
Enabling logging

If necessary you can enable additional logging by editing the log4j.properties file in the conf directory. Changing the rootLogger value from ERROR to DEBUG will generate a large amount of debug logging. A number of useful, more fine loggers are also provided in the file.

Management of Security Artifacts

There are a number of artifacts that are used by the gateway in ensuring the security of wire level communications, access to protected resources and the encryption of sensitive data. These artifacts can be managed from outside of the gateway instances or generated and populated by the gateway instance itself.

The following is a description of how this is coordinated with both standalone (development, demo, etc) gateway instances and instances as part of a cluster of gateways in mind.

Upon start of the gateway server we:

  1. Look for an identity store at conf/security/keystores/gateway.jks. The identity store contains the certificate and private key used to represent the identity of the server for SSL connections and signature creation.
  • If there is no identity store we create one and generate a self-signed certificate for use in standalone/demo mode. The certificate is stored with an alias of gateway-identity.
  • If there is an identity store found than we ensure that it can be loaded using the provided master secret and that there is an alias with called gateway-identity.
  1. Look for a credential store at conf/security/keystores/__gateway-credentials.jceks. This credential store is used to store secrets/passwords that are used by the gateway. For instance, this is where the pass-phrase for accessing the gateway-identity certificate is kept.
  • If there is no credential store found then we create one and populate it with a generated pass-phrase for the alias gateway-identity-passphrase. This is coordinated with the population of the self-signed cert into the identity-store.
  • If a credential store is found then we ensure that it can be loaded using the provided master secret and that the expected aliases have been populated with secrets.

Upon deployment of a Hadoop cluster topology within the gateway we:

  1. Look for a credential store for the topology. For instance, we have a sample topology that gets deployed out of the box. We look for conf/security/keystores/sample-credentials.jceks. This topology specific credential store is used for storing secrets/passwords that are used for encrypting sensitive data with topology specific keys.
  • If no credential store is found for the topology being deployed then one is created for it. Population of the aliases is delegated to the configured providers within the system that will require the use of a secret for a particular task. They may programmatic set the value of the secret or choose to have the value for the specified alias generated through the AliasService.
  • If a credential store is found then we ensure that it can be loaded with the provided master secret and the configured providers have the opportunity to ensure that the aliases are populated and if not to populate them.

By leveraging the algorithm described above we can provide a window of opportunity for management of these artifacts in a number of ways.

  1. Using a single gateway instance as a master instance the artifacts can be generated or placed into the expected location and then replicated across all of the slave instances before startup.
  2. Using an NFS mount as a central location for the artifacts would provide a single source of truth without the need to replicate them over the network. Of course, NFS mounts have their own challenges.

Summary of Secrets to be Managed:

  1. Master secret - the same for all gateway instances in a cluster of gateways
  2. All security related artifacts are protected with the master secret
  3. Secrets used by the gateway itself are stored within the gateway credential store and are the same across all gateway instances in the cluster of gateways
  4. Secrets used by providers within cluster topologies are stored in topology specific credential stores and are the same for the same topology across the cluster of gateway instances. However, they are specific to the topology - so secrets for one hadoop cluster are different from those of another. This allows for fail-over from one gateway instance to another even when encryption is being used while not allowing the compromise of one encryption key to expose the data for all clusters.

NOTE: the SSL certificate will need special consideration depending on the type of certificate. Wildcard certs may be able to be shared across all gateway instances in a cluster. When certs are dedicated to specific machines the gateway identity store will not be able to be blindly replicated as hostname verification problems will ensue. Obviously, trust-stores will need to be taken into account as well.