| # This patch inject a sidecar container which is a HTTP proxy for the |
| # controller manager, it performs RBAC authorization against the Kubernetes API using SubjectAccessReviews. |
| apiVersion: apps/v1 |
| kind: Deployment |
| metadata: |
| name: controller-manager |
| namespace: system |
| spec: |
| template: |
| spec: |
| containers: |
| - name: kube-rbac-proxy |
| image: gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy:v0.13.0 |
| args: |
| - "--secure-listen-address=" |
| - "--upstream=" |
| - "--logtostderr=true" |
| - "--v=0" |
| ports: |
| - containerPort: 8443 |
| protocol: TCP |
| name: https |
| resources: |
| limits: |
| cpu: 500m |
| memory: 128Mi |
| requests: |
| cpu: 5m |
| memory: 64Mi |
| securityContext: |
| allowPrivilegeEscalation: false |
| seccompProfile: |
| type: RuntimeDefault |
| capabilities: |
| drop: |
| - ALL |
| - name: manager |
| args: |
| - "--health-probe-bind-address=:8081" |
| - "--metrics-bind-address=" |
| - "--leader-elect" |
| - "--v=0" |