId, null) : {error: 1};
} else if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
return cb(Errors.invalidUserId, null);
} else if (!this.settings.registerURL) {
return cb({code: Errors.missingParams.code, type: Errors.missingParams.type, message: "Missing registerURL"}, null);
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.invalid) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
_reqData.url = this.generateUrl("register");
_reqData.type = "PUT"; = {
userId: userId,
mobile: 0
if (Users[userId].deviceId) { = Users[userId].deviceId;
this.request(_reqData, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null);
self.addToUser(userId, {regOTT: data.regOTT, mpinId: data.mpinId, state: States.start});
//force activate
if ( {
self.addToUser(userId, {state:});
cb && cb(null, true);
//request cs1 + cs2
Mpin.prototype.confirmRegistration = function (userId, cb) {
var _cs1Url = "", self = this, _userState;
if (!userId) {
return cb ? cb(Errors.missingUserId, null) : Errors.missingUserId;
} else if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
return cb(Errors.invalidUserId, null);
} else if (!this.settings.signatureURL) {
return cb({code: Errors.missingParams.code, type: Errors.missingParams.type, message: "Missing signatureURL option."}, null);
//started || activated
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.start && _userState !== {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
//already set.
if (Users[userId].csHex) {
return cb(null, true);
_cs1Url = this.generateUrl('signature', {userId: userId});
//req cs1
this.request({url: _cs1Url}, function (err, cs1Data) {
var _cs2Url = "";
if (err) {
if (err.status == 401) {
return cb(Errors.identityNotVerified, null);
} else if (err.status == 400) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
_cs2Url = self.settings.certivoxURL + "clientSecret?" + cs1Data.params;
//req cs2
self.request({url: _cs2Url}, function (err, cs2Data) {
var csHex;
csHex = MPINAuth.addShares(cs2Data.clientSecret, cs1Data.clientSecretShare);
self.addToUser(userId, {csHex: csHex, state:});
cb(null, true);
Mpin.prototype.finishRegistration = function (userId, pin) {
var _user, token;
if (!userId) {
return Errors.missingUserId;
_user = this.getUser(userId);
if (_user.state !== || !Users[userId].csHex) {
return Errors.wrongFlow;
if (isNaN(pin)) {
pin = this.toHash(pin);
token = MPINAuth.calculateMPinToken(Users[userId].mpinId, pin, Users[userId].csHex);
delete Users[userId].csHex;
this.addToUser(userId, {token: token, state: States.register});
return true;
//Put user / mpinId
Mpin.prototype.restartRegistration = function (userId, cb) {
var _reqData = {}, self = this, _userState;
if (!userId) {
return cb ? cb(Errors.missingUserId, null) : {error: 1};
} else if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
return cb(Errors.invalidUserId, null);
} else if (!this.settings.registerURL) {
return cb({code: Errors.missingParams.code, type: Errors.missingParams.type, message: "Missing registerURL"}, null);
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.start) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
_reqData.url = this.generateUrl("restart", {userId: userId});
_reqData.type = "PUT"; = {
userId: userId,
mobile: 0,
regOTT: Users[userId].regOTT
this.request(_reqData, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null);
self.addToUser(userId, {regOTT: data.regOTT, mpinId: data.mpinId});
//force activate
if ( {
self.addToUser(userId, {state:});
cb && cb(null, true);
Mpin.prototype.startAuthentication = function (userId, cb) {
var _tp1Url, self = this, _userState;
if (!userId) {
return cb ? cb(Errors.missingUserId, null) : Errors.missingUserId;
} else if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
return cb(Errors.invalidUserId, null);
} else if (!this.settings.timePermitsURL || !this.settings.certivoxURL) {
return cb({code: Errors.missingParams.code, type: Errors.missingParams.type, message: "Missing timePermitsURL or/and certivoxURL option."}, null);
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.register) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
_tp1Url = this.generateUrl('permit1', {userId: userId});
this.request({url: _tp1Url}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
