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* @file mpin.h
* @author Mike Scott and Kealan McCusker
* @date 2nd June 2015
* @brief M-Pin Header file
* Allows some user configuration
* defines structures
* declares functions
#ifndef MPIN_H
#define MPIN_H
#include "amcl.h"
/* Field size is assumed to be greater than or equal to group size */
#define PGS 32 /**< MPIN Group Size */
#define PFS 32 /**< MPIN Field Size */
#define PAS 16 /**< MPIN Symmetric Key Size */
#define MPIN_OK 0 /**< Function completed without error */
/*#define MPIN_DOMAIN_ERROR -11
#define MPIN_ERROR -13*/
#define MPIN_INVALID_POINT -14 /**< Point is NOT on the curve */
#define MPIN_OUT_OF_MEMORY -16
#define MPIN_DIV_BY_ZERO -17
#define MPIN_WRONG_ORDER -18*/
#define MPIN_BAD_PIN -19 /**< Bad PIN number entered */
/* Configure your PIN here */
#define MAXPIN 10000 /**< max PIN */
#define PBLEN 14 /**< max length of PIN in bits */
#define TIME_SLOT_MINUTES 1440 /**< Time Slot = 1 day */
#define HASH_BYTES 32 /**< Number of bytes output by Hash function */
/* MPIN support functions */
/* MPIN primitives */
/** @brief Hash an M-Pin Identity to an octet string
@param ID an octet containing the identity
@param HID an octet containing the hashed identity
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_HASH_ID(octet *ID,octet *HID);
/** @brief Get epoch time as unsigned integer
@return current epoch time in seconds
DLL_EXPORT unsign32 MPIN_GET_TIME(void);
/** @brief Generate Y=H(t,O), where t is epoch time, O is an octet, and H(.) is a hash function
@param t is epoch time in seconds
@param O is an input octet
@param Y is the output octet
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_GET_Y(int t,octet *O,octet *Y);
/** @brief Extract a PIN number from a client secret
@param ID is the input client identity
@param pin is an input PIN number
@param CS is the client secret from which the PIN is to be extracted
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_EXTRACT_PIN(octet *ID,int pin,octet *CS);
/** @brief Perform client side of the one-pass version of the M-Pin protocol
If Time Permits are disabled, set d = 0, and UT is not generated and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is OFF, U is not generated and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is ON, U and UT are both generated.
@param d is input date, in days since the epoch. Set to 0 if Time permits disabled
@param ID is the input client identity
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param x an output internally randomly generated if R!=NULL, otherwise must be provided as an input
@param pin is the input PIN number
@param T is the input M-Pin token (the client secret with PIN portion removed)
@param V is output = -(x+y)(CS+TP), where CS is the reconstructed client secret, and TP is the time permit
@param U is output = x.H(ID)
@param UT is output = x.(H(ID)+H(d|H(ID)))
@param TP is the input time permit
@param MESSAGE is the message to be signed
@param t is input epoch time in seconds - a timestamp
@param y is output H(t|U) or H(t|UT) if Time Permits enabled
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_CLIENT(int d,octet *ID,csprng *R,octet *x,int pin,octet *T,octet *V,octet *U,octet *UT,octet *TP, octet* MESSAGE, int t, octet *y);
/** @brief Perform first pass of the client side of the 3-pass version of the M-Pin protocol
If Time Permits are disabled, set d = 0, and UT is not generated and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is OFF, U is not generated and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is ON, U and UT are both generated.
@param d is input date, in days since the epoch. Set to 0 if Time permits disabled
@param ID is the input client identity
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param x an output internally randomly generated if R!=NULL, otherwise must be provided as an input
@param pin is the input PIN number
@param T is the input M-Pin token (the client secret with PIN portion removed)
@param S is output = CS+TP, where CS=is the reconstructed client secret, and TP is the time permit
@param U is output = x.H(ID)
@param UT is output = x.(H(ID)+H(d|H(ID)))
@param TP is the input time permit
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_CLIENT_1(int d,octet *ID,csprng *R,octet *x,int pin,octet *T,octet *S,octet *U,octet *UT,octet *TP);
/** @brief Generate a random group element
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param S is the output random octet
@return 0 or an error code
/** @brief Perform second pass of the client side of the 3-pass version of the M-Pin protocol
@param x an input, a locally generated random number
@param y an input random challenge from the server
@param V on output = -(x+y).V
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_CLIENT_2(octet *x,octet *y,octet *V);
/** @brief Perform server side of the one-pass version of the M-Pin protocol
If Time Permits are disabled, set d = 0, and UT and HTID are not generated and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is OFF, U and HID are not needed and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is ON, U, UT, HID and HTID are all required.
