blob: f72557d0d7defa6f98a079f86849dd41a34ebdca [file] [log] [blame]
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#ifndef AMCL_H
#define AMCL_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "arch.h"
#ifdef CMAKE
#define AMCL_VERSION_MAJOR @AMCL_VERSION_MAJOR@ /**< Major version of the library */
#define AMCL_VERSION_MINOR @AMCL_VERSION_MINOR@ /**< Minor version of the library */
#define AMCL_VERSION_PATCH @AMCL_VERSION_PATCH@ /**< Patch version of the library */
#define OS "@OS@" /**< Build OS */
/* modulus types */
#define NOT_SPECIAL 0 /**< Modulus of no exploitable form */
#define PSEUDO_MERSENNE 1 /**< Pseudo-mersenne modulus of form $2^n-c$ */
#define MONTGOMERY_FRIENDLY 3 /**< Montgomery Friendly modulus of form $2^a(2^b-c)-1$ */
#define GENERALISED_MERSENNE 2 /**< Generalised-mersenne modulus of form $2^n-2^m-1$, GOLDILOCKS only */
/* Curve types */
#define WEIERSTRASS 0 /**< Short Weierstrass form curve */
#define EDWARDS 1 /**< Edwards or Twisted Edwards curve */
#define MONTGOMERY 2 /**< Montgomery form curve */
/* Pairing-Friendly types */
#define NOT 0
#define BN 1
#define BLS 2
#define D_TYPE 0
#define M_TYPE 1
#define FP_ZERO 0
#define FP_UNITY 1
#define FP_SPARSER 2
#define FP_SPARSE 3
#define FP_DENSE 4
* @brief SHA256 hash function instance */
typedef struct
unsign32 length[2]; /**< 64-bit input length */
unsign32 h[8]; /**< Internal state */
unsign32 w[80]; /**< Internal state */
int hlen; /**< Hash length in bytes */
} hash256;
* @brief SHA384-512 hash function instance */
typedef struct
unsign64 length[2]; /**< 64-bit input length */
unsign64 h[8]; /**< Internal state */
unsign64 w[80]; /**< Internal state */
int hlen; /**< Hash length in bytes */
} hash512;
* @brief SHA384 hash function instance */
typedef hash512 hash384;
* @brief SHA3 hash function instance */
typedef struct
unsign64 length; /**< 64-bit input length */
unsign64 S[5][5]; /**< Internal state */
int rate; /**< TODO */
int len; /**< Hash length in bytes */
} sha3;
#define SHA256 32 /**< SHA-256 hashing */
#define SHA384 48 /**< SHA-384 hashing */
#define SHA512 64 /**< SHA-512 hashing */
#define SHA3_HASH224 28 /**< SHA3 224 bit hash */
#define SHA3_HASH256 32 /**< SHA3 256 bit hash */
#define SHA3_HASH384 48 /**< SHA3 384 bit hash */
#define SHA3_HASH512 64 /**< SHA3 512 bit hash */
#define SHAKE128 16 /**< SHAKE128 hash */
#define SHAKE256 32 /**< SHAKE256 hash */
/* NewHope parameters */
//q= 12289
#define RLWE_PRIME 0x3001 // q in Hex
#define RLWE_LGN 10 // Degree n=2^LGN
#define RLWE_ND 0xF7002FFF // 1/(R-q) mod R
#define RLWE_ONE 0x2AC8 // R mod q
#define RLWE_R2MODP 0x1620 // R^2 mod q
/* Symmetric Encryption AES structure */
#define ECB 0 /**< Electronic Code Book */
#define CBC 1 /**< Cipher Block Chaining */
#define CFB1 2 /**< Cipher Feedback - 1 byte */
#define CFB2 3 /**< Cipher Feedback - 2 bytes */
#define CFB4 5 /**< Cipher Feedback - 4 bytes */
#define OFB1 14 /**< Output Feedback - 1 byte */
#define OFB2 15 /**< Output Feedback - 2 bytes */
#define OFB4 17 /**< Output Feedback - 4 bytes */
#define OFB8 21 /**< Output Feedback - 8 bytes */
#define OFB16 29 /**< Output Feedback - 16 bytes */
#define CTR1 30 /**< Counter Mode - 1 byte */
#define CTR2 31 /**< Counter Mode - 2 bytes */
#define CTR4 33 /**< Counter Mode - 4 bytes */
#define CTR8 37 /**< Counter Mode - 8 bytes */
#define CTR16 45 /**< Counter Mode - 16 bytes */
#define uchar unsigned char /**< Unsigned char */
@brief AES instance
typedef struct
int Nk; /**< AES Key Length */
int Nr; /**< AES Number of rounds */
int mode; /**< AES mode of operation */
unsign32 fkey[60]; /**< subkeys for encrypton */
unsign32 rkey[60]; /**< subkeys for decrypton */
char f[16]; /**< buffer for chaining vector */
} amcl_aes;
/* AES-GCM suppport. */
#define GCM_ACCEPTING_HEADER 0 /**< GCM status */
#define GCM_ACCEPTING_CIPHER 1 /**< GCM status */
#define GCM_NOT_ACCEPTING_MORE 2 /**< GCM status */
#define GCM_FINISHED 3 /**< GCM status */
