blob: f7682e5f44e8a924e4bfa5f28ebc2eaf332b861a [file] [log] [blame]
AMCL in Webassembly
The AMCL library already has a Javascript version, but can also run up
to 10 times faster in a browser that supports Webassembly. And thats
most of the popular browsers in use today.*
The C, C++ or Rust version of the AMCL library can be compiled to a
bitcode that runs directly in the browser, by-passing Javascript
entirely. Which is good for our type of application, as the way
in which Javascript handles integer arithmetic is very slow.
To install the Emscripten C/C++ compiler follow the instructions
above. Then copy the AMCL C code into a new directory, along with
the file from this directory. In the new directory execute
Then select options 1, 3, 7, 18, 20, 25, 26 and 27, which are fixed for
the example programs.
Build the test programs with
emcc -O2 benchtest_all.c amcl.a -s WASM=1 -o benchtest_all.html
emcc -O2 testall.c amcl.a -s WASM=1 -o testall.html
Then run a local HTML server (as described in the link above) and load the
HTML file.
Wait for the benchtest_all program to complete (which will take a while).
*Firefox, Safari, Edge, Chrome
Webassembly can also be generated from the Rust code. First the Rust compiler
must be updated to target wasm, by
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten
The Emscripten toolchain is also required, as above
Edit the Rust file, where it generates "cargo rustc" instruction
(around line 372), and include the flag --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten
Build the Rust library as described in the Rust readme.txt file by executing
Copy the AMCL library to the current directory
cp amcl/target/wasm32-unknown-emscripten/release/libamcl.rlib .
Finally build one of the test programs by, for example
rustc --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten --extern amcl=libamcl.rlib -o BenchtestALL.html
Note that this will create a HTML file, which can be loaded into a browser as
described above.
Right now (6/2018) this doesn't work with the 64-bit build, I suspect because
Webassembly is not happy with 128-bit integers. But in time it might (and
would then be even faster).