blob: e1fc7306a5825d37bee35defabe2761502a990ec [file] [log] [blame]
The directory above contains the file MPINAuth.js
which is example of how to use the AMCL
JavaScript in order to authenticate with an
M-Pin server. An example of how to use these
functions in given in TestMPINAuth.js and can
be run like so;
ln -s config.js_local config.js
node TestMPINAuth.js
node TestMPINAuthOnePass.js
nb Insert your app_id and app_key into config.js
for one pass M-Pin
In this directory there are also two sets of
tests. One will test the interaction between the
JavaScript and C code using test vectors; the
other tests this interaction using the web
Test Vectors:
1. Install these node.js modules;
npm install ws
npm install assert
npm install http
npm install fs
npm install crypto
2. Configuration file
Set DEBUG = true in config.js to enable
more verbose output, if required
3. Run a number of test vectors.
Copy test vector file to this directory;
cp ../../testVectors/mpin/BNCX.json testVectors.json
cp ../../testVectors/mpin/BNCXOnePass.json testVectorsOnePass.json
These files can be created using the generator
scripts as long as the libraries are installed.
./ [successful authentication] [failed authentication] [epoch days in future]
./ [successful authentication] [failed authentication] [epoch days in future]
The JavaScript tests are then run using this script;
To run individual tests look inside the script for guidance.
In order to run these tests the MIRACL D-TA,
Customer D-TA, D-TA Proxy, M-Pin Auth and
RPS Model servers are required.
1. Start MIRACL D-TA
cd mpin/webService/dtaCert
ln -s config/config.py_encrypted
ln -s mss_backup/backup.json_encrypted backup.json
2. Start D-TA Proxy
n.b. Make sure MySQL is running and 8c63aa9f7639f15bf46f142a84fedc82 has been added
to the Applications table
cd mpin/webService/dtaProxy
ln -s config.py_paid_tier_no_sqs
ln -s keys.json_test keys.json
3. Start Customer D-TA
cd mpin/webService/dtaCust
ln -s mpin-backend/servers/dta/ .
ln -s ./mss_backup/backup.json_encrypted backup.json
ln -s ./config/config.py_encrypted
ln -s ./credentials.json_test credentials.json
4. Start the M-Pin server
cd mpin/webService/mpinAuth
ln mpin-backend/servers/mpin/ .
ln -s credentials.json_test credentials.json
ln -s config.py_test
5. Start the RPS model server
cd mpin/webService/mpinAuth/rpsModel
6. Run tests.
./ [nWS_good] [nWS_bad] [nAJAX_good] [nAJAX_bad]