Getting started / Iris Classification

In this tutorial, we will guide you through setting up Apache Liminal on your local machine and run a simple machine-learning workflow, based on the classic Iris dataset classification example.
More details in this link.


Note: Make sure kubernetes cluster is running in docker desktop

We will define the following steps and services to implement the Iris classification example:
Train, Validate & Deploy - Training and validation execution is managed by Liminal Airflow extension. The training task trains a regression model using a public dataset.
We then validate the model and deploy it to a model-store in mounted volume.
Inference - online inference is done using a Python Flask service running on the local Kubernetes in docker desktop. The service exposes the /predict endpoint. It reads the model stored in the mounted drive and uses it to evaluate the request.

Setup your local env environment

In the dev folder, clone the example code from liminal:

git clone

Note: You just cloned the entire Liminal Project, you actually only need examples folder.

Create a python virtual environment to isolate your runs:

cd incubator-liminal/examples/aws-ml-app-demo
python3 -m venv env

Activate your virtual environment:

source env/bin/activate

Now we are ready to install liminal:

pip install apache-liminal

Setup liminal

Liminal build

The build will create docker images based on the liminal.yml file in the images section and will create a kubernetes local volume.

Be informed that all tasks use a mounted volume as defined in the pipeline YAML.
In our case the mounted volume will point to the liminal Iris Classification example. The training task trains a regression model using a public dataset. We then validate the model and deploy it to a model-store in the mounted volume.

liminal build

Liminal deploy

The deploy command deploys a liminal server and deploys any liminal.yml files in your working directory or any of its subdirectories to your liminal home directory.

liminal deploy --clean

Note: liminal home directory is located in the path defined in LIMINAL_HOME env variable. If the LIMINAL_HOME environemnet variable is not defined, home directory defaults to ~/liminal_home directory.

Liminal start

The start command spins up 3 containers that load the Apache Airflow stack. Liminal's Airflow extension is responsible to execute the workflows defined in the liminal.yml file as standard Airflow DAGs.

liminal start

It runs the following three containers:

  • liminal-postgress
  • liminal-webserver
  • liminal-scheduler

Once liminal server has completed starting up, you can navigate to admin UI in your browser: http://localhost:8080

Important: Set off/on toggle to activate your pipeline (DAG), nothing will happen otherwise!

You can go to graph view to see all the tasks configured in the liminal.yml file: http://localhost:8080/admin/airflow/graph?dag_id=my_datascience_pipeline

Now lets see what actually happened to our task:

Click on “train” and you will get this popup:

Click on “view log” button and you can see the log of the current task run:

Liminal YAML walkthrough

Mounted volumes

Declaration of the mounted volume in your liminal YAML:

name: MyDataScienceApp
owner: Bosco Albert Baracus
  - volume: gettingstartedvol
    claim_name: gettingstartedvol-pvc
      path: .

Pipeline flow

Declaration of the pipeline tasks flow in your liminal YAML:

  - pipeline: my_datascience_pipeline
    schedule: 0 * 1 * *
      - task: train
        type: python
        description: train model
        image: myorg/mydatascienceapp
        cmd: python -u train
      - task: validate
        type: python
        description: validate model and deploy
        image: myorg/mydatascienceapp
        cmd: python -u validate
Each task will internally mount the volume defined above to an internal representation, described under the task section in the yml:
      - task: train
          MOUNT_PATH: /mnt/gettingstartedvol
          - mount: mymount
            volume: gettingstartedvol
            path: /mnt/gettingstartedvol
We specify the MOUNT_PATH in which we store the trained model.

Evaluate the iris classification model

Once the Iris Classification model trainging is completed and model is deployed (to the mounted volume), you can launch a pod of the pre-built image which contains a flask server, by applying the following Kubernetes manifest configuration:

kubectl apply -f manifests/aws-ml-app-demo.yaml

Alternatively, create a Kubernetes pod from stdin:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: aws-ml-app-demo
    - name: task-pv-storage
        claimName: gettingstartedvol-pvc
    - name: task-pv-container
      imagePullPolicy: Never
      image: myorg/mydatascienceapp
            command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "apt update && apt install curl -y"]
        - containerPort: 80
          name: "http-server"
        - mountPath: "/mnt/gettingstartedvol"
          name: task-pv-storage

Check that the service is running:

kubectl get pods --namespace=default

Check that the service is up:

kubectl exec -it --namespace=default aws-ml-app-demo -- /bin/bash -c "curl localhost/healthcheck"

Check the prediction:

kubectl exec -it --namespace=default aws-ml-app-demo -- /bin/bash -c "curl -X POST -d '{\"petal_width\": \"2.1\"}' localhost/predict"

Debugging Kubernetes Deployments

kubectl get pods will help you check your pod status:

kubectl get pods --namespace=default

kubectl logs will help you check your pods log:

kubectl logs --namespace=default aws-ml-app-demo

kubectl exec to get a shell to a running container:

kubectl exec --namespace=default aws-ml-app-demo -- bash

Then you can check the mounted volume df -h and to verify the result of the model.

Here are the entire list of commands, if you want to start from scratch:

git clone
cd examples/aws-ml-app-demo
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
rm -rf ~/liminal_home
pip uninstall apache-liminal
pip install apache-liminal
Liminal build
Liminal create
liminal deploy --clean
liminal start

Closing up

To make sure liminal containers are stopped use:

liminal stop

To deactivate the python virtual env use:


To terminate the kubernetes pod:

kubectl delete pod --namespace=default aws-ml-app-demo