blob: 2e891316edfba21600fd34fed269e454bd921b7b [file] [log] [blame]
var inspect = require('util').inspect
var es = require('event-stream') //load event-stream
var split = require('../')
if(!module.parent) {
es.pipe( //pipe joins streams together
process.openStdin(), //open stdin
split(), //split stream to break on newlines (data, callback) {//turn this async function into a stream
var j
try {
j = JSON.parse(data) //try to parse input into json
} catch (err) {
return callback(null, data) //if it fails just pass it anyway
callback(null, inspect(j)) //render it nicely
process.stdout // pipe it to stdout !
// run this
// curl -sS | node pretty.js