Deploy Hugegraph server with docker

1. Deploy

We can use docker to quickly start an inner HugeGraph server with RocksDB in background.

  1. Using docker run

    Use docker run -itd --name=graph -p 18080:8080 hugegraph/hugegraph to start hugegraph server.

  2. Using docker compose

    Certainly we can only deploy server without other instance. Additionally, if we want to manage other HugeGraph-related instances with server in a single file, we can deploy HugeGraph-related instances via docker-compose up -d. The docker-compose.yaml is as below:

    version: '3'
        image: hugegraph/hugegraph
          - 18080:8080

2. Create Sample Graph on Server Startup

If you want to pre-load some (test) data or graphs in container(by default), you can set the env PRELOAD=ture

If you want to customize the pre-loaded data, please mount the the groovy scripts (not necessary).

  1. Using docker run

    Use docker run -itd --name=graph -p 18080:8080 -e PRELOAD=true -v /path/to/yourScript:/hugegraph/scripts/example.groovy hugegraph/hugegraph to start hugegraph server.

  2. Using docker compose

    We can also use docker-compose up -d to quickly start. The docker-compose.yaml is below. example.groovy is a pre-defined script. If needed, we can mount a new example.groovy to preload different data:

    version: '3'
        image: hugegraph/hugegraph
          - PRELOAD=true
          - /path/to/yourscript:/hugegraph/scripts/example.groovy
          - 18080:8080
  3. Using

    If you deploy HugeGraph server without docker, you can also pass arguments using -p, like this: bin/ -p true.