layout: page title: Livy - Getting Started tagline: Getting Started

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Getting Started

1. Install Livy

Download Livy packages from [here]({{ site.baseurl }}/download).

2. Run Livy

To run the Livy server, you will also need an Apache Spark installation. You can get Spark releases at Livy requires at least Spark 1.6 and supports Scala 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 builds of Spark. To run Livy with local sessions, first export these variables:

export SPARK_HOME=/usr/lib/spark

export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf

Then start the server with:

./bin/livy-server start

Livy uses the Spark configuration under SPARK_HOME by default. You can override the Spark configuration by setting the SPARK_CONF_DIR environment variable before starting Livy.

It is strongly recommended to configure Spark to submit applications in YARN cluster mode. That makes sure that user sessions have their resources properly accounted for in the YARN cluster, and that the host running the Livy server doesn't become overloaded when multiple user sessions are running.

3. Configure Livy

Livy uses a few configuration files under the configuration directory, which by default is the conf directory under the Livy installation. An alternative configuration directory can be provided by setting the LIVY_CONF_DIR environment variable when starting Livy.

The configuration files used by Livy are:

  • livy.conf: contains the server configuration. The Livy distribution ships with a default configuration file template listing available configuration keys and their default values.
  • spark-blacklist.conf: lists Spark configuration options that users are not allowed to override. These options will be restricted to either their default values, or the values set in the Spark configuration used by Livy.
  • configuration for Livy logging. Defines log levels and where log messages will be written to. The default configuration template will print log messages to stderr.

4. Start using Livy

Once the Livy server is running, you can connect to it on port 8998 (this can be changed with the livy.server.port config option). Some examples to get started are provided [here]({{ site.baseurl }}/examples), or you can check out the API documentation:

  • [REST API]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/latest/rest-api.html)
  • [Programmatic API]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/latest/programmatic-api.html)