
task is the definition of a specific step in your pipeline, and is part of the tasks list in your pipeline definition.

For fully detailed information on pipelines see: pipelines.

  - task: my_python_task
    image: myorg/myrepo:mypythonapp
    cmd: python -u my_module.py
      env: {{env}}
      fizz: buzz

A task is defined by the following attributes:

task attributes

task: name of your task (must be made of alphanumeric, dash and/or underscore characters only).

type: type of the task. Examples of available task types are: python and more..

Different task types require their own additional configuration. For example, python task requires image to be configured.

task types

  1. python
  2. spark
  3. create_cloudformation_stack
  4. delete_cloudformation_stack