There are two types of providers supported in Knox for establishing a user's identity:
Authentication providers directly accept a user's credentials and validates them against some particular user store. Federation providers, on the other hand, validate a token that has been issued for the user by a trusted Identity Provider (IdP).
The current release of Knox ships with an authentication provider based on the Apache Shiro project and is initially configured for BASIC authentication against an LDAP store. This has been specifically tested against Apache Directory Server and Active Directory.
This section will cover the general approach to leveraging Shiro within the bundled provider including:
As is described in the configuration section of this document, providers have a name-value based configuration - as is the common pattern in the rest of Hadoop.
The following example shows the format of the configuration for a given provider:
<provider> <role>authentication</role> <name>ShiroProvider</name> <enabled>true</enabled> <param> <name>{name}</name> <value>{value}</value> </param> </provider>
Conversely, the Shiro provider currently expects a shiro.ini file in the web-inf directory of the cluster specific web application.
The following example illustrates a configuration of the bundled BASIC/LDAP authentication config in a shiro.ini file:
[urls] /**=authcBasic [main] ldapRealm=org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism=simple ldapRealm.contextFactory.url=ldap://localhost:33389 ldapRealm.userDnTemplate=uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org
In order to fit into the context of an INI file format, at deployment time we interrogate the paramaters provided in the provider configuration and parse the INI section out of the paramter names. The following provider config illustrates this approach. Notice that the section names in the above shiro.ini match the beginning of the param names that are in the following config:
<gateway> <provider> <role>authentication</role> <name>ShiroProvider</name> <enabled>true</enabled> <param> <name>main.ldapRealm</name> <value>org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm</value> </param> <param> <name>main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate</name> <value>uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org</value> </param> <param> <name>main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url</name> <value>ldap://localhost:33389</value> </param> <param> <name>main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism</name> <value>simple</value> </param> <param> <name>urls./**</name> <value>authcBasic</value> </param> </provider>
This happens to be the way that we are currently configuring Shiro for BASIC/LDAP authentication. This same config approach may be used to achieve other authentication mechanisms or variations on this one. We however have not tested additional uses for it for this release.
This section discusses the LDAP configuration used above for the Shiro Provider. Some of these configuration elements will need to be customized to reflect your deployment environment.
main.ldapRealm - this element indicates the fully qualified classname of the Shiro realm to be used in authenticating the user. The classname provided by default in the sample is the org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm
this implementation provides us with the ability to authenticate but by default has authorization disabled. In order to provide authorization - which is seen by Shiro as dependent on an LDAP schema that is specific to each organization - an extension of JndiLdapRealm is generally used to override and implement the doGetAuhtorizationInfo method. In this particular release we are providing a simple authorization provider that can be used along with the Shiro authentication provider.
main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate - in order to bind a simple username to an LDAP server that generally requires a full distinguished name (DN), we must provide the template into which the simple username will be inserted. This template allows for the creation of a DN by injecting the simple username into the common name (CN) portion of the DN. This element will need to be customized to reflect your deployment environment. The template provided in the sample is only an example and is valid only within the LDAP schema distributed with Knox and is represented by the users.ldif file in the {GATEWAY_HOME}conf directory.
main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url - this element is the URL that represents the host and port of LDAP server. It also includes the scheme of the protocol to use. This may be either ldap or ldaps depending on whether you are communicating with the LDAP over SSL (higly recommended). This element will need to be cusomized to reflect your deployment environment..
main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism - this element indicates the type of authentication that should be performed against the LDAP server. The current default value is simple
which indicates a simple bind operation. This element should not need to be modified and no mechanism other than a simple bind has been tested for this particular release.
urls./** - this element represents a single URL_Ant_Path_Expression and the value the Shiro filter chain to apply to it. This particular sample indicates that all paths into the application have the same Shiro filter chain applied. The paths are relative to the application context path. The use of the value authcBasic
here indicates that BASIC authentication is expected for every path into the application. Adding an additional Shiro filter to that chain for validating that the request isSecure() and over SSL can be achieved by changing the value to ssl, authcBasic
. It is not likely that you need to change this element for your environment.
You would use LDAP configuration as documented above to authenticate against Active Directory as well.
Some Active Directory specifc things to keep in mind:
Typical AD main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate value looks slightly different, such as cn={0},cn=users,DC=lab,DC=sample,dc=com
Please compare this with a typical Apache DS main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate value and make note of the difference. uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org
If your AD is configured to authenticate based on just the cn and password and does not require user DN, you do not have to specify value for main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate.
In order to communicate with your LDAP server over SSL (again, highly recommended), you will need to modify the topology file in a couple ways and possibly provision some keying material.
protocol scheme and the port must be the SSL listener port on your LDAP server.Knox maps each cluster topology to a web application and leverages standard JavaEE session management.
To configure session idle timeout for the topology, please specify value of parameter sessionTimeout for ShiroProvider in your topology file. If you do not specify the value for this parameter, it defaults to 30minutes.
The definition would look like the following in the topoloogy file:
... <provider> <role>authentication</role> <name>ShiroProvider</name> <enabled>true</enabled> <param> <!-- Session timeout in minutes. This is really idle timeout. Defaults to 30 minutes, if the property value is not defined. Current client authentication will expire if client idles continuously for more than this value --> <name>sessionTimeout</name> <value>30</value> </param> <provider> ...
At present, ShiroProvider in Knox leverages JavaEE session to maintain authentication state for a user across requests using JSESSIONID cookie. So, a clieent that authenticated with Knox could pass the JSESSIONID cookie with repeated requests as long as the session has not timed out instead of submitting userid/password with every request. Presenting a valid session cookie in place of userid/password would also perform better as additional credential store lookups are avoided.