@param d is input date, in days since the epoch. Set to 0 if Time permits disabled
@param HID is output H(ID), a hash of the client ID
@param HTID is output H(ID)+H(d|H(ID))
@param y is output H(t|U) or H(t|UT) if Time Permits enabled
@param SS is the input server secret
@param U is input from the client = x.H(ID)
@param UT is input from the client= x.(H(ID)+H(d|H(ID)))
@param V is an input from the client
@param E is an output to help the Kangaroos to find the PIN error, or NULL if not required
@param F is an output to help the Kangaroos to find the PIN error, or NULL if not required
@param ID is the input claimed client identity
@param MESSAGE is the message to be signed
@param t is input epoch time in seconds - a timestamp
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_SERVER(int d,octet *HID,octet *HTID,octet *y,octet *SS,octet *U,octet *UT,octet *V,octet *E,octet *F,octet *ID,octet *MESSAGE, int t);
/** @brief Perform first pass of the server side of the 3-pass version of the M-Pin protocol
@param d is input date, in days since the epoch. Set to 0 if Time permits disabled
@param ID is the input claimed client identity
@param HID is output H(ID), a hash of the client ID
@param HTID is output H(ID)+H(d|H(ID))
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_SERVER_1(int d,octet *ID,octet *HID,octet *HTID);
/** @brief Perform third pass on the server side of the 3-pass version of the M-Pin protocol
If Time Permits are disabled, set d = 0, and UT and HTID are not needed and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is OFF, U and HID are not needed and can be set to NULL.
If Time Permits are enabled, and PIN error detection is ON, U, UT, HID and HTID are all required.
@param d is input date, in days since the epoch. Set to 0 if Time permits disabled
@param HID is input H(ID), a hash of the client ID
@param HTID is input H(ID)+H(d|H(ID))
@param y is the input server's randomly generated challenge
@param SS is the input server secret
@param U is input from the client = x.H(ID)
@param UT is input from the client= x.(H(ID)+H(d|H(ID)))
@param V is an input from the client
@param E is an output to help the Kangaroos to find the PIN error, or NULL if not required
@param F is an output to help the Kangaroos to find the PIN error, or NULL if not required
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_SERVER_2(int d,octet *HID,octet *HTID,octet *y,octet *SS,octet *U,octet *UT,octet *V,octet *E,octet *F);
/** @brief Add two members from the group G1
@param Q1 an input member of G1
@param Q2 an input member of G1
@param Q an output member of G1 = Q1+Q2
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(octet *Q1,octet *Q2,octet *Q);
/** @brief Add two members from the group G2
@param P1 an input member of G2
@param P2 an input member of G2
@param P an output member of G2 = P1+P2
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_RECOMBINE_G2(octet *P1,octet *P2,octet *P);
/** @brief Use Kangaroos to find PIN error
@param E a member of the group GT
@param F a member of the group GT = E^e
@return 0 if Kangaroos failed, or the PIN error e
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_KANGAROO(octet *E,octet *F);
/** @brief Encoding of a Time Permit to make it indistinguishable from a random string
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param TP is the input time permit, obfuscated on output
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_ENCODING(csprng *R,octet *TP);
/** @brief Encoding of an obfuscated Time Permit
@param TP is the input obfuscated time permit, restored on output
@return 0 or an error code
/** @brief Supply today's date as days from the epoch
@return today's date, as number of days elapsed since the epoch
DLL_EXPORT unsign32 MPIN_today(void);
/** @brief Initialise a random number generator
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param S is an input truly random seed value
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_CREATE_CSPRNG(csprng *R,octet *S);
/** @brief Kill a random number generator
Deletes all internal state
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
/** @brief Find a random multiple of a point in G1
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param type determines type of action to be taken
@param x an output internally randomly generated if R!=NULL, otherwise must be provided as an input
@param G if type=0 a point in G1, else an octet to be mapped to G1
@param W the output =x.G or x.M(G), where M(.) is a mapping
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_GET_G1_MULTIPLE(csprng *R,int type,octet *x,octet *G,octet *W);
/** @brief Create a client secret in G1 from a master secret and the client ID
@param S is an input master secret
@param ID is the input client identity
@param CS is the full client secret = s.H(ID)
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_GET_CLIENT_SECRET(octet *S,octet *ID,octet *CS);
/** @brief Create a Time Permit in G1 from a master secret and the client ID
@param d is input date, in days since the epoch.