if (err.status === 401 || err.status === 403 || err.status === 410) {
return cb(Errors.userRevoked, null);
return cb(err, null);
var _signature, _tp2Url, _timePermit1, _storageUrl;
_signature = data["signature"];
_timePermit1 = data["timePermit"];
self.addToUser(userId, {currentDate: data['date']});
//check cache if exist
if (Users[userId].timePermitCache && Users[userId] === {
var _timePermit2 = Users[userId].timePermitCache.timePermit;
var timePermitHex = MPINAuth.addShares(_timePermit1, _timePermit2);
self.addToUser(userId, {timePermitHex: timePermitHex});
cb && cb(null, true); //exit with cache permit2
} else {
_storageUrl = self.generateUrl("storage", {date:, storageId: data.storageId});
self.request({url: _storageUrl}, function (storErr, storData) {
if (storErr) {
_tp2Url = self.generateUrl('permit2', {userId: userId});
_tp2Url += "&signature=" + _signature;
self._getTimePermit2({userId: userId, permit1: _timePermit1, permit2Url: _tp2Url, date:}, cb); //continue
var _timePermit2 = storData;
var timePermitHex = MPINAuth.addShares(_timePermit1, _timePermit2);
self.addToUser(userId, {timePermitHex: timePermitHex, timePermitCache: {date:, timePermit: _timePermit2}});
cb && cb(null, true); //exit with storage permit2
}, false);
Mpin.prototype._getTimePermit2 = function (options, cb) {
var self = this, _timePermit1 = options.permit1;
this.request({url: options.permit2Url}, function (err2, data2) {
if (err2) {
if (err2.status === 401 || err2.status === 403 || err2.status === 410) {
return cb(Errors.userRevoked, null);
return cb(err2, null);
var _timePermit2, timePermitHex, _permitCache = {};
_timePermit2 = data2["timePermit"];
timePermitHex = MPINAuth.addShares(_timePermit1, _timePermit2); =;
_permitCache.timePermit = data2["timePermit"];
self.addToUser(options.userId, {timePermitHex: timePermitHex, timePermitCache: _permitCache});
cb && cb(null, true);
Mpin.prototype.chooseAuthProtocol = function () {
var self = this;
this.authProtocol = this.cfg.protocols.default;
// We have 3 arrays:
// 1. Ordered list of protocols sent from the server - this.settings.supportedProtocols
// 2. List of protocols supported by the library - self.cfg.protocols.supported
// 3. List of protocols that the library user would like to support - this.opts.authProtocols
// The goal is to select the first protocol from the server's list (1) that is supported by the library (2) and selected by the lib user (3).
// If the lib user didn't provide any preferences, then we select the first one from the server's list that is supported by the lib.
if (this.settings.supportedProtocols && this.settings.supportedProtocols instanceof Array) {
if (this.opts.authProtocols && this.opts.authProtocols instanceof Array) {
this.settings.supportedProtocols.some(function (value) {
if (self.opts.authProtocols.indexOf(value) !== -1 && self.cfg.protocols.supported.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
self.authProtocol = value;
return true;
} else {
this.settings.supportedProtocols.some(function (value) {
if (self.cfg.protocols.supported.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
self.authProtocol = value;
return true;
Mpin.prototype.finishAuthentication = function (userId, pin, cb) {
var _userState;
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.register) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
} else if (!Users[userId].timePermitHex) {
return cb({code: Errors.wrongFlow.code, type: Errors.wrongFlow.type, message: "Need to call startAuthentication method before this."}, null);
// The following checks that the authentication protocol is 2pass.
// This is temporary until the lib supports other protocols
if (this.authProtocol === this.cfg.protocols.default) {
this._pass2Requests({userId: userId, pin: pin}, cb);
Mpin.prototype.finishAuthenticationOtp = function (userId, pin, cb) {
var _userState;
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.register) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
} else if (!Users[userId].timePermitHex) {
return cb({code: Errors.wrongFlow.code, type: Errors.wrongFlow.type, message: "Need to call startAuthentication method before this."}, null);
// The following checks that the authentication protocol is 2pass.
