blob: 65538e19ce0bff114e3428fdccaa7ce5f7ecd9dd [file] [log] [blame]
#include "amcl.h"
namespace amcl {
/* Auxiliary Functions */
extern void ehashit(int ,octet *,int ,octet *,octet *,int);
/** @brief hash an octet into another octet
@param h is the hash type
@param I input octet
@param O output octet - H(I)
extern void HASH(int h,octet *I,octet *O);
/** @brief HMAC of message M using key K to create tag of length len in octet tag
IEEE-1363 MAC1 function. Uses SHA256 internally.
@param h is the hash type
@param M input message octet
@param K input encryption key
@param len is output desired length of HMAC tag
@param tag is the output HMAC
@return 0 for bad parameters, else 1
extern int HMAC(int h,octet *M,octet *K,int len,octet *tag);
/*extern void KDF1(octet *,int,octet *);*/
/** @brief Key Derivation Function - generates key K from inputs Z and P
IEEE-1363 KDF2 Key Derivation Function. Uses SHA256 internally.
@param h is the hash type
@param Z input octet
@param P input key derivation parameters - can be NULL
@param len is output desired length of key
@param K is the derived key
extern void KDF2(int h,octet *Z,octet *P,int len,octet *K);
/** @brief Password Based Key Derivation Function - generates key K from password, salt and repeat counter
PBKDF2 Password Based Key Derivation Function. Uses SHA256 internally.
@param h is the hash type
@param P input password
@param S input salt
@param rep Number of times to be iterated.
@param len is output desired length
@param K is the derived key
extern void PBKDF2(int h,octet *P,octet *S,int rep,int len,octet *K);
/** @brief AES encrypts a plaintext to a ciphtertext
IEEE-1363 AES_CBC_IV0_ENCRYPT function. Encrypts in CBC mode with a zero IV, padding as necessary to create a full final block.
@param K AES key
@param P input plaintext octet
@param C output ciphertext octet
extern void AES_CBC_IV0_ENCRYPT(octet *K,octet *P,octet *C);
/** @brief AES encrypts a plaintext to a ciphtertext
IEEE-1363 AES_CBC_IV0_DECRYPT function. Decrypts in CBC mode with a zero IV.
@param K AES key
@param C input ciphertext octet
@param P output plaintext octet
@return 0 if bad input, else 1
extern int AES_CBC_IV0_DECRYPT(octet *K,octet *C,octet *P);
/* ECDH primitives - support functions */
/** @brief Generate an ECC public/private key pair
@param R is a pointer to a cryptographically secure random number generator
@param s the private key, an output internally randomly generated if R!=NULL, otherwise must be provided as an input
@param W the output public key, which is s.G, where G is a fixed generator
@return 0 or an error code