#define GCM_ENCRYPTING 0 /**< GCM mode */
#define GCM_DECRYPTING 1 /**< GCM mode */
@brief GCM mode instance, using AES internally
typedef struct
unsign32 table[128][4]; /**< 2k byte table */
uchar stateX[16]; /**< GCM Internal State */
uchar Y_0[16]; /**< GCM Internal State */
unsign32 lenA[2]; /**< GCM 64-bit length of header */
unsign32 lenC[2]; /**< GCM 64-bit length of ciphertext */
int status; /**< GCM Status */
amcl_aes a; /**< Internal Instance of AMCL_AES cipher */
} gcm;
/* Marsaglia & Zaman Random number generator constants */
#define NK 21 /**< PRNG constant */
#define NJ 6 /**< PRNG constant */
#define NV 8 /**< PRNG constant */
@brief Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator instance
typedef struct
unsign32 ira[NK]; /**< random number array */
int rndptr; /**< pointer into array */
unsign32 borrow; /**< borrow as a result of subtraction */
int pool_ptr; /**< pointer into random pool */
char pool[32]; /**< random pool */
} csprng;
@brief Portable representation of a big positive number
typedef struct
int len; /**< length in bytes */
int max; /**< max length allowed - enforce truncation */
char *val; /**< byte array */
} octet;
/* Octet string handlers */
/** @brief Formats and outputs an octet to the console in hex
@param O Octet to be output
extern void OCT_output(octet *O);
/** @brief Formats and outputs an octet to the console as a character string
@param O Octet to be output
extern void OCT_output_string(octet *O);
/** @brief Wipe clean an octet
@param O Octet to be cleaned
extern void OCT_clear(octet *O);
/** @brief Compare two octets
@param O first Octet to be compared
@param P second Octet to be compared
@return 1 if equal, else 0
extern int OCT_comp(octet *O,octet *P);
/** @brief Compare first n bytes of two octets
@param O first Octet to be compared
@param P second Octet to be compared
@param n number of bytes to compare
@return 1 if equal, else 0
extern int OCT_ncomp(octet *O,octet *P,int n);
/** @brief Join from a C string to end of an octet
Truncates if there is no room
@param O Octet to be written to
@param s zero terminated string to be joined to octet
extern void OCT_jstring(octet *O,char *s);
/** @brief Join bytes to end of an octet
Truncates if there is no room
@param O Octet to be written to
@param s bytes to be joined to end of octet
@param n number of bytes to join
extern void OCT_jbytes(octet *O,char *s,int n);
/** @brief Join single byte to end of an octet, repeated n times
Truncates if there is no room
@param O Octet to be written to
@param b byte to be joined to end of octet
@param n number of times b is to be joined
extern void OCT_jbyte(octet *O,int b,int n);
/** @brief Join one octet to the end of another
Truncates if there is no room
@param O Octet to be written to
@param P Octet to be joined to the end of O
extern void OCT_joctet(octet *O,octet *P);
/** @brief XOR common bytes of a pair of Octets
@param O Octet - on exit = O xor P
@param P Octet to be xored into O
extern void OCT_xor(octet *O,octet *P);
/** @brief reset Octet to zero length
@param O Octet to be emptied
extern void OCT_empty(octet *O);
/** @brief Pad out an Octet to the given length
Padding is done by inserting leading zeros, so abcd becomes 00abcd
@param O Octet to be padded
@param n new length of Octet
extern int OCT_pad(octet *O,int n);
/** @brief Convert an Octet to printable base64 number
@param b zero terminated byte array to take base64 conversion
@param O Octet to be converted
extern void OCT_tobase64(char *b,octet *O);
/** @brief Populate an Octet from base64 number
@param O Octet to be populated
@param b zero terminated base64 string
extern void OCT_frombase64(octet *O,char *b);
/** @brief Copy one Octet into another
@param O Octet to be copied to
@param P Octet to be copied from
extern void OCT_copy(octet *O,octet *P);
/** @brief XOR every byte of an octet with input m
@param O Octet
@param m byte to be XORed with every byte of O
