Update documentation for 0.8.0 release (#27)

* Pin github-pages to specific version, otherwise extremely old version gets installed
* Update documentation for 0.8.0 release
* Add release notes for 0.8.0
129 files changed
tree: b7035482537d8e9de442d94dfedbf2989c1d3267
  1. site/
  2. .gitignore
  4. merge_livy_pr.py
  6. publish.sh
  8. README.md

Apache Livy (Incubating) Website

The Apache Livy (Incubating) website was forked from the Apache Website Template.

This website is generated using Jekyll.

How to deploy the web site

Installing Jekyll and website dependencies

The steps below will install the latest Jekyll version and any dependencies required to get this website built.

1. sudo gem install jekyll bundler
2. cd site
3. sudo bundle install

For more information, see Installing Jekyll.

Running locally

Before opening a pull request, you can preview your contributions by running from within the directory:

1. cd site
2. bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
3. Open http://localhost:4000

Publishing to live site

Livy is using gitpubsub for publishing the website, and the live website content is stored in the asf-site git branch.

To publish new contents to the website, commit your changes to master, and use the ‘publish.sh’ shell script.

This assumes an upstream name of apache and committer privileges.

1. Make your changes
2. git commit -a -m "My updates"
3. git push
4. ./publish.sh
5. git push apache asf-site

Within a few minutes, gitpubsub should kick in and you'll be able to see the results at livy.incubator.apache.org.

Adding contributors

To add a contributor to the project, or to modify existing contributors, edit site/_data/contributors.yml. The project members list will re-generate.