blob: 5b7a4c356a57117c456f5ad43d29a3c2b58d4778 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Drools :: Persistence :: JPA</name>
<description>JPA implementation for Drools</description>
<Require-Bundle>org.drools.core;bundle-version="${drools.osgi.version}", org.drools.compiler;bundle-version="${drools.osgi.version}"</Require-Bundle>
<Import-Package>!org.drools.*, *</Import-Package>
<!-- ensure that db files are deleted before _any_ run
otherwise we get tests failing because of leftover db's -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
<!-- Logging -->
<dependency><!-- For unit test logging: configure in src/test/resources/logback-test.xml -->
<!-- test -->
<!-- Extra test -->
These are properties used in the database profiles. Some of them must be initialized
them to be empty so that Maven applies them via filtering to the resources.
<!-- Add the downloaded jdbc driver jar for the database to the classpath.
!: <groupId>, <artifactId> and <version> are just placeholders and DO NOT MATTER! -->
<token>persistence version="1.0"</token>
<value>persistence version="2.0"</value>
<!-- for the schemaLocation's in persistence.xml -->
<!-- for the orm.xml -->
<token>(xsi:schemaLocation=" orm_1_0.(xsd"\n *version=)"1.0"</token>
<value>$1 orm_2_0.$2"2.0"</value>