extern void OCT_xorbyte(octet *O,int m);
/** @brief Chops Octet into two, leaving first n bytes in O, moving the rest to P
@param O Octet to be chopped
@param P new Octet to be created
@param n number of bytes to chop off O
extern void OCT_chop(octet *O,octet *P,int n);
/** @brief Join n bytes of integer m to end of Octet O (big endian)
Typically n is 4 for a 32-bit integer
@param O Octet to be appended to
@param m integer to be appended to O
@param n number of bytes in m
extern void OCT_jint(octet *O,int m,int n);
/** @brief Create an Octet from bytes taken from a random number generator
Truncates if there is no room
@param O Octet to be populated
@param R an instance of a Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator
@param n number of bytes to extracted from R
extern void OCT_rand(octet *O,csprng *R,int n);
/** @brief Shifts Octet left by n bytes
Leftmost bytes disappear
@param O Octet to be shifted
@param n number of bytes to shift
extern void OCT_shl(octet *O,int n);
/** @brief Convert a hex number to an Octet
@param dst Octet
@param src Hex string to be converted
extern void OCT_fromHex(octet *dst,char *src);
/** @brief Convert an Octet to printable hex number
@param dst hex value
@param src Octet to be converted
extern void OCT_toHex(octet *src,char *dst);
/** @brief Convert an Octet to string
@param dst string value
@param src Octet to be converted
extern void OCT_toStr(octet *src,char *dst);
/* Hash function */
/** @brief Initialise an instance of SHA256
@param H an instance SHA256
extern void HASH256_init(hash256 *H);
/** @brief Add a byte to the hash
@param H an instance SHA256
@param b byte to be included in hash
extern void HASH256_process(hash256 *H,int b);
/** @brief Generate 32-byte hash
@param H an instance SHA256
@param h is the output 32-byte hash
extern void HASH256_hash(hash256 *H,char *h);
/** @brief Initialise an instance of SHA384
@param H an instance SHA384
extern void HASH384_init(hash384 *H);
/** @brief Add a byte to the hash
@param H an instance SHA384
@param b byte to be included in hash
extern void HASH384_process(hash384 *H,int b);
/** @brief Generate 48-byte hash
@param H an instance SHA384
@param h is the output 48-byte hash
extern void HASH384_hash(hash384 *H,char *h);
/** @brief Initialise an instance of SHA512
@param H an instance SHA512
extern void HASH512_init(hash512 *H);
/** @brief Add a byte to the hash
@param H an instance SHA512
@param b byte to be included in hash
extern void HASH512_process(hash512 *H,int b);
/** @brief Generate 64-byte hash
@param H an instance SHA512
@param h is the output 64-byte hash
extern void HASH512_hash(hash512 *H,char *h);
/** @brief Initialise an instance of SHA3
@param H an instance SHA3
@param t the instance type
extern void SHA3_init(sha3 *H,int t);
/** @brief process a byte for SHA3
@param H an instance SHA3
@param b a byte of date to be processed
extern void SHA3_process(sha3 *H,int b);
/** @brief create fixed length hash output of SHA3
@param H an instance SHA3
@param h a byte array to take hash
extern void SHA3_hash(sha3 *H,char *h);
/** @brief create variable length hash output of SHA3
@param H an instance SHA3
@param h a byte array to take hash
@param len is the length of the hash
extern void SHA3_shake(sha3 *H,char *h,int len);
/** @brief generate further hash output of SHA3
@param H an instance SHA3
@param h a byte array to take hash
@param len is the length of the hash
extern void SHA3_squeeze(sha3 *H,char *h,int len);
/* AES functions */
/** @brief Reset AES mode or IV
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
@param m is the new active mode of operation (ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB etc)
@param iv the new Initialisation Vector
extern void AES_reset(amcl_aes *A,int m,char *iv);
/** @brief Extract chaining vector from AMCL_AES instance
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
@param f the extracted chaining vector
