blob: 9a615233742980bce431913a61c50a479cd77cd5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2022.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package controllers
import (
clientr ""
api08 ""
corev1 ""
ctrl ""
ctrllog ""
// KogitoServerlessBuildReconciler reconciles a KogitoServerlessBuild object
type KogitoServerlessBuildReconciler struct {
Scheme *runtime.Scheme
Recorder record.EventRecorder
commonBuildConf corev1.ConfigMap
// Reconcile is part of the main kubernetes reconciliation loop which aims to
// move the current state of the cluster closer to the desired state.
// the KogitoServerlessBuild object against the actual cluster state, and then
// perform operations to make the cluster state reflect the state specified by
// the user.
// For more details, check Reconcile and its Result here:
// -
func (r *KogitoServerlessBuildReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
log := ctrllog.FromContext(ctx)
build := &api08.KogitoServerlessBuild{}
err := r.Client.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, build)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
log.Error(err, "Failed to get KogitoServerlessWorkflow")
return ctrl.Result{}, err
phase := build.Status.BuildPhase
if r.commonBuildConf.Data == nil {
r.commonBuildConf, err = utils.GetBuilderCommonConfigMap(r.Client)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, errors.NewNotFound(schema.GroupResource{
Resource: "ConfigMap",
}, "builder-config")
// Fetch the Platform build with the information we need for the build
pl, err := platform.GetActivePlatform(ctx, r.Client, req.Namespace)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
// Request object not found, could have been deleted after reconcile request.
// Owned objects are automatically garbage collected. For additional cleanup
// logic use finalizers.
// Return and don't requeue
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
// Error reading the object - requeue the request.
log.Error(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving the active platfor. Workflow %s build cannot be performed!", build.Spec.WorkflowId))
return reconcile.Result{RequeueAfter: 60 * time.Second}, err
customConfig, err := utils.GetCustomConfig(*pl)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error retrieving the custom configuration from the platform %s in namespace %s. Workflow %s build cannot be performed", pl.Name, pl.Namespace, build.Spec.WorkflowId))
return reconcile.Result{RequeueAfter: 60 * time.Second}, err
builder := builder.NewBuilderWithConfig(ctx, r.commonBuildConf, customConfig)
if phase == api.BuildPhaseNone {
workflow, imageTag, err := r.retrieveWorkflowFromCR(build.Spec.WorkflowId, ctx, req)
if err == nil {
buildStatus, err := builder.ScheduleNewKanikoBuildWithContainerFile(build.Spec.WorkflowId, imageTag, workflow, pl.Spec.Build)
if err == nil {
manageStatusUpdate(ctx, buildStatus, build, r, log)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: 5 * time.Second}, nil
} else if phase != api.BuildPhaseSucceeded && phase != api.BuildPhaseError && phase != api.BuildPhaseFailed {
cli, _ := clientr.NewClient(true)
buildStatus, err := builder.ReconcileBuild(&build.Status.Builder, cli)
if err == nil {
manageStatusUpdate(ctx, buildStatus, build, r, log)
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: 5 * time.Second}, nil
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
func (r *KogitoServerlessBuildReconciler) retrieveWorkflowFromCR(workflowId string, ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) ([]byte, string, error) {
instance := &api08.KogitoServerlessWorkflow{}
error := r.Client.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: workflowId, Namespace: req.Namespace}, instance)
workflowBytes, error := utils.GetWorkflowFromCR(instance, ctx)
imageTag := utils.GetWorkflowImageTag(instance)
return workflowBytes, imageTag, error
func manageStatusUpdate(ctx context.Context, build *api.Build, instance *api08.KogitoServerlessBuild, r *KogitoServerlessBuildReconciler, log logr.Logger) {
if build.Status.Phase != instance.Status.BuildPhase {
instance.Status.Builder = *build
instance.Status.BuildPhase = build.Status.Phase
err := r.Status().Update(ctx, instance)
if err == nil {
r.Recorder.Event(instance, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "Updated", fmt.Sprintf("Updated buildphase to %s", instance.Status.BuildPhase))
// SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager.
func (r *KogitoServerlessBuildReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).