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  1. index.rst


In the images section you can configure how to pack your code into docker images. This can be achieved in liminal easily, without any Docker knowledge needed by setting just a few attributes:

  - image: myorg/myrepo:mypythonapp
    type: python
    source: .
  - image: myorg/myrepo:myserver
    type: python_server
    source: path/to/my/server/code 
      - endpoint: /myendpoint
        module: my_module

images is a section in the root lof your liminal.yml file and is a list of images, defined by the following attributes:

image attributes

image: name of your image, usually will be in the form of user/repository:tag common in docker image repositories such as Docker Hub, but for local development this can be any string.

type: type of the image. Usually this will match your coding language, or your coding langauge followed by an _ and a specific style of application (such as a server).

source: location of source files to include in the image, this can be a relative path within your project, or even . which means the entire project should be packaged in the image.

build_cmd: certain languages require to be built or compiled, here you can provide your build command to be executed in order to build your code.

Other image types might require additional configuration, for example, servers require endpoints to be configured.

image types

  1. python
  2. python server