blob: 0cc03c301b75d1bcbf56cb742ef9fba2aa1ba5b7 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Deploy SonataFlow Operator
Scenario: order-processing DevMode E2E test
Given Namespace is created
When SonataFlow Operator is deployed
When SonataFlowPlatform is deployed
When SonataFlow orderprocessing example is deployed
Then SonataFlow "orderprocessing" has the condition "Running" set to "True" within 5 minutes
Then SonataFlow "orderprocessing" is addressable within 1 minute
Then HTTP POST request as Cloud Event on SonataFlow "orderprocessing" is successful within 1 minute with path "", headers "content-type= application/json,ce-specversion= 1.0,ce-source= /from/localhost,ce-type= orderEvent,ce-id= f0643c68-609c-48aa-a820-5df423fa4fe0" and body:
"country":"Czech Republic",
"description":"iPhone 12"
Then Deployment "event-listener" pods log contains text 'source: /process/shippinghandling' within 1 minutes
Then Deployment "event-listener" pods log contains text 'source: /process/fraudhandling' within 1 minutes
Then Deployment "event-listener" pods log contains text '"id":"f0643c68-609c-48aa-a820-5df423fa4fe0","country":"Czech Republic","total":10000,"description":"iPhone 12"' within 1 minutes
Then Deployment "event-listener" pods log contains text '"fraudEvaluation":true' within 1 minutes
Then Deployment "event-listener" pods log contains text '"shipping":"international"' within 1 minutes