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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package profiles
import (
ctrl ""
operatorapi ""
// ProfileReconciler is the public interface to have access to this package and perform the actual reconciliation flow.
// There are a few concepts in this package that you need to understand before attempting to maintain it:
// 1. ProfileReconciler: it's the main interface that internal structs implement via the baseReconciler.
// Every profile must embed the baseReconciler.
// 2. stateSupport: is a struct with a few support objects passed around the reconciliation states like the client and logger.
// 3. reconciliationStateMachine: is a struct within the ProfileReconciler that do the actual reconciliation.
// Each part of the reconciliation algorithm is a ReconciliationState that will be executed based on the ReconciliationState.CanReconcile call.
// 4. ReconciliationState: is where your business code should be focused on. Each state should react to a specific operatorapi.SonataFlowConditionType.
// The least conditions your state handles, the better.
// The ReconciliationState can provide specific code that will only be triggered if the workflow is in that specific condition.
// 5. objectCreator: are functions to create a specific Kubernetes object based on a given workflow instance. This function should return the desired default state.
// 6. mutateVisitor: is a function that states can pass to defaultObjectEnsurer that will be applied to a given live object during the reconciliation cycle.
// For example, if you wish to guarantee that an image in a specific container in the Deployment that you control and own won't change, make sure that your
// mutate function guarantees that.
// 7. defaultObjectEnsurer: is a struct for a given objectCreator to control the reconciliation and merge conditions to an object.
// A ReconciliationState may or may not have one or more ensurers. Depends on their role. There are states that just read objects, so no need to keep their desired state.
// See the already implemented reconciliation profiles to have a better understanding.
// While debugging, focus on the ReconciliationState(s), not in the profile implementation since the base algorithm is the same for every profile.
type ProfileReconciler interface {
Reconcile(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, error)
GetProfile() metadata.ProfileType
// ReconciliationState is an interface implemented internally by different reconciliation algorithms to perform the adequate logic for a given workflow profile
type ReconciliationState interface {
// CanReconcile checks if this state can perform its reconciliation task
CanReconcile(workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) bool
// Do perform the reconciliation task. It returns the controller result, the objects updated, and an error if any.
// Objects can be nil if the reconciliation state doesn't perform any updates in any Kubernetes object.
Do(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) (ctrl.Result, []client.Object, error)
// PostReconcile performs the actions to perform after the reconciliation that are not mandatory
PostReconcile(ctx context.Context, workflow *operatorapi.SonataFlow) error
// IsDevProfile is an alias for workflowproj.IsDevProfile
var IsDevProfile = workflowproj.IsDevProfile