// This is temporary until the lib supports other protocols
if (this.authProtocol === this.cfg.protocols.default) {
this._pass2Requests({userId: userId, pin: pin, otp: true}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null);
if (!data.expireTime || !data.ttlSeconds || !data.nowTime) {
return cb(null, null);
data.expireTime = data.expireTime / 1000;
data.nowTime = data.nowTime / 1000;
cb(null, data);
Mpin.prototype.finishAuthenticationAN = function (userId, pin, accessNumber, cb) {
var _userState;
_userState = this.getUser(userId, "state");
if (_userState !== States.register) {
return cb(Errors.wrongFlow, null);
} else if (!Users[userId].timePermitHex) {
return cb({code: Errors.wrongFlow.code, type: Errors.wrongFlow.type, message: "Need to call startAuthentication method before this."}, null);
// The following checks that the authentication protocol is 2pass.
// This is temporary until the lib supports other protocols
if (this.authProtocol === this.cfg.protocols.default) {
this._pass2Requests({userId: userId, pin: pin, accessNumber: accessNumber.toString()}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null);
if (!data.expireTime || !data.ttlSeconds || !data.nowTime) {
return cb(null, null);
data.expireTime = data.expireTime / 1000;
data.nowTime = data.nowTime / 1000;
cb(null, data);
Mpin.prototype._pass2Requests = function (opts, cb) {
var userId, pin, otp, accessNumber, self = this, _reqData = {};
userId = opts.userId;
pin = isNaN( ? this.toHash( :;
otp = opts.otp || false;
accessNumber = opts.accessNumber || false;
_reqData.url = this.generateUrl("pass1");
_reqData.type = "POST"; = this.getAuthData(userId, pin);
// pass1
this.request(_reqData, function (pass1Err, pass1Data) {
var _req2Data = {}, wid = "0";
_req2Data.url = self.generateUrl("pass2");
_req2Data.type = "POST";
accessNumber && (wid = accessNumber); = MPINAuth.pass2Request(pass1Data.y, otp, wid); = Users[userId].mpinId;
// pass 2
self.request(_req2Data, function (pass2Err, pass2Data) {
var otpCode;
if (pass2Err) {
return cb(pass2Err, null);
otpCode = pass2Data["OTP"] || false;
if (pass2Data && pass2Data["OTP"]) {
delete pass2Data["OTP"];
self._authenticate({userId: userId, mpinResponse: pass2Data, otpCode: otpCode, accessNumber: accessNumber}, cb);
Mpin.prototype._authenticate = function (opts, cb) {
var _authData = {}, self = this;
if (opts.accessNumber) {
_authData.url = this.generateUrl("mobileauth");
} else {
_authData.url = this.generateUrl("auth");
_authData.type = "POST"; = {mpinResponse: opts.mpinResponse};
this.request(_authData, function (authErr, authData) {
if (authErr) {
if (authErr.status === 401) {
return cb(Errors.wrongPin, null);
} else if (authErr.status === 403) {
return cb(Errors.identityNotAuthorized, null);
} else if (authErr.status === 408) {
return cb(Errors.requestExpired, null);
} else if (authErr.status === 410) {
opts.userId && self.addToUser(opts.userId, {state: States.block});
return cb(Errors.wrongPin, null);
} else if (authErr.status === 412) {
return cb(Errors.incorrectAccessNumber, null);
} else {
return cb(Errors.wrongPin, null);
if (opts.otpCode && authData) {
authData.otp = opts.otpCode;
cb && cb(null, authData || null);
Mpin.prototype.checkAccessNumber = function (accessNumber) {
accessNumber = accessNumber.toString();
if (!this.settings.accessNumberUseCheckSum || accessNumber.length != this.settings.accessNumberDigits) {
return true;
} else {
if (this.settings.cSum === 1) {
return this.checkAccessNumberSum2(accessNumber, 6);
} else {
return this.checkAccessNumberSum(accessNumber);
Mpin.prototype.checkAccessNumberSum = function (accNumber, accLen) {
