blob: 20ee92eb49ea71de75a5906f9a7296b76fb34a54 [file] [log] [blame]
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use std::str;
use super::ecp::ECP;
use super::ecp4::ECP4;
//use super::fp24::FP24;
use super::big::BIG;
use super::pair192;
use super::big;
use super::rom;
use rand::RAND;
use sha3::SHA3;
use sha3::SHAKE256;
/* BLS API Functions */
pub const BFS: usize = big::MODBYTES as usize;
pub const BGS: usize = big::MODBYTES as usize;
pub const BLS_OK: isize = 0;
pub const BLS_FAIL: isize = -1;
/* hash a message to an ECP point, using SHA3 */
fn bls_hashit(m: &str) -> ECP {
let mut sh = SHA3::new(SHAKE256);
let mut hm: [u8; BFS] = [0; BFS];
let t = m.as_bytes();
for i in 0..m.len() {
sh.shake(&mut hm, BFS);
let P = ECP::mapit(&hm);
return P;
/* generate key pair, private key s, public key w */
pub fn key_pair_generate(mut rng: &mut RAND, s: &mut [u8], w: &mut [u8]) -> isize {
let q = BIG::new_ints(&rom::CURVE_ORDER);
let g = ECP4::generator();
let mut sc = BIG::randomnum(&q, &mut rng);
pair192::g2mul(&g, &mut sc).tobytes(w);
return BLS_OK;
/* Sign message m using private key s to produce signature sig */
pub fn sign(sig: &mut [u8], m: &str, s: &[u8]) -> isize {
let d = bls_hashit(m);
let mut sc = BIG::frombytes(&s);
pair192::g1mul(&d, &mut sc).tobytes(sig, true);
return BLS_OK;
/* Verify signature given message m, the signature sig, and the public key w */
pub fn verify(sig: &[u8], m: &str, w: &[u8]) -> isize {
let hm = bls_hashit(m);
let mut d = ECP::frombytes(&sig);
let g = ECP4::generator();
let pk = ECP4::frombytes(&w);
// Use new multi-pairing mechanism
let mut r=pair192::initmp();
pair192::another(&mut r,&g,&d);
pair192::another(&mut r,&pk,&hm);
let mut v=pair192::miller(&r);
//.. or alternatively
// let mut v = pair192::ate2(&g, &d, &pk, &hm);
v = pair192::fexp(&v);
if v.isunity() {
return BLS_OK;
return BLS_FAIL;