@param S is an input master secret
@param ID is the input client identity
@param TP is a Time Permit for the given date = s.H(d|H(ID))
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(int d,octet *S,octet *ID,octet *TP);
/** @brief Create a server secret in G2 from a master secret
@param S is an input master secret
@param SS is the server secret = s.Q where Q is a fixed generator of G2
@return 0 or an error code
/* DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_TEST_PAIRING(octet *,octet *); */
/* For M-Pin Full */
/** @brief Precompute values for use by the client side of M-Pin Full
@param T is the input M-Pin token (the client secret with PIN portion removed)
@param ID is the input client identity
@param g1 precomputed output
@param g2 precomputed output
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_PRECOMPUTE(octet *T,octet *ID,octet *g1,octet *g2);
/** @brief Calculate Key on Server side for M-Pin Full
Uses UT internally for the key calculation, unless not available in which case U is used
@param Z is the input Client-side Diffie-Hellman component
@param SS is the input server secret
@param w is an input random number generated by the server
@param p is an input, hash of the protocol transcript
@param I is the hashed input client ID = H(ID)
@param U is input from the client = x.H(ID)
@param UT is input from the client= x.(H(ID)+H(d|H(ID)))
@param K is the output calculated shared key
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_SERVER_KEY(octet *Z,octet *SS,octet *w,octet *p,octet *I,octet *U,octet *UT,octet *K);
/** @brief Calculate Key on Client side for M-Pin Full
@param g1 precomputed input
@param g2 precomputed input
@param pin is the input PIN number
@param r is an input, a locally generated random number
@param x is an input, a locally generated random number
@param p is an input, hash of the protocol transcript
@param T is the input Server-side Diffie-Hellman component
@param K is the output calculated shared key
@return 0 or an error code
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_CLIENT_KEY(octet *g1,octet *g2,int pin,octet *r,octet *x,octet *p,octet *T,octet *K);
/** @brief AES-GCM Encryption
@param K AES key
@param IV Initialization vector
@param H Header
@param P Plaintext
@param C Ciphertext
@param T Checksum
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_AES_GCM_ENCRYPT(octet *K,octet *IV,octet *H,octet *P,octet *C,octet *T);
/** @brief AES-GCM Decryption
@param K AES key
@param IV Initialization vector
@param H Header
@param P Plaintext
@param C Ciphertext
@param T Checksum
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_AES_GCM_DECRYPT(octet *K,octet *IV,octet *H,octet *C,octet *P,octet *T);
/** @brief HMAC of message M using key K to create tag of length len in octet tag
IEEE-1363 MAC1 function. Uses SHA256 internally.
@param M input message octet
@param K input encryption key
@param len is output desired length of HMAC tag
@param tag is the output HMAC
@return 0 for bad parameters, else 1
DLL_EXPORT int MPIN_HMAC(octet *M,octet *K,int len,octet *tag);
/** @brief Password Based Key Derivation Function - generates key K from password, salt and repeat counter
PBKDF2 Password Based Key Derivation Function. Uses SHA256 internally.
@param P input password
@param S input salt
@param rep Number of times to be iterated.
@param len is output desired length of key
@param K is the derived key
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_PBKDF2(octet *P,octet *S,int rep,int len,octet *K);
/** @brief Hash the session transcript
@param I is the hashed input client ID = H(ID)
@param U is the client output = x.H(ID)
@param CU is the client output = x.(H(ID)+H(T|H(ID)))
@param Y is the server challenge
@param V is the client part response
@param R is the client part response
@param W is the server part response
@param H the output is the hash of all of the above that apply
DLL_EXPORT void MPIN_HASH_ALL(octet *I,octet *U,octet *CU,octet *V,octet *Y,octet *R,octet *W,octet *H);