Added a note that after running the script, the reader is supposed to follow with the section "create the school timetabling solver".
diff --git a/technology/kubernetes/README.adoc b/technology/kubernetes/README.adoc
index a61ab03..92e5d86 100644
--- a/technology/kubernetes/README.adoc
+++ b/technology/kubernetes/README.adoc
@@ -25,12 +25,11 @@
 To set up the demo, run `./ setup [path to the OptaPlanner distribution]`.
 The script installs KEDA, ArtemisCloud, and OptaPlanner operators and creates a single Artemis AMQ broker in the OpenShift cluster.
-It also prints information about the Artemis AMQ broker required in the next steps.
+It also prints information about the Artemis AMQ broker required in the next steps. You can skip following instructions and jump right into <<#createSolver, creating the school-timetabling solver>>.
 === Install the required operators and deploy the Demo application manually
 This section describes a manual set up as an alternative to <<#setupByScript>>.
-If you have already set up the demo by the script, proceed to <<#createSolver, creating the school-timetabling solver>>.
 ==== Create a project