blob: 68bc6d066b32e56d08ed125d1d0d946c98de38d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Cluster Platform Use Cases :: ", Label("cluster"), Ordered, func() {
var (
projectDir string
targetNamespace string
targetNamespace2 string
BeforeEach(func() {
targetNamespace = fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", rand.Intn(randomIntRange)+1)
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "namespace", targetNamespace)
_, err := utils.Run(cmd)
targetNamespace2 = fmt.Sprintf("test-%d", rand.Intn(randomIntRange)+1)
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "namespace", targetNamespace2)
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
AfterEach(func() {
// Remove resources in test namespacs with no failure
if !CurrentSpecReport().Failed() {
if len(targetNamespace) > 0 {
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "delete", "namespace", targetNamespace, "--wait")
_, err := utils.Run(cmd)
if len(targetNamespace2) > 0 {
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "delete", "namespace", targetNamespace2, "--wait")
_, err := utils.Run(cmd)
// Remove SonataFlowClusterPlatform created in the last run
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "delete", "sonataflowclusterplatform", "--all", "--wait")
_, err := utils.Run(cmd)
var _ = Context("with supporting services enabled", func() {
DescribeTable("against a platform in a separate namespace", func(testcaseDir string, profile string, persistenceType string, withServices bool) {
By("Deploy the SonataFlowPlatform CR")
var manifests []byte
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
var err error
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "kustomize",
test.GetPathFromE2EDirectory("platform", "services", profile, clusterWideEphemeral))
manifests, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "-n", targetNamespace, "-f", "-")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(manifests)
_, err := utils.Run(cmd)
By("Wait for SonataFlowPlatform CR in " + targetNamespace + " to be ready")
// wait for platform to be ready
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace, "sonataflow-platform", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{.status.clusterPlatformRef}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("''")))
By("Evaluate status of SonataFlowClusterPlatform CR")
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "patch", "SonataFlowClusterPlatform", "cluster", "--type", "merge", "-p", `{"spec": {"platformRef": {"namespace": "`+targetNamespace+`"}}}`)
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "SonataFlowClusterPlatform", "cluster", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
if withServices {
By("Deploy SonataFlowPlatform CR with services configured in " + targetNamespace2)
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
var err error
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "kustomize", filepath.Join(projectDir,
testcaseDir, profile, persistenceType))
manifests, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "-n", targetNamespace2, "-f", "-")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(manifests)
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
By("Wait for SonatatFlowPlatform CR in " + targetNamespace2 + " to be ready")
// wait for platform to be ready
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{.status.clusterPlatformRef}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Not(Equal([]byte("''"))))
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("''")))
By("Replacing the image with a prebuilt one and rollout")
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
return kubectlPatchSonataFlowImageAndRollout(targetNamespace2, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Name, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Tag)
}, 3*time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
By("Waiting for Data Index and Jobs Service URLs")
dataIndexServiceUrl := services.GenerateServiceURL(constants.DefaultHTTPProtocol, targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform-"+constants.DataIndexServiceName)
jobServiceUrl := services.GenerateServiceURL(constants.DefaultHTTPProtocol, targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform-"+constants.JobServiceName)
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sf", "-n", targetNamespace2, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Name, "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 3*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("'" + dataIndexServiceUrl + "'")))
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sf", "-n", targetNamespace2, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Name, "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 3*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("'" + jobServiceUrl + "'")))
} else {
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
var err error
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "kustomize", filepath.Join(projectDir,
testcaseDir, profile, persistenceType))
manifests, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "-n", targetNamespace2, "-f", "-")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(manifests)
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
By("Wait for SonatatFlowPlatform CR in " + targetNamespace2 + " to be ready")
dataIndexServiceUrl := services.GenerateServiceURL(constants.DefaultHTTPProtocol, targetNamespace, "sonataflow-platform-"+constants.DataIndexServiceName)
jobServiceUrl := services.GenerateServiceURL(constants.DefaultHTTPProtocol, targetNamespace, "sonataflow-platform-"+constants.JobServiceName)
// wait for platform to be ready
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("'" + dataIndexServiceUrl + "'")))
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("'" + jobServiceUrl + "'")))
By("Replacing the image with a prebuilt one and rollout")
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
return kubectlPatchSonataFlowImageAndRollout(targetNamespace2, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Name, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Tag)
}, 3*time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
By("Waiting for Data Index and Jobs Service URLs")
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sf", "-n", targetNamespace2, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Name, "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 3*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("'" + dataIndexServiceUrl + "'")))
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sf", "-n", targetNamespace2, prebuiltWorkflows.CallBack.Name, "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 3*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("'" + jobServiceUrl + "'")))
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "delete", "SonataFlowClusterPlatform", "cluster", "--wait")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
Entry("without services configured", test.GetPathFromE2EDirectory("platform", "noservices"), metadata.GitOpsProfile.String(), ephemeral, false),
Entry("with services configured", test.GetPathFromE2EDirectory("platform", "services"), metadata.GitOpsProfile.String(), "ephemeral-with-workflow", true),
DescribeTable("against a platform in a separate namespace", func(testcaseDir string, profile string, persistenceType string) {
By("Deploy the SonataFlowPlatform CR")
var manifests []byte
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
var err error
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "kustomize", test.GetPathFromE2EDirectory("platform", "services", profile, clusterWideEphemeral))
manifests, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "-n", targetNamespace, "-f", "-")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(manifests)
_, err := utils.Run(cmd)
By("Wait for SonatatFlowPlatform CR in " + targetNamespace + " to be ready")
// wait for platform to be ready
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace, "sonataflow-platform", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{.status.clusterPlatformRef}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("''")))
By("Evaluate status of SonataFlowClusterPlatform CR")
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "patch", "SonataFlowClusterPlatform", "cluster", "--type", "merge", "-p", `{"spec": {"platformRef": {"namespace": "`+targetNamespace+`"}}}`)
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "SonataFlowClusterPlatform", "cluster", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
var err error
cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", "kustomize", filepath.Join(projectDir,
testcaseDir, profile, persistenceType))
manifests, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, time.Minute, time.Second).Should(Succeed())
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "create", "-n", targetNamespace2, "-f", "-")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(manifests)
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
By("Wait for SonatatFlowPlatform CR in " + targetNamespace2 + " to be ready")
// wait for platform to be ready
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() error {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "wait", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "--for", "condition=Succeed", "--timeout=5s")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
return err
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Succeed())
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{.status.clusterPlatformRef}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Not(Equal([]byte("''"))))
EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() []byte {
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "get", "sfplatform", "-n", targetNamespace2, "sonataflow-platform", "-o", "jsonpath='{}'")
returnedValue, _ := utils.Run(cmd)
return returnedValue
}, 20*time.Minute, 5).Should(Equal([]byte("''")))
cmd = exec.Command("kubectl", "delete", "SonataFlowClusterPlatform", "cluster", "--wait")
_, err = utils.Run(cmd)
Entry("with only Data Index configured", test.GetPathFromE2EDirectory("platform", "services"), metadata.GitOpsProfile.String(), ephemeralDataIndex),
Entry("with only Job Service configured", test.GetPathFromE2EDirectory("platform", "services"), metadata.GitOpsProfile.String(), ephemeralJobService),