accLen || (accLen = 1);
var n = parseInt(accNumber.slice(0, accNumber.length - accLen), 10);
var cSum = parseInt(accNumber.slice(accNumber.length - accLen, accNumber.length), 10);
var p = 99991;
var g = 11;
var checkSum = ((n * g) % p) % Math.pow(10, accLen);
return (checkSum === cSum);
Mpin.prototype.checkAccessNumberSum2 = function (accNumber, accLen) {
var cSum, checksum, x, w, wid, wid_len, g = 11, sum_d = 0;
wid = accNumber.toString();
wid = wid.substring(0, accNumber.toString().length - 1);
w = accLen + 1;
sum_d = 0;
wid_len = wid.length;
for (var i = 0; i < wid_len; i++) {
x = parseInt(wid[i]);
sum_d += (x * w);
w -= 1;
checksum = (g - (sum_d % g)) % g;
checksum = (checksum === 10) ? 0 : checksum;
//get last one digit and compare with checksum result
cSum = accNumber.substr(-1);
cSum = parseInt(cSum);
return (cSum === checksum);
Mpin.prototype.getAuthData = function (userId, pin) {
var _auth = {};
_auth.mpin = Users[userId].mpinId;
_auth.token = Users[userId].token;
_auth.timePermit = Users[userId].timePermitHex; = Users[userId].currentDate;
return MPINAuth.pass1Request(_auth.mpin, _auth.token, _auth.timePermit, pin,, null);
Mpin.prototype.fromHex = function (strData) {
if (!strData || strData.length % 2 != 0)
return '';
strData = strData.toLowerCase();
var digits = '0123456789abcdef';
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < strData.length; ) {
var a = digits.indexOf(strData.charAt(i++));
var b = digits.indexOf(strData.charAt(i++));
if (a < 0 || b < 0)
return '';
result += String.fromCharCode(a * 16 + b);
return result;
Mpin.prototype.toHash = function (strData) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < strData.length; i++) {
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + strData.charCodeAt(i);
return hash;
Mpin.prototype.getAccessNumber = function (cb) {
var self = this, _reqData = {};
_reqData.url = this.generateUrl("getnumber");
_reqData.type = "POST";
this.request(_reqData, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null);
self.webOTT = data.webOTT;
var returnData = {
accessNumber: data.accessNumber,
ttlSeconds: data.ttlSeconds,
localTimeStart: data.localTimeStart / 1000,
localTimeEnd: data.localTimeEnd / 1000
cb && cb(null, returnData);
Mpin.prototype.getQrUrl = function (userId, cb) {
var self = this, _reqData = {};
_reqData.url = this.generateUrl("getqrurl");
_reqData.type = "POST"; = {
prerollid: userId || ""
this.request(_reqData, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null);
self.webOTT = data.webOTT;
var returnData = {
qrUrl: data.qrUrl,
ttlSeconds: data.ttlSeconds,
localTimeStart: data.localTimeStart / 1000,
localTimeEnd: data.localTimeEnd / 1000
cb && cb(null, returnData);
Mpin.prototype.waitForMobileAuth = function (timeoutSeconds, requestSeconds, cb, cbStatus) {
var self = this, _reqData = {};
if (!this.webOTT) {
return cb({code: Errors.wrongFlow.code, type: Errors.wrongFlow.type, message: "Need to call getAccessNumber method before this."}, null);
} else if (!timeoutSeconds) {
return cb({code: Errors.missingParams.code, type: Errors.missingParams.type, message: "Missing timeout/expiration period(in seconds)."}, null);
self.mobileStatus = self.mobileStatus || '';
if (typeof this.timeoutPeriod === "undefined") {
this.timeoutPeriod = timeoutSeconds * 1000;
_reqData.url = this.generateUrl("getaccess");
_reqData.type = "POST"; = {webOTT: this.webOTT};
this.request(_reqData, function (err, data) {
var _requestPeriod;
if (err) {
cb && cb(err, null);
} else {
authOTT = data.authOTT
delete data.authOTT
if (data.status === 'authenticate') {
cbStatus && cbStatus(data);
