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use std::io;
extern crate amcl;
use amcl::mpin;
use amcl::ecp;
use amcl::ecp2;
use amcl::fp;
use amcl::fp2;
use amcl::fp4;
use amcl::fp12;
use amcl::pair;
use amcl::big;
use amcl::dbig;
use amcl::rand;
use amcl::hash256;
use amcl::hash384;
use amcl::hash512;
use amcl::aes;
use amcl::rom;
use rand::RAND;
pub fn printbinary(array: &[u8]) {
for i in 0..array.len() {
print!("{:02X}", array[i])
fn test_mpin()
let mut raw:[u8;100]=[0;100];
let mut s:[u8;mpin::EGS]=[0;mpin::EGS];
const RM:usize=rom::MODBYTES as usize;
let mut hcid:[u8;RM]=[0;RM];
let mut hsid:[u8;RM]=[0;RM];
const G1S:usize=2*mpin::EFS+1; /* Group 1 Size */
const G2S:usize=4*mpin::EFS; /* Group 2 Size */
const EAS:usize=16;
let mut sst:[u8;G2S]=[0;G2S];
let mut token: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut permit:[u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut g1: [u8;12*mpin::EFS]=[0;12*mpin::EFS];
let mut g2: [u8;12*mpin::EFS]=[0;12*mpin::EFS];
let mut xid: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut xcid: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut x: [u8;mpin::EGS]=[0;mpin::EGS];
let mut y: [u8;mpin::EGS]=[0;mpin::EGS];
let mut sec: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut r: [u8;mpin::EGS]=[0;mpin::EGS];
let mut z: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut hid: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut htid: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut rhid: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut w: [u8;mpin::EGS]=[0;mpin::EGS];
let mut t: [u8;G1S]=[0;G1S];
let mut e: [u8;12*mpin::EFS]=[0;12*mpin::EFS];
let mut f: [u8;12*mpin::EFS]=[0;12*mpin::EFS];
let mut h: [u8;RM]=[0;RM];
let mut ck: [u8;EAS]=[0;EAS];
let mut sk: [u8;EAS]=[0;EAS];
let sha=mpin::HASH_TYPE;
let mut rng=RAND::new();
for i in 0..100 {raw[i]=(i+1) as u8}
/* Trusted Authority set-up */
mpin::random_generate(&mut rng,&mut s);
print!("Master Secret s: 0x"); printbinary(&s);
/* Create Client Identity */
let name= "";
let client_id=name.as_bytes();
print!("Client ID= "); printbinary(&client_id);
mpin::hash_id(sha,&client_id,&mut hcid); /* Either Client or TA calculates Hash(ID) - you decide! */
/* Client and Server are issued secrets by DTA */
mpin::get_server_secret(&s,&mut sst);
print!("Server Secret SS: 0x"); printbinary(&sst);
mpin::get_client_secret(&mut s,&hcid,&mut token);
print!("Client Secret CS: 0x"); printbinary(&token);
/* Client extracts PIN from secret to create Token */
let pin:i32=1234;
println!("Client extracts PIN= {}",pin);
let mut rtn=mpin::extract_pin(sha,&client_id,pin,&mut token);
if rtn != 0 {
println!("FAILURE: EXTRACT_PIN rtn: {}",rtn);
print!("Client Token TK: 0x"); printbinary(&token);
if mpin::FULL {
mpin::precompute(&token,&hcid,&mut g1,&mut g2);
let mut date=0;
if mpin::PERMITS {
/* Client gets "Time Token" permit from DTA */
mpin::get_client_permit(sha,date,&s,&hcid,&mut permit);
print!("Time Permit TP: 0x"); printbinary(&permit);
/* This encoding makes Time permit look random - Elligator squared */
mpin::encoding(&mut rng,&mut permit);
print!("Encoded Time Permit TP: 0x"); printbinary(&permit);
mpin::decoding(&mut permit);
print!("Decoded Time Permit TP: 0x"); printbinary(&permit);
print!("\nPIN= "); let _ =io::Write::flush(&mut io::stdout());
let mut input_text = String::new();
let _ = io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_text);
let pin=input_text.trim().parse::<usize>().unwrap();
println!("MPIN Multi Pass");
/* Send U=x.ID to server, and recreate secret from token and pin */
rtn=mpin::client_1(sha,date,&client_id,Some(&mut rng),&mut x,pin,&token,&mut sec,Some(&mut xid[..]),Some(&mut xcid[..]),Some(&permit[..]));
if rtn != 0 {
println!("FAILURE: CLIENT_1 rtn: {}",rtn);
if mpin::FULL {
mpin::hash_id(sha,&client_id,&mut hcid);
mpin::get_g1_multiple(Some(&mut rng),1,&mut r,&hcid,&mut z); /* Also Send Z=r.ID to Server, remember random r */
/* Server calculates H(ID) and H(T|H(ID)) (if time mpin::PERMITS enabled), and maps them to points on the curve HID and HTID resp. */
mpin::server_1(sha,date,&client_id,&mut hid,Some(&mut htid[..]));
if date!=0 {rhid.clone_from_slice(&htid[..]);}
else {rhid.clone_from_slice(&hid[..]);}
/* Server generates Random number Y and sends it to Client */
mpin::random_generate(&mut rng,&mut y);
if mpin::FULL {
mpin::hash_id(sha,&client_id,&mut hsid);
mpin::get_g1_multiple(Some(&mut rng),0,&mut w,&rhid,&mut t); /* Also send T=w.ID to client, remember random w */
/* Client Second Pass: Inputs Client secret SEC, x and y. Outputs -(x+y)*SEC */
rtn=mpin::client_2(&x,&y,&mut sec);
if rtn != 0 {
println!("FAILURE: CLIENT_2 rtn: {}",rtn);
/* Server Second pass. Inputs hashed client id, random Y, -(x+y)*SEC, xID and xCID and Server secret SST. E and F help kangaroos to find error. */
/* If PIN error not required, set E and F = null */
if !mpin::PINERROR {
} else {
rtn=mpin::server_2(date,&hid,Some(&htid[..]),&y,&sst,Some(&xid[..]),Some(&xcid[..]),&sec,Some(&mut e),Some(&mut f));
if rtn == mpin::BAD_PIN {
println!("Server says - Bad Pin. I don't know you. Feck off.");
if mpin::PINERROR {
let err=mpin::kangaroo(&e,&f);
if err!=0 {println!("(Client PIN is out by {})",err)}
} else {
println!("Server says - PIN is good! You really are {}",name);
if mpin::FULL {
let mut pxcid=None;
if mpin::PERMITS {pxcid=Some(&xcid[..])};
mpin::hash_all(sha,&hcid,&xid,pxcid,&sec,&y,&z,&t,&mut h);
mpin::client_key(sha,&g1,&g2,pin,&r,&x,&h,&t,&mut ck);
print!("Client Key = 0x"); printbinary(&ck);
mpin::hash_all(sha,&hsid,&xid,pxcid,&sec,&y,&z,&t,&mut h);
mpin::server_key(sha,&z,&sst,&w,&h,&hid,&xid,pxcid,&mut sk);
print!("Server Key = 0x"); printbinary(&sk);