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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package prod
import (
var _ profiles.ProfileReconciler = &prodProfile{}
type prodProfile struct {
const (
requeueAfterStartingBuild = 3 * time.Minute
requeueWhileWaitForBuild = 1 * time.Minute
requeueWhileWaitForPlatform = 5 * time.Second
quarkusProdConfigMountPath = "/deployments/config"
// objectEnsurers is a struct for the objects that ReconciliationState needs to create in the platform for the Production profile.
// ReconciliationState that needs access to it must include this struct as an attribute and initialize it in the profile builder.
// Use newObjectEnsurers to facilitate building this struct
type objectEnsurers struct {
deployment common.ObjectEnsurer
service common.ObjectEnsurer
userPropsConfigMap common.ObjectEnsurer
managedPropsConfigMap common.ObjectEnsurerWithPlatform
func newObjectEnsurers(support *common.StateSupport) *objectEnsurers {
return &objectEnsurers{
deployment: common.NewObjectEnsurer(support.C, common.DeploymentCreator),
service: common.NewObjectEnsurer(support.C, common.ServiceCreator),
userPropsConfigMap: common.NewObjectEnsurer(support.C, common.UserPropsConfigMapCreator),
managedPropsConfigMap: common.NewObjectEnsurerWithPlatform(support.C, common.ManagedPropsConfigMapCreator),
// NewProfileReconciler the default profile builder which includes a build state to run an internal build process
// to have an immutable workflow image deployed
func NewProfileReconciler(client client.Client, cfg *rest.Config, recorder record.EventRecorder) profiles.ProfileReconciler {
support := &common.StateSupport{
C: client,
Catalog: discovery.NewServiceCatalogForConfig(client, cfg),
Recorder: recorder,
// the reconciliation state machine
stateMachine := common.NewReconciliationStateMachine(
&newBuilderState{StateSupport: support},
&followBuildStatusState{StateSupport: support},
&deployWithBuildWorkflowState{StateSupport: support, ensurers: newObjectEnsurers(support)},
reconciler := &prodProfile{
Reconciler: common.NewReconciler(support, stateMachine),
return reconciler
// NewProfileForOpsReconciler creates an alternative prod profile that won't require to build the workflow image in order to deploy
// the workflow application. It assumes that the image has been built somewhere else.
func NewProfileForOpsReconciler(client client.Client, cfg *rest.Config, recorder record.EventRecorder) profiles.ProfileReconciler {
support := &common.StateSupport{
C: client,
Catalog: discovery.NewServiceCatalogForConfig(client, cfg),
Recorder: recorder,
// the reconciliation state machine
stateMachine := common.NewReconciliationStateMachine(
&ensureBuildSkipped{StateSupport: support},
&followDeployWorkflowState{StateSupport: support, ensurers: newObjectEnsurers(support)},
reconciler := &prodProfile{
Reconciler: common.NewReconciler(support, stateMachine),
return reconciler
func (p prodProfile) GetProfile() metadata.ProfileType {
return metadata.ProdProfile