self._authenticate({mpinResponse: {authOTT: authOTT}}, cb);
} else {
if (self.timeoutPeriod > 0) {
_requestPeriod = requestSeconds ? requestSeconds * 1000 : 3000;
self.timeoutPeriod -= _requestPeriod;
if (data.status !== self.mobileStatus) {
self.mobileStatus = data.status;
cbStatus && cbStatus(data);
self.intervalID2 = setTimeout(function () {, timeoutSeconds, requestSeconds, cb, cbStatus);
}, _requestPeriod);
} else if (self.timeoutPeriod <= 0) {
delete self.timeoutPeriod;
cb && cb(Errors.timeoutFinish, null);
Mpin.prototype.cancelMobileAuth = function () {
if (this.intervalID2) {
if (this.timeoutPeriod) {
delete this.timeoutPeriod;
Mpin.prototype.generateUrl = function (type, options) {
var url, mpData, mpin_id_bytes, hash_mpin_id_bytes = [], hash_mpin_id_hex;
switch (type) {
case "register":
url = this.settings.registerURL;
case "restart":
url = this.settings.registerURL + "/";
url += Users[options.userId].mpinId;
case "signature":
url = this.settings.signatureURL + "/";
url += Users[options.userId].mpinId;
url += "?regOTT=" + Users[options.userId].regOTT;
case "permit1":
url = this.settings.timePermitsURL + "/";
url += Users[options.userId].mpinId;
case "permit2":
mpData = this.fromHex(Users[options.userId].mpinId);
mpin_id_bytes = MPIN.stringtobytes(mpData);
hash_mpin_id_bytes = MPIN.HASH_ID(mpin_id_bytes);
hash_mpin_id_hex = MPIN.bytestostring(hash_mpin_id_bytes);
url = this.settings.certivoxURL + "timePermit";
url += "?app_id=" + this.settings.appID;
url += "&mobile=0";
url += "&hash_mpin_id=" + hash_mpin_id_hex;
case "pass1":
url = this.settings.mpinAuthServerURL + "/pass1";
case "pass2":
url = this.settings.mpinAuthServerURL + "/pass2";
case "auth":
url = this.settings.authenticateURL;
case "mobileauth":
url = this.settings.mobileAuthenticateURL;
case "getnumber":
url = this.settings.getAccessNumberURL;
case "getqrurl":
url = this.settings.getQrUrl;
case "getaccess":
url = this.settings.accessNumberURL;
case "storage":
url = this.settings.timePermitsStorageURL + "/" + this.settings.appID + "/";
url += + "/" + options.storageId;
return url;
Mpin.prototype.listUsers = function () {
var listUsers = [];
for (var uKey in Users) {
userId: Users[uKey].userId,
deviceId: Users[uKey].deviceId || "",
state: Users[uKey].state || ""
return listUsers;
Mpin.prototype.checkUser = function (userId) {
return (Users[userId]) ? true : false;
Mpin.prototype.getUser = function (userId, property) {
var _user = {};
if (!userId) {
return Errors.missingUserId;
} else if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
return Errors.invalidUserId;
_user = {
userId: Users[userId].userId,
deviceId: Users[userId].deviceId || "",
state: Users[userId].state
if (!property) {
return _user;
} else if (property && _user[property]) {
return _user[property];
Mpin.prototype.deleteUser = function (userId) {
var mpinData = this.getData(), delMpinId;
if (!userId) {
return Errors.missingUserId;
} else if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
return Errors.invalidUserId;
delMpinId = Users[userId].mpinId;
delete Users[userId];
delete mpinData.accounts[delMpinId];
Mpin.prototype.addToUser = function (userId, userProps, skipSave) {
if (!this.checkUser(userId)) {
Users[userId] = {};
//If mpinId has changed, we need to delete the object withthe previous one
if (Users[userId].mpinId && userProps.mpinId && Users[userId].mpinId != userProps.mpinId) {
for (var uKey in userProps) {
if (userProps[uKey]) {
Users[userId][uKey] = userProps[uKey];
var _save = !skipSave;
_save && this.setData(userId, userProps);
Mpin.prototype.restore = function () {
Users = {};
Mpin.prototype.deleteData = function (userId) {