extern void AES_getreg(amcl_aes *A,char * f);
/** @brief Initialise an instance of AMCL_AES and its mode of operation
@param A an instance AMCL_AES
@param m is the active mode of operation (ECB, CBC, OFB, CFB etc)
@param n is the key length in bytes, 16, 24 or 32
@param k the AES key as an array of 16 bytes
@param iv the Initialisation Vector
@return 0 for invalid n
extern int AES_init(amcl_aes *A,int m,int n,char *k,char *iv);
/** @brief Encrypt a single 16 byte block in ECB mode
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
@param b is an array of 16 plaintext bytes, on exit becomes ciphertext
extern void AES_ecb_encrypt(amcl_aes *A,uchar * b);
/** @brief Decrypt a single 16 byte block in ECB mode
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
@param b is an array of 16 cipherext bytes, on exit becomes plaintext
extern void AES_ecb_decrypt(amcl_aes *A,uchar * b);
/** @brief Encrypt a single 16 byte block in active mode
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
@param b is an array of 16 plaintext bytes, on exit becomes ciphertext
@return 0, or overflow bytes from CFB mode
extern unsign32 AES_encrypt(amcl_aes *A,char *b );
/** @brief Decrypt a single 16 byte block in active mode
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
@param b is an array of 16 ciphertext bytes, on exit becomes plaintext
@return 0, or overflow bytes from CFB mode
extern unsign32 AES_decrypt(amcl_aes *A,char *b);
/** @brief Clean up after application of AES
@param A an instance of the AMCL_AES
extern void AES_end(amcl_aes *A);
/* AES-GCM functions */
/** @brief Initialise an instance of AES-GCM mode
@param G an instance AES-GCM
@param nk is the key length in bytes, 16, 24 or 32
@param k the AES key as an array of 16 bytes
@param n the number of bytes in the Initialisation Vector (IV)
@param iv the IV
extern void GCM_init(gcm *G,int nk,char *k,int n,char *iv);
/** @brief Add header (material to be authenticated but not encrypted)
Note that this function can be called any number of times with n a multiple of 16, and then one last time with any value for n
@param G an instance AES-GCM
@param b is the header material to be added
@param n the number of bytes in the header
extern int GCM_add_header(gcm *G,char *b,int n);
/** @brief Add plaintext and extract ciphertext
Note that this function can be called any number of times with n a multiple of 16, and then one last time with any value for n
@param G an instance AES-GCM
@param c is the ciphertext generated
@param p is the plaintext material to be added
@param n the number of bytes in the plaintext
extern int GCM_add_plain(gcm *G,char *c,char *p,int n);
/** @brief Add ciphertext and extract plaintext
Note that this function can be called any number of times with n a multiple of 16, and then one last time with any value for n
@param G an instance AES-GCM
@param p is the plaintext generated
@param c is the ciphertext material to be added
@param n the number of bytes in the ciphertext
extern int GCM_add_cipher(gcm *G,char *p,char *c,int n);
/** @brief Finish off and extract authentication tag (HMAC)
@param G is an active instance AES-GCM
@param t is the output 16 byte authentication tag
extern void GCM_finish(gcm *G,char *t);
/* random numbers */
/** @brief Seed a random number generator from an array of bytes
The provided seed should be truly random
@param R an instance of a Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator
@param n the number of seed bytes provided
@param b an array of seed bytes
extern void RAND_seed(csprng *R,int n,char *b);
/** @brief Delete all internal state of a random number generator
@param R an instance of a Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator
extern void RAND_clean(csprng *R);
/** @brief Return a random byte from a random number generator
@param R an instance of a Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator
@return a random byte
extern int RAND_byte(csprng *R);