blob: 93af57708636a31bdc799088e1ce63df24449aad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package profiles
import (
operatorapi ""
type ObjectEnsurer interface {
ensure(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, visitors ...mutateVisitor) (client.Object, controllerutil.OperationResult, error)
// newDefaultObjectEnsurer see defaultObjectEnsurer
func newDefaultObjectEnsurer(client client.Client, creator objectCreator) ObjectEnsurer {
return &defaultObjectEnsurer{
client: client,
creator: creator,
// defaultObjectEnsurer provides the engine for a ReconciliationState that needs to create or update a given Kubernetes object during the reconciliation cycle.
type defaultObjectEnsurer struct {
client client.Client
creator objectCreator
// newDummyObjectEnsurer see dummyObjectEnsurer
func newDummyObjectEnsurer() ObjectEnsurer {
return &dummyObjectEnsurer{}
// dummyObjectEnsurer is a useful Object ensurer to apply the null pattern. Use it when you need a creator that does nothing
type dummyObjectEnsurer struct {
// mutateVisitor is a visitor function that mutates the given object before performing any updates in the cluster.
// It gets called after the objectEnforcer reference.
// The defaultObjectEnsurer will call the returned mutateVisitor function after creating the given object structure,
// so callers is ensured to have the default reference of the given object.
// Usually you can safely do `object.(*<kubernetesType>).Spec...` since you control the objectCreator.
// Example: `object.(*appsv1.Deployment).Spec.Template.Name="myApp"` to change the pod's name.
type mutateVisitor func(object client.Object) controllerutil.MutateFn
func (d *defaultObjectEnsurer) ensure(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, visitors ...mutateVisitor) (client.Object, controllerutil.OperationResult, error) {
result := controllerutil.OperationResultNone
object, err := d.creator(workflow)
if err != nil {
return nil, result, err
if result, err = controllerutil.CreateOrPatch(ctx, d.client, object,
func() error {
for _, v := range visitors {
if visitorErr := v(object)(); visitorErr != nil {
return visitorErr
return controllerutil.SetControllerReference(workflow, object, d.client.Scheme())
}); err != nil {
return nil, result, err
klog.V(log.I).InfoS("Object operation finalized", "result", result, "kind", object.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().String(), "name", object.GetName(), "namespace", object.GetNamespace())
return object, result, nil
func (d *dummyObjectEnsurer) ensure(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow, visitors ...mutateVisitor) (client.Object, controllerutil.OperationResult, error) {
result := controllerutil.OperationResultNone
return nil, result, nil