var mpinData = this.getData();
var mpinId = Users[userId].mpinId;
if (!mpinData || !mpinData.accounts[mpinId]) {
delete mpinData.accounts[mpinId];
Mpin.prototype.setData = function (userId, upData) {
var mpinData = this.getData();
if (!mpinData) {
mpinData = {
version: "4",
accounts: {}
var mpinId = upData.mpinId || Users[userId].mpinId;
if (!mpinId) {
return false;
//update Default Identity
if (!mpinData.accounts[mpinId]) {
mpinData.accounts[mpinId] = {};
if (upData.regOTT) {
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].regOTT = upData.regOTT;
if (upData.timePermitHex) {
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].MPinPermit = upData.timePermitHex;
if (upData.token) {
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].token = upData.token;
if (upData.state && Users[userId].mpinId) {
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].state = upData.state;
//cache cache
if (upData.timePermitCache) {
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].timePermitCache = upData.timePermitCache;
Mpin.prototype.storeData = function (mpinData, key) {
var storageKey = key || this.storageKey;
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(mpinData));
Mpin.prototype.recover = function () {
var userId, userData = {}, mpinData = this.getData(), isOldData = false;
if (!mpinData) {
mpinData = this.getData("mpin");
isOldData = true;
if (mpinData && "accounts" in mpinData) {
for (var mpinId in mpinData.accounts) {
userId = (JSON.parse(this.fromHex(mpinId))).userID;
userData = {};
userData.userId = userId;
userData.mpinId = mpinId;
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].regOTT && (userData.regOTT = mpinData.accounts[mpinId].regOTT);
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].token && (userData.token = mpinData.accounts[mpinId].token);
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].MPinPermit && (userData.MPinPermit = mpinData.accounts[mpinId].MPinPermit);
mpinData.accounts[mpinId].timePermitCache && (userData.timePermitCache = mpinData.accounts[mpinId].timePermitCache);
if (isOldData || !mpinData.accounts[mpinId].state) {
if (mpinData.accounts[mpinId].token) {
userData.state = States.register;
} else if (mpinData.accounts[mpinId].regOTT) {
userData.state = States.start;
} else {
userData.state = States.invalid;
} else {
userData.state = mpinData.accounts[mpinId].state;
//call add To user & skip Save
this.addToUser(userId, userData, !isOldData);
if (isOldData && mpinData && "accounts" in mpinData) {
delete mpinData.accounts;
this.storeData(mpinData, "mpin");
Mpin.prototype.getData = function (getKey) {
var localKey, mpinData;
localKey = getKey || this.storageKey;
mpinData = localStorage.getItem(localKey);
mpinData = JSON.parse(mpinData);
return mpinData;
//{url: url, type: "get post put", data: data}
Mpin.prototype.request = function (options, cb, jsonResponse) {
var _request = new XMLHttpRequest(), _url, _type, _parseJson;
_url = options.url || "";
_type = options.type || "GET";
_parseJson = (typeof jsonResponse !== "undefined") ? jsonResponse : true;
_request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (_request.readyState === 4 && _request.status === 200) {
if (_parseJson && _request.responseText) {
cb(null, JSON.parse(_request.responseText));
} else {
cb(null, _request.responseText);
} else if (_request.readyState === 4) {
cb({status: _request.status}, null);
};, _url, true);
if ( {
_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
} else {
return Mpin;
//module.exports = mpinjs;
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = mpinjs;
window.mpinjs = mpinjs;