| #!/bin/bash |
| # Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| # runs all BDD tests for the operator |
| SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $0` |
| SCRIPT_DIR=`dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"` |
| |
| # tests configuration |
| BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS=(smoke performance cr_deployment_only) |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS=(load_factor ci container_engine domain_suffix image_cache_mode http_retry_nb olm_namespace) |
| |
| # operator information |
| BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS+=(use_product_operator) |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(operator_image_tag operator_installation_source operator_catalog_image) |
| |
| # operator profiling |
| BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS+=(operator_profiling_enabled) |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(operator_profiling_data_access_yaml_uri operator_profiling_output_file_uri) |
| |
| # files/binaries |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(operator_yaml_uri cli_path rhpam_operator_yaml_uri) |
| |
| # runtime |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(services_.+_image_tag services_image_registry services_image_name_suffix services_image_version runtime_application_image_registry runtime_application_image_name_prefix runtime_application_image_name_suffix runtime_application_image_version) |
| |
| # build |
| BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS+=(custom_maven_repo_replace_default maven_ignore_self_signed_certificate disable_maven_native_build_container) |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(custom_maven_repo_url maven_mirror_url quarkus_platform_maven_mirror_url build_builder_image_tag build_runtime_jvm_image_tag build_runtime_native_image_tag native_builder_image) |
| |
| # examples repository |
| BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS+=(examples_ignore_ssl) |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(examples_uri examples_ref) |
| |
| # Infinispan |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(infinispan_installation_source infinispan_storage_class) |
| |
| # Hyperfoil |
| STRING_TEST_PARAMS+=(hyperfoil_output_directory hyperfoil_controller_image_version) |
| |
| # dev options |
| BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS+=(show_scenarios show_steps local_execution) |
| DEV_BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS=(local_cluster) |
| DEV_STRING_TEST_PARAMS=(namespace_name) |
| |
| arrayMatchElement() { |
| local value=$1 |
| local array=$2 |
| for pattern in ${array} |
| do |
| [[ "${value}" =~ ${pattern} ]] && return 0 |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| function usage(){ |
| printf "Run BDD tests." |
| printf "\n" |
| printf "\n${SCRIPT_NAME} [options]*" |
| printf "\n" |
| printf "\nOptions:" |
| printf "\n" |
| printf "\n-h | --help\n\tPrint the usage of this script." |
| |
| # tests configuration |
| printf "\n--test_main_dir {TEST_MAIN_DIR}\n\tWhere to find the 'main_test.go' file. Defaults to 'testbdd/'." |
| printf "\n--feature {FEATURE_PATH}\n\tRun a specific feature file." |
| printf "\n--tags {TAGS}\n\tFilter scenarios by tags." |
| printf "\n\tExpressions can be:" |
| printf "\n\t\t- '@wip': run all scenarios with wip tag" |
| printf "\n\t\t- '~@wip': exclude all scenarios with wip tag" |
| printf "\n\t\t- '@wip && ~@new': run wip scenarios, but exclude new" |
| printf "\n\t\t- '@wip,@undone': run wip or undone scenarios" |
| printf "\n\t Scenarios with '@disabled' tag are always ignored." |
| printf "\n--concurrent {NUMBER}\n\tSet the number of concurrent tests. Default is 1." |
| printf "\n--timeout {TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTES}\n\tSet a timeout overall tests run in minutes. Default is 240." |
| printf "\n--debug\n\tRun in debug mode." |
| printf "\n--smoke\n\tFilter to run only the tests tagged with '@smoke'." |
| printf "\n--performance\n\tFilter to run only the tests tagged with '@performance'. If not provided and the tag itself is not specified, these tests will be ignored." |
| printf "\n--load_factor {INT_VALUE}\n\tSet the tests load factor. Useful for the tests to take into account that the cluster can be overloaded, for example for the calculation of timeouts. Default value is 1." |
| printf "\n--ci {CI_NAME}\n\tSpecify whether you run test with ci, give also the name of the CI." |
| printf "\n--cr_deployment_only\n\tUse this option if you have no CLI to test against. It will use only direct CR deployments." |
| printf "\n--load_default_config\n\tTo be used if you want to directly use the default test config contained into ${SCRIPT_DIR}/../testbdd/.default_config" |
| printf "\n--format\n\tFormat to use for Godog output, possible values are 'pretty' or 'junit' (default)" |
| printf "\n--container_engine\n\tTo be used if you want to specify engine to interact with images and containers. Default is docker." |
| printf "\n--domain_suffix\n\tTo be used if you want to set a domain suffix for exposed services. Ignored when running tests on Openshift." |
| printf "\n--image_cache_mode\n\tUse this option to specify whether you want to use image cache for runtime images. Available options are 'always', 'never' or 'if-available'(default)." |
| printf "\n--http_retry_nb {INT_VALUE}\n\tSet the retry number for all HTTP calls in case it fails (and response code != 500). Default value is 3." |
| printf "\n--olm_namespace \n\tSet the namespace which is used for cluster scope operators. Default is 'openshift-operators'." |
| |
| # operator information |
| printf "\n--operator_image_tag {IMAGE_TAG}\n\tOperator image name." |
| printf "\n--operator_installation_source {TAG}\n\tDefines installation source for the Kogito operator. Options are 'olm' and 'yaml'. Default is yaml." |
| printf "\n--operator_catalog_image {TAG}\n\tDefines image containing operator catalog. Needs to be specified only when operator_installation_source is 'olm'." |
| printf "\n--use_product_operator {TAG}\n\tSet to true to deploy RHPAM Kogito operator, false for using Kogito operator. Default is false." |
| |
| # operator profiling |
| printf "\n--operator_profiling_enabled\n\tEnable the profiling of the operator. If enabled, operator will be automatically deployed with yaml files." |
| printf "\n--operator_profiling_data_access_yaml_uri {URI}\n\tUrl or Path to kogito-operator-profiling-data-access.yaml file." |
| printf "\n--operator_profiling_output_file_uri {URI}\n\tUrl or Path where to store the profiling outputs." |
| |
| # files/binaries |
| printf "\n--operator_yaml_uri {URI}\n\tUrl or Path to kogito-operator.yaml file." |
| printf "\n--cli_path {PATH}\n\tPath to built CLI to test. Default is local built one." |
| printf "\n--rhpam_operator_yaml_uri {URI}\n\tUrl or Path to kogito-operator.yaml file." |
| |
| # runtime |
| printf "\n--services_{image_type}_{persistence_type}_image_tag {IMAGE_TAG}\n\tSet the services (jobs-service, data-index, ...) image tag.\n\t\timage_type => data-index, explainibility, jobs-service, mgmt-console, task-console, trusty, trusty-ui\n\t\tpersistence_type => ephemeral, infinispan, mongodb, postgresql, redis" |
| printf "\n--services_image_registry {REGISTRY}\n\tSet the global services image registry." |
| printf "\n--services_image_name_suffix {NAMESPACE}\n\tSet the global services image name suffix to append to usual image names." |
| printf "\n--services_image_version {VERSION}\n\tSet the global services image version." |
| printf "\n--runtime_application_image_registry {REGISTRY}\n\tSet the registry for built runtime applications." |
| printf "\n--runtime_application_image_name_prefix {NAME_PREFIX}\n\tSet the image name suffix to prepend to usual image names for built runtime applications." |
| printf "\n--runtime_application_image_name_suffix {NAME_SUFFIX}\n\tSet the image name suffix to append to usual image names for built runtime applications." |
| printf "\n--runtime_application_image_version {VERSION}\n\tSet the version for built runtime applications." |
| |
| # build |
| printf "\n--custom_maven_repo_url {URI}\n\tSet a custom Maven repository url for S2I builds, in case your artifacts are in a specific repository. See https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-images/README.md for more information." |
| printf "\n--custom_maven_repo_replace_default\n\tIf you specified the option 'custom_maven_repo' and you want that one to replace the main Apache repository (useful with snapshots)." |
| printf "\n--maven_mirror_url {URI}\n\tMaven mirror url to be used when building app in the tests." |
| printf "\n--quarkus_platform_maven_mirror_url {URI}\n\tMaven mirror url to be used when building app from source files with Quarkus, using the quarkus maven plugin." |
| printf "\n--maven_ignore_self_signed_certificate\n\tSet to true if maven build need to ignore self-signed certificate. This could happen when using internal maven mirror url." |
| printf "\n--build_builder_image_tag {IMAGE_TAG}\n\tSet the Builder image full tag." |
| printf "\n--build_runtime_jvm_image_tag {IMAGE_TAG}\n\tSet the Runtime JVM image full tag." |
| printf "\n--build_runtime_native_image_tag {IMAGE_TAG}\n\tSet the Runtime Native image full tag." |
| printf "\n--disable_maven_native_build_container\n\tBy default, Maven native builds are done in container (via container engine). Possibility to disable it." |
| |
| # examples repository |
| printf "\n--examples_uri {URI}\n\tSet the URI for the kogito-examples repository. Default is https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-examples." |
| printf "\n--examples_ref {REF}\n\tSet the branch for the kogito-examples repository. Default is none." |
| printf "\n--examples_ignore_ssl\n\tTell Git to ignore SSL check when checking out examples repository." |
| |
| # Infinispan |
| printf "\n--infinispan_installation_source {TAG}\n\tDefines installation source for the Infinispan operator. Options are 'olm' and 'yaml'. Default is olm." |
| printf "\n--infinispan_storage_class {TAG}\n\tDefines storage class for Infinispan PVC to be used." |
| |
| # Hyperfoil |
| printf "\n--hyperfoil_output_directory {PATH}\n\tDefines output directory to store Hyperfoil run statistics. Default is test folder." |
| printf "\n--hyperfoil_controller_image_version {VERSION}\n\ttSet the Hyperfoil controller image version." |
| |
| # dev options |
| printf "\n--show_scenarios\n\tDisplay scenarios which will be executed." |
| printf "\n--show_steps\n\tDisplay scenarios and their steps which will be executed." |
| printf "\n--dry_run\n\tExecute a dry run of the tests, disable crds updates and display the scenarios which would be executed." |
| printf "\n--keep_namespace\n\tDo not delete namespace(s) after scenario run (WARNING: can be resources consuming ...)." |
| printf "\n--namespace_name\n\tSpecify name of the namespace which will be used for scenario execution (intended for development purposes)." |
| printf "\n--local_cluster\n\tSpecify whether you run test using a local cluster." |
| printf "\n--local_execution\n\tSpecify whether you run test in local using either a local or remote cluster." |
| printf "\n--enable_clean_cluster\n\tSet to true to cleanup the cluster before/after the tests." |
| printf "\n" |
| } |
| |
| function addParam(){ |
| if [ ! -z $2 ]; then |
| if [ "$2" = "true" ]; then |
| PARAMS="${PARAMS} ${1}" |
| return 0 |
| elif [ "$2" = "false" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| PARAMS="${PARAMS} ${1}" |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| function addParamKeyValueIfAccepted(){ |
| key=${1} |
| value=${2} |
| if isValueNotOption ${value}; then |
| if isValueNotEmpty ${value}; then |
| addParam "${key}=${value}" |
| fi |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| function isValueNotOption(){ |
| if [[ ! ${1} =~ ^-.* ]]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| function isValueNotEmpty(){ |
| if [[ ! -z "${1}" ]]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi; |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| function clean_cluster() { |
| echo "-------- Clean Cluster operators" |
| ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-cluster-operators.sh |
| |
| echo "-------- Clean dependencies CRDs" |
| ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-crds.sh |
| } |
| |
| PARAMS="" |
| TAGS="" # tags are parsed independently as there could be whitespace to be handled correctly |
| FEATURE="" |
| TIMEOUT=240 |
| DEBUG=false |
| TEST_MAIN_DIR=${SCRIPT_DIR}/../testbdd |
| |
| while (( $# )) |
| do |
| case $1 in |
| # tests configuration |
| --test_main_dir) |
| shift |
| if isValueNotOption ${1}; then |
| if isValueNotEmpty ${1}; then |
| TEST_MAIN_DIR=${1} |
| fi |
| shift |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --feature) |
| shift |
| if isValueNotOption ${1}; then |
| if isValueNotEmpty ${1}; then |
| FEATURE=${1} |
| fi |
| shift |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --tags) |
| shift |
| if isValueNotOption ${1}; then |
| if isValueNotEmpty ${1}; then |
| TAGS="${1}" |
| fi |
| shift |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --concurrent) |
| shift |
| if addParamKeyValueIfAccepted "--godog.concurrency" ${1}; then shift; fi |
| ;; |
| --timeout) |
| shift |
| if isValueNotOption ${1}; then |
| if isValueNotEmpty ${1}; then |
| TIMEOUT=${1} |
| fi |
| shift |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --debug) |
| shift |
| if [ ! -z $1 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" = "true" ]; then |
| DEBUG=true |
| shift |
| elif [ "$1" = "false" ]; then |
| shift |
| fi |
| else |
| DEBUG=true |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --load_default_config) |
| shift |
| if [ ! -z $1 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" = "true" ]; then |
| shift |
| elif [ "$1" = "false" ]; then |
| shift |
| fi |
| else |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --format) |
| shift |
| if addParamKeyValueIfAccepted "--godog.format" ${1}; then shift; fi |
| ;; |
| |
| # dev options |
| --dry_run) |
| shift |
| if [ ! -z $1 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" = "true" ]; then |
| addParam "--tests.show_scenarios" |
| addParam "--tests.dry_run" |
| shift |
| elif [ "$1" = "false" ]; then |
| shift |
| fi |
| else |
| addParam "--tests.show_scenarios" |
| addParam "--tests.dry_run" |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --keep_namespace) |
| shift |
| if [ ! -z $1 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" = "true" ]; then |
| addParam "--tests.keep_namespace" |
| shift |
| elif [ "$1" = "false" ]; then |
| shift |
| fi |
| else |
| addParam "--tests.keep_namespace" |
| fi |
| ;; |
| --enable_clean_cluster) |
| shift |
| if [ ! -z $1 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" = "true" ]; then |
| shift |
| elif [ "$1" = "false" ]; then |
| shift |
| fi |
| else |
| fi |
| ;; |
| |
| # others |
| -h|--help) |
| usage |
| exit 0 |
| ;; |
| *) |
| option=$1 |
| value=${option#--} |
| shift |
| if arrayMatchElement ${value} "${BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS[*]}"; then |
| if addParam "--tests.${value}" ${1}; then shift; fi |
| elif arrayMatchElement ${value} "${STRING_TEST_PARAMS[*]}"; then |
| if addParamKeyValueIfAccepted "--tests.${value}" ${1}; then shift; fi |
| elif arrayMatchElement ${value} "${DEV_BOOLEAN_TEST_PARAMS[*]}"; then |
| if addParam "--tests.dev.${value}" ${1}; then shift; fi |
| elif arrayMatchElement ${value} "${DEV_STRING_TEST_PARAMS[*]}"; then |
| if addParamKeyValueIfAccepted "--tests.dev.${value}" ${1}; then shift; fi |
| else |
| echo "Unknown arguments: ${option}" |
| usage |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| ;; |
| esac |
| done |
| |
| # load test default config options if not set already |
| if [ "${LOAD_DEFAULT_CONFIG}" = "true" ]; then |
| echo "Load default test config" |
| cat "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../testbdd/.default_config" |
| while IFS="=" read -r key value |
| do |
| if [[ $PARAMS != *"${key}"* ]]; then |
| addParam "--${key}=${value}" |
| fi |
| done < "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../testbdd/.default_config" |
| fi |
| |
| ## Clean cluster before executing the tests |
| if [ "${ENABLE_CLEAN_CLUSTER}" = "true" ]; then |
| clean_cluster |
| fi |
| |
| echo "-------- Running BDD tests" |
| echo "DEBUG=${DEBUG} go test ${TEST_MAIN_DIR} -v -timeout \"${TIMEOUT}m\" --godog.tags=\"${TAGS}\" ${PARAMS} ${FEATURE}" |
| DEBUG=${DEBUG} go test ${TEST_MAIN_DIR} -v -timeout "${TIMEOUT}m" --godog.tags="${TAGS}" ${PARAMS} ${FEATURE} |
| exit_code=$? |
| |
| echo "${exit_code}" > /tmp/bdd-exit-code.txt |
| |
| echo "Tests finished with code ${exit_code}" |
| |
| if [ "${KEEP_NAMESPACE}" = "false" ]; then |
| echo "-------- Pruning namespaces" |
| cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/../testbdd |
| go run scripts/prune_namespaces.go |
| echo "Pruning namespaces done." |
| cd - >/dev/null |
| fi |
| |
| echo "-------- Delete stuck namespaces" |
| ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-stuck-namespaces.sh |
| |
| if [ "${KEEP_NAMESPACE}" = "false" ] && [ "${ENABLE_CLEAN_CLUSTER}" = "true" ]; then |
| clean_cluster |
| fi |
| |
| exit